Creating work orders

A work order specifies the information about the work that must be performed for an asset, location, or configuration item. You can add work plans, job plans, or safety plans. You can also record actuals as the work progresses.


  1. In the Work Order Tracking application, click the New Work Order icon in the toolbar.
  2. Specify whether you are creating the work order for a location, asset, configuration item, or general ledger account.
    If a selected location has a single associated asset, the asset value is copied to the record. If a selected asset is a linear asset, additional fields display.
  3. Optional: Specify a type for the work order and the priority of the work order for scheduling purposes.
  4. Specify any additional schedule information and responsibility information.
    You can specify a job plan, safety plan, failure class, scheduling information, and planned labor, materials, tools, and services.
    If you specify a job plan or job task that is related to an inspection form, that inspection form is automatically added to the Inspection Form field.
  5. Save the work order.