
Profiles provide end users with a localized view of information that is directly related to their responsibilities.

Use profiles to configure objects, fields, and object views. When you change a setting in a profile, the change is dynamic and the change is immediate. Reports can be added to profiles.

Each user has one or more profiles available to them for their logon session.

You can use profiles to restrict the object types that individual users can view. You can also define the fields in each object that are visible to them. If an object type is absent from a profile, that object type is hidden from users of that profile. You can also assign reports to a profile.

Create profiles by cloning them from existing profiles, then modifying the new profile. A standard profile, called Default, is provided. You can use it as a template to create other profiles. The profiles that you create and assign to users are standalone. No inheritance occurs from one profile to another profile, including the Default profile.

You can associate a profile to a group. When you associate a profile to a group, all users in the group have that profile added to their Allowed Group Profiles list. For more information, see Associating groups to a profile.

You can also designate any profile as the default profile or fallback profile. For more information, see Setting default and fallback profiles.

  • If you assign a user to a different profile, the change becomes effective immediately with no action required on the part of the user. While a user is logged in, you can assign different profiles to the user but you should not change their Current Profile or remove it from the list of Allowed User Profiles because that might result in the user losing unsaved work.
  • Users can change from one assigned profile to another themselves. For more information, see Changing your profile in the IBM OpenPages User Guide .

You can associate available objects with any profile and disassociate them later. However, each profile contains a group of required objects that you cannot disassociate from the profile. The following table lists these required object types:

Table 1. Required object types
Object Type Label
SOXBusEntity Business Entity
SOXSignature Signature
SOXExternalDocument Link (this is an external URL link)