IBM Records Manager, Version 8.5.+          

Netscape 7.1 cannot handle PDF printed report

Netscape sometimes adds a .do extension to PDF files, which results in Netscape not knowing how to handle the file.

When downloading a PDF Printed Report, Netscape 7.1 reports the following problem:
Opening - The file "" of type text/pdf, 
and Netscape does not know how to handle this file type.
To workaround this problem, modify the Netscape preferences:
  • In the Netscape Navigator go to Edit\Preference.
  • In the Preferences dialog, click Navigator > Helper Applications > New Type.
  • In the New Type dialog, set the following values:
    • MIME Type: text/pdf
    • Description: IBM® Records Manager Report PDF Type
    • Extension: pdf
    • In the When a file of this type area, select Save it to Disk.

The next time a Printed Report is downloaded, the .do extension is not included, and normal operations can be performed on the file.

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Last updated: March 2009

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