Release schedule

The release schedule for the Sterling Store Engagement next-generation application is the same as Sterling Order Management System.

Sterling Store Engagement is an optional component that is packaged and deployed along with Sterling Order Management System.

On cloud release schedule

On premises release schedule

Continuous delivery schedule for Sterling Order Management System Software.

On cloud release schedule for Store Inventory Management

Note: Store Inventory Management is available only on cloud.

The Store Inventory Management customer non-production (CNP) environment updates follow the same schedule as Sterling Order Management System. The customer production environments are updated a week after the completion of the CNP environment updates.

For more information about the release schedule, see Sterling Order Management System major updates schedule and Sterling Order Management System minor updates schedule.

IBM Certified Containers release schedule

For Certified Containers, the releases are available one week later than the continuous delivery release schedule of Sterling Order Management System. For more information, see Continuous delivery schedule for Sterling Order Management System Software.