Batch loader file syntax and sample

A batch loader list file is typically a text (.txt) file that contains a list of the XML loader files for batch processing by the ObjectManager tool.

The ObjectManager tool uses the following syntax for batch loading multiple loader files.
ObjectManager <batch-mode> config|c <user> <password> <batch-loader-dir> <batch-loader-list-file>
A batch loader list file uses the following rules:
  • Any line starting with a number sign (#) is considered a comment
  • Any line starting with greater than sign (>) is written to the screen for display
  • All other lines are assumed to be the relative path to a loader file

The following sample batch loader list file was created in a text editor. It shows how to display an informational loading message (line starting with >) on the screen for files that are loading from different directories, and provides an example of how to list a loader file (example1-op-config.xml) from a top-level (c:\temp) directory and how to list multiple loader files (example2, example3, example4) from a subfolder (\loaders) located under the top-level directory.

# If the <batch-loader-dir> was given as c:\temp, the following lines would
# write the "Loading…" message and then attempt to load the file
# c:\temp\example1-op-config.xml 
>Loading example 1…

# If the <batch-loader-dir> was given as c:\temp, the following lines would
# write the "Loading…" message and then attempt to load the files:
# c:\temp\loaders\example2-op-config.xml 
# c:\temp\loaders\example3-op-config.xml 
# c:\temp\loaders\example4-op-config.xml 
>Loading examples 2-4…

For example, you save this batch loader list file with the name load-reports.txt in the c:\OpenPages default installation directory.

The instructions in the following example show how to run the sample load-reports.txt batch loader list file to load or import data into IBM OpenPages®. The top-level directory (c:\temp) is used for the <batch-loader-dir> parameter because it includes the loader files in the \loaders subfolder.


  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Navigate to the bin directory, for example:
    cd C:\OpenPages\bin 
  3. Run the following batch command to load the load-reports.txt batch loader list file:
    ObjectManager b c OpenPagesAdministrator password c:\temp load-reports.txt