Installing Maximo Asset Management

You install the feature pack for Maximo® Asset Management by following the instructions that are in the download document on IBM Fix Central. Before you install the Maximo Asset Management feature pack, ensure that the enterprise environment is up-to-date.

If your environment is not up-to-date, take the action in the following table:
Installed components Action required
Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1 Install Maximo Asset Management feature pack from IBM Fix Central.
Version of Maximo Asset Management that is lower than 7.6.1
  • Install Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1. For more information, see IBM Knowledge Center.
  • Install the Maximo Asset Management feature pack from IBM Fix Central.

If you configured Work Centers for an earlier release, you must perform some upgrade tasks after you complete the installation. Follow the instructions for upgrading security for Work Center users.

A complete list of hardware and software requirements is available in the IBM® Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1.x software requirements article.