App version numbers

MobileFirst Quality Assurance displays two version numbers for an app: the release version number, and the build version number.

Release version number
The app version that displays in the app store, and it is the first number that is displayed in MobileFirst Quality Assurance. In Android, this number is the versionName. In iOS, this number is the CFBundleShortVersionString. For example, if the version that is displayed is 1.4 (1.0), the release version number is 1.4.
Build version number
Identifies the app build and is for internal use. In Android, this number is the versionCode. In iOS, this number is the CFBundleVersion.

The build version number is listed in parentheses in MobileFirst Quality Assurance. For example, if the version that is displayed is 1.4 (1.0), the build version number is 1.0.

Version specifications by operating system

The format of the version differs between Android and iOS apps.

Android app versions
In Android apps, the versions are specified in two values in the manifest.xml file. For more information, see the Android version guidelines.
iOS app versions
In iOS apps, the versions are specified in two values in the info.plist file. For more information, see the CFBundleVersion and CFBundleShortVersionString properties in the Apple Information Property List Key Reference.
The following table shows how the version numbers displayed in MobileFirst Quality Assurance correspond to the values specified for Android and iOS apps.
Operating system Release version number Build version number
Android android:versionName (string) android:versionCode (integer)
iOS CFBundleShortVersionString (a string that is composed of three period-separated integers) CFBundleVersion (a string that includes three non-negative, period-separated integers with the first integer greater than zero)