EXPORT NODE (Export node definitions or file data directly to another server)

Use this command to export client node definitions or file data directly to another server for immediate import.

Important: You cannot export nodes of type NAS. Export processing excludes these nodes.

You can suspend and restart a server-to-server export operation that has a FILEDATA value other than NONE. The server saves the state and status of the export operation so that it can be restarted from the point at which the operation failed or was suspended. The export operation can be restarted later by issuing the RESTART EXPORT command.

Important: An export operation is suspended when any of the following conditions are detected:
  • A SUSPEND EXPORT command is issued for the running export operation
  • Segment preemption - the file that is being read for export is deleted by some other process
  • Communication errors on a server-to-server export
  • No available mount points
  • Necessary volumes are unavailable
  • I/O errors encountered
Issue the QUERY EXPORT command to display information on any running and suspended export operations.

The export operation cannot be restarted if the export operation fails before transmitting the eligible node and file space definitions to the target server. You must reenter the command to begin a new export operation.

You can issue a QUERY PROCESS command from the target server to monitor the progress of the import operation. Issue the QUERY EXPORT command to list all restartable server-to-server export operations.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-EXPort Node--+-----------+----------------------------------->






   |                    .-FROMTime--=--00:00:00-. |   

   |                  .-TOTime--=--23:59:59-. |   


   '-TOServer--=--servername-'  '-PREVIEWImport--=--+-No--+-'   







Specifies the client node names for which information is to be exported. This parameter is optional. Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. For each node entered, all file spaces in the file space, FSID, and Unicode enabled lists are searched.
Restriction: If you specify a list of node names or node patterns, the server does not report the node names or node patterns that do not match any of the entries in the database. Check the summary statistics in the activity log to verify that the server exported all intended nodes.
Specifies the file spaces for which data is to be exported. This parameter is optional. Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify a name.
Restriction: If a file space is specified, no Unicode enabled file spaces are exported.
Specifies the file spaces by using their file space IDs (FSIDs). The server uses the FSIDs to find the file spaces to export. To find the FSID for a file space, use the QUERY FILESPACE command. Separate multiple file space IDs with commas and no intervening spaces. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the file spaces that are known to the server to be Unicode enabled. The server converts the names that you enter from the server code page to the UTF-8 code page to find the file spaces to export. The success of the conversion depends on the actual characters in the name and the server's code page. Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. A wildcard character can be used to specify a name. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the policy domains from which nodes are exported. This parameter is optional. Separate multiple names with commas and no intervening spaces. If you specify domains, Tivoli® Storage Manager exports a node only if it belongs to one of the specified domains. You can use wildcard characters to specify a name.
Specifies the type of files to export for all nodes. This parameter is optional. The default value is NONE.
Note: If you are exporting a node that has group data, data that is not a part of the target objects might be exported. An example of group data is virtual machine data or system state backup data. For example, if FILEDATA=BACKUPACTIVE when the FROMDATE or TODATE parameters are specified, it is possible to include inactive backup data. The incremental backup processing for the data can cause extra files that do not meet the filtering criteria to be exported.

If you are exporting to sequential media, the device class that is used by the file data is determined by the device class for the storage pool. If it is the same device class that is specified in this command, Tivoli Storage Manager requires two drives to export node information. The mount limit for the device class must be at least 2.

Important: If you export client nodes that are registered as TYPE=SERVER, specify ALL, ARCHIVE, or ALLACTIVE.
The following descriptions mention active and inactive backup file versions. An active backup file version is the most recent backup version for a file that still exists on the client workstation. All other backup file versions are called inactive copies. The values are as follows:
The server exports all backup versions of files, all archived files, and all files that are migrated by a Tivoli Storage Manager for Space Management client.
The server does not export files, only node definitions.
The server exports only archived files.
The server exports only backup versions, whether they are active or inactive.
The server exports only active backup versions. These active backup versions are the active versions in the Tivoli Storage Manager database at the time that the EXPORT command is issued.
The server exports all active backup versions of files, all archived files, and all files that were migrated by a Tivoli Storage Manager for Space Management client. The active backup versions are the active versions in the Tivoli Storage Manager database at the time that the EXPORT command is issued.
The server exports only files that were migrated by a Tivoli Storage Manager for Space Management client.
Specifies the earliest date for which files to be exported were stored on the server. Files that were stored on the server earlier than the specified date are not exported. This parameter only applies to client file data. This parameter does not affect other information that might be exported, for example, policy. Tivoli Storage Manager ignores the FROMDATE parameter when the FILEDATA parameter is set to NONE.
Directory processing: The FROMDATE parameter does not apply to directories. All directories in a file space are processed even if the directories were not backed up in the specified date range.
Important: If you have group data on the node that you are exporting, data that was backed up before the designated FROMDATE and FROMTIME can also be exported. Group data on the node is, for example, virtual machine data or system state backup data. This export is a result of incremental backup processing for the data. The incremental backup processing can cause extra files that do not meet the filtering criteria to be exported, so that there is a consistent image for the backup data.
Use one of the following values to specify the date:
Value Description Example
MM/DD/YYYY A specific date 09/15/1998
TODAY The current date TODAY
TODAY-days or -days The current date minus days specified. The maximum number of days you can specify is 9999. TODAY -3 or -3.
EOLM (End Of Last Month) The last day of the previous month. EOLM
EOLM-days The last day of the previous month minus days specified. EOLM-1

To include files that were active a day before the last day of the previous month.

BOTM (Beginning Of This Month) The first day of the current month. BOTM
BOTM+days The first day of the current month, plus days specified. BOTM+9

To include files that were active on the 10th day of the current month.

If this parameter is not specified, Tivoli Storage Manager exports all objects stored before the TODATE parameter and as qualified by the FILEDATA parameter. If no TODATE parameter is specified, then all data as qualified by the FILEDATA parameter is exported.

When a server-to-server export operation uses a relative FROMDATE, for example, TODAY-1, and the operation is restarted at a later date, the restarted process still uses the date that was used during the original operation. For example, if a server-to-server export operation is started on 07/04/2009 and the FROMDATE is specified as TODAY-1, the date that is used for selecting files is 07/03/2009. If this same export operation is suspended and restarted ten days later (07/14/2009), the date that is used for selecting files is still 07/03/2009. This behavior ensures that the entire export operation uses the same cutoff date for selecting files to export.

Specifies the latest date for files to be exported from the server. Files that are stored on the server on a date later than the TODATE value are not exported. TODATE only applies to client file data and does not affect other information that is being exported, such as policy.
  • Tivoli Storage Manager ignores the TODATE parameter when the FILEDATA parameter is set to NONE.
  • If a TODATE parameter is specified without a TOTIME parameter, the server exports all objects that are inserted on or before the day specified by the TODATE parameter.
  • If you specified the FROMDATE parameter, the value of TODATE must be later than or equal to the FROMDATE value. If the TODATE and FROMDATE are equal, then the TOTIME parameter must be later that the FROMTIME parameter.
  • The TODATE parameter does not apply to directories. All directories in a file space are processed even if the directories were not backed up in the specified date range.
Important: If you have group data on the node that you are exporting, data that was backed up after the TODATE or TOTIME parameters can be exported. An example of group data is virtual machine data or system state backup data. The incremental backup processing can cause extra files that do not meet the filtering criteria to be exported, so that there is a consistent image for the backup data.

Use one of the following values to specify the date:

Value Description Example
MM/DD/YYYY A specific date 10/15/2006
TODAY The current date TODAY
TODAY-days or -days The current date minus days specified. The maximum number of days you can specify is 9999. TODAY –3 or –3.
EOLM (End Of Last Month) The last day of the previous month. EOLM
EOLM-days The last day of the previous month minus days specified. EOLM-1

To include files that were active a day before the last day of the previous month.

BOTM (Beginning Of This Month) The first day of the current month. BOTM
BOTM+days The first day of the current month, plus days specified. BOTM+9

To include files that were active on the 10th day of the current month.

When a server-to-server export operation uses a relative TODATE, for example, TODAY-1, and the operation is restarted at a later date, the restarted process still uses the date that was used during the original operation. For example, if a server-to-server export operation is started on 07/04/2009 and the TODATE is specified as TODAY-1, the date that is used for selecting files is 07/03/2009. If this same export operation is suspended and restarted 10 days later (07/14/2009), the date that is used for selecting files is still 07/03/2009. This behavior ensures that the entire export operation uses the same cutoff date for selecting files to export.

Specifies the earliest time for which objects to be exported were stored on the server. When you specify FROMTIME, you must also use the FROMDATE parameter. This parameter only applies to client file data. This parameter does not affect other information that might be exported, for example, policy. Objects that were stored on the server before the specified time and date are not exported. Tivoli Storage Manager ignores the FROMTIME parameter when the FILEDATA parameter is set to NONE.
Important: If you have group data on the node that you are exporting, data that was backed up before the designated FROMDATE and FROMTIME can also be exported. An example of group data on the node is virtual machine data or system state backup data, This export is a result of incremental backup processing for the data. The incremental backup processing can cause extra files that do not meet the filtering criteria to be exported so that there is a consistent image for the backup data.

The default value for this parameter when used with the FROMDATE parameter is midnight (00:00:00).

Use one of the following values to specify the time:
Value Description Example
HH:MM:SS A specific time 10:30:08
NOW The current time NOW
NOW+HH:MM or +HH:MM The current time plus hours and minutes specified. The FROMTIME+ can only be used with a FROMDATE before today. NOW+02:00 or +02:00.

If you issue this command at 5:00 with FROMTIME=NOW+02:00 or FROMTIME=+02:00, the export operation only contains files that were put on the server after 7:00 on the FROMDATE that you specify.

NOW-HH:MM or -HH:MM The current time minus hours and minutes specified NOW -02:00 or -02:00.

If you issue this command at 5:00 with FROMTIME=NOW-02:00 or FROMTIME=-2:00, the export includes files that were put on the server after 3:00.

Specifies the latest time that objects to be exported were stored on the server. You must specify the TODATE parameter in order to use the TOTIME parameter. TOTIME only applies to client file data and does not affect other information that is being exported, such as policy. Tivoli Storage Manager ignores the TOTIME parameter if the FILEDATA parameter is set to NONE.

The default value for this parameter, when used with the TODATE parameter, is midnight minus one second (23:59:59).

Important: The value of the TOTIME and TODATE parameters must be later than the FROMDATE and the FROMTIME value.
Use one of the following values to specify the time:
Value Description Example
HH:MM:SS A specific time 10:30:08
NOW+HH:MM or+HH:MM The current time plus hours and minutes specified. NOW+02:00 or +02:00.

If you issue this command at 05:00 with FROMTIME=01:00 and TOTIME=NOW+02:00, the export includes files that were stored from 01:00 until 07:00.

NOW-HH:MM or-HH:MM The current time minus hours and minutes specified. NOW-02:00 or -02:00.

If you issue this command at 05:00 with FROMTIME=01:00 and TOTIME=NOW-02:00, the export includes files that were stored from 01:00 until 03:00.

Specifies the name of a server to which the export data is sent directly over the network for immediate import.
Important: The target server must be defined on the originating server with the DEFINE SERVER command. The administrator that issues the export command must be defined with the same administrator name and password and have system authority on the target server.

When you specify TOSERVER, you cannot specify the DEVCLASS, VOLUMENAMES, and SCRATCH, USEDVOLUMELIST, and PREVIEW parameters.

Specifies whether to view how much data is transferred, without actually moving any data. This information can be used to determine how much storage pool space is required on the target server. The default is NO.
Valid values are:
Specifies that you want to preview the results of the import operation on the target server, without importing the data. Information is reported to the server console and the activity log.
Specifies that you want the data to be imported on the target server without previewing the results.
Specifies whether Tivoli Storage Manager merges client files into existing file spaces on the target server (if they exist), or if Tivoli Storage Manager generates new file space names. The default is NO.

Valid values are:

Specifies that imported data on the target server is merged with the existing file space, if a file space with the same name exists on the target server.
Specifies that Tivoli Storage Manager generates a new file space name for imported data on the target server if file spaces with the same name exists.
Specifies whether to replace definitions (not file data) on the server. The default is NO.

Valid values are:

Specifies that definitions are replaced on the server if definitions having the same name as those being imported exist on the target server.
Specifies that imported definitions are skipped if their names conflict with definitions that are already defined on the target server.
Specifies if proxy node associations are exported. This parameter is optional. The default value is NO.
Indicates which algorithm to use to encrypt passwords when exporting administrative and node records. This parameter is optional. The default value is AES. If you are exporting to a server that does not support AES, specify DES. You can specify one of the following values: :
Specifies the Advanced Encryption Standard.
Specifies the Data Encryption Standard.
Specifies whether data from a storage pool that enforces shredding is exported. This parameter is optional. The default value is NO. Possible values are:
Specifies that the server does not export data from a storage pool that enforces shredding.
Specifies that the server does export from a storage pool that enforces shredding. The data on the export media is not shredded.
Restriction: After an export operation finishes identifying files for export, any changes to the storage pool ALLOWSHREDABLE value is ignored. An export operation that is suspended retains the original ALLOWSHREDABLE value throughout the operation. You might want to consider cancelling your export operation if changes to the storage pool ALLOWSHREDABLE value jeopardize the operation. You can reissue the export command after any needed cleanup.
This optional parameter specifies the name that you select to identify this export operation. If you do not specify an identifier name, the server generates one for you. The export identifier name cannot be more than 64 characters, cannot contain wildcard characters, and is not case-sensitive. You can use the identifier name to reference export operations in the QUERY EXPORT, SUSPEND EXPORT, RESTART EXPORT, or CANCEL EXPORT commands.
Restriction: You must specify the TOSERVER parameter if you are specifying the EXPORTIDENTIFIER parameter.

Example: Export client node information and all client files

To export client node information and all client files for NODE1 directly to SERVERB, issue the following command:
export node node1 filedata=all toserver=serverb

Example: Export client node information and all client files for a specific date range

To export client node information and all client files for NODE1 directly to SERVERB between February 1, 2009 and today.
export node node1 filedata=all toserver=serverb
fromdate=02/01/2009 todate=today

Example: Export client node information and all client files for a specific date and time range

To export client node information and all client files for NODE1 directly to SERVERB from 8:00 AM on February 1, 2009 until today at 8:00 AM, issue the following command:
export node node1 filedata=all toserver=serverb
fromdate=02/01/2009 fromtime=08:00:00 
todate=today totime=08:00:00

Example: Export client node information and all client files for the past three days

To export client node information and all client files for NODE1 directly to SERVERB for the past three days, issue the following command:
export node node1 filedata=all toserver=serverb
fromdate=today -3