Creating fragment projects

Fragments extend bundles with resources, classes, and permitted headers, which you can use to customize your bundles.


  1. Click File > New > Other > OSGi > OSGi Fragment Project and then click Next.
    The New OSGi Fragment Project wizard opens.
  2. In the Project name field, enter the name of your fragment project.
  3. Select a Target runtime from the drop-down list.
    Set the target run time to define an installed runtime environment. Run times are used at build time to compile projects.
  4. Select a Fragment host from the drop-down list.
    The fragment host links the fragment to its potential bundle hosts. Click Finish.


Your OSGi fragment project is created and your fragment manifest, META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, is added to your project. For more information about the fragment manifest file, see OSGi fragment manifest files.

For more information about OSGi fragments, see the following subtopics: