[MQ 9.3.5 Feb 2024]

Deprecated, stabilized, and removed features in IBM MQ 9.3.5

There is a deprecation from IBM® MQ 9.3.5.


Deprecated features

Table 1. Deprecations at IBM MQ 9.3.5
Feature Description
[AIX]Deprecation: XL C/C++ for AIX® 16 compiler support on AIX Support for the XL C/C++ for AIX 16 compiler on AIX is deprecated from IBM MQ 9.3.5.

From IBM MQ 9.3.5, you can compile AIX programs using the XLC 17 compiler alongside the XLC 16 compiler. For more information, see External library and control command links to primary installation on AIX and Linux® for details of the additional library names, and Building C++ programs on AIX and Preparing C programs in AIX for examples of the additional commands.