Creating preventive maintenance records

Create preventive maintenance (PM) records to generate work orders for preventive maintenance work that you schedule.


  1. In the Preventive Maintenance application, on the toolbar, click New PM. If the PM field is empty, specify a value.
  2. Enter a description. Click Long Description if you need more space.
  3. In the Location, Asset, or GL Account fields, specify a value.
    The asset or location is the entity for which you intend to schedule work - you must enter a value in one of these fields. If you have specified a GL account, when work orders are generated from the PM record, the system takes any unspecified segments from the associated location and or asset.
  4. Optional: Build a PM for the assets on a route. In the Route field, specify a value.
  5. Fill the remaining required fields as appropriate.

    Select the Use this PM to Trigger PM Hierarchy check box if you want to generate work orders for the entire hierarchy when this PM becomes due. If you want to generate a work order for only this PM when it becomes due, and not the other PMs in the hierarchy, clear the check box.

    Select the Child Work Orders and Tasks Will Inherit Status Changes check box if you want work orders generated from this PM to inherit status changes from a parent work order.

  6. Click the Frequency tab. In the Work Order Generation Information section, select the following check boxes as appropriate:
    • Use Last Work Order's Start Date to Calculate Next Due Date

      Select this check box if you want generated work orders to be calculated from the target start date of the last work order. If you do not want to calculate the Next Due Date based on the target start of the last work order (for example, if you want the next work order to be generated when the last work order was completed instead), clear the check box.

    • Generate Work Order Based on Meter Readings (Do Not Estimate)

      Select this check box if you want work orders generated only when the defined meter reading has been reached. Clear this check box if you want the next work order due date to be based on the average metered usage.

    • Generate Work Order When Meter Frequency is Reached

      Select this check box if you want work orders for this PM to be automatically generated when the meter frequency has been reached and entered. This check box can only be selected if the Generate WO Based on Meter Reading (Do Not Estimate) check box has been selected.

  7. Define the frequency with which you want the PM to generate work orders. The PM frequency can be time-based, meter-based, or both.
    • For time-based master PMs, define the frequency criteria as wanted.
    • For meter-based master PMs, define the frequency criteria as wanted.
  8. If the PM is a seasonal PM, define the days/dates that you want the PM to be active on the Seasonal Dates tab.
  9. On the Job Plan Sequence tab, enter job plan data for the PM.
  10. If the PM is the parent record in a PM hierarchy, define the child PMs on the PM Hierarchy tab.
  11. Click Save PM.