[MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022][MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022]

Deprecated, stabilized, and removed features in IBM MQ 9.3.0

A number of features are deprecated, stabilized or removed from IBM® MQ 9.3.0.


Deprecated features

Table 1. Deprecations at IBM MQ 9.3.0
Feature Description
[MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022][MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022]Deprecation: Ciphers used by AMS The following signing and encryption algorithms from the Advanced Message Security (AMS) component are deprecated from IBM MQ 9.3.0: MD5, SHA1, RC2, DES and 3DES. IBM intends to remove support for these algorithms in a future IBM MQ release.

Customers using these algorithms should migrate to stronger algorithms such as: SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, AES128 or AES256.

[MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022][MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022]Deprecation: 32-bit IBM MQ application libraries The 32-bit IBM MQ application libraries have been deprecated from IBM MQ 9.3.0 for all platforms, both for network and local binding connections. 32-bit applications will be supported for the duration of the IBM MQ 9.3.0 LTS lifecycle, but might be removed in a future CD or LTS release. 32-bit applications should be recompiled as 64-bit to ensure that IBM MQ applications can be migrated to future IBM MQ application libraries.
[MQ 9.3.3 Jun 2023][MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022]Deprecation: Operations Dashboard (IBM MQ in Containers) From IBM MQ Operator 2.0.0 the Operations Dashboard is deprecated, and receives no further updates. No new uses of the Operations Dashboard should be created.
Deprecation: Secure Sockets Layer v3 (SSLv3) and TLS 1.0 1 For Long Term Support, Secure Sockets Layer v3 (SSLv3) and TLS 1.0 have been deprecated from IBM MQ 9.2.0. This means that IBM MQ 9.2.0 was the release last to provide SSLv3 and TLS 1.0 support for Long Term Support. The plan is to remove support in a future Continuous Delivery release after that.
Deprecation: Support for -credentialsFile parameter 1 The -credentialsFile parameter of the fteObfuscate command, used in IBM MQ prior to IBM MQ 9.2, has been deprecated from IBM MQ 9.2.0. You can use the -f parameter instead. For more information, see fteObfuscate: encrypt sensitive data.
Deprecation: Support for all Managed File Transfer environment variables beginning with FTE 1 Support for all Managed File Transfer environment variables that begin with FTE has been deprecated from IBM MQ 9.2.0. You can substitute FTE environment variables with those that begin with BFG as shown in the following examples:
  • For FTE_ANT_HOME, substitute BFG_ANT_HOME
  • For FTE_JAVA_HOME, substitute BFG_JAVA_HOME
Deprecation: IBM MQ Bridge to blockchain The IBM MQ Bridge to blockchain component of IBM MQ Advanced is deprecated across all releases from November 22 2022 (see US Announcement letter 222-341) and IBM intends to remove the capability from Long Term Support releases in upcoming fix packs. Blockchain connectivity can be achieved with IBM App Connect or through App Connect capabilities available with IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration. If you have applications that will be impacted by this change, please contact IBM Support.
  1. These deprecations are carried forward to IBM MQ 9.3 from IBM MQ 9.2.

Stabilized features

Table 2. Stabilizations at IBM MQ 9.3.0
Feature Description
Stabilization: amqmdnet.dll library 1 From IBM MQ 9.2.0, the amqmdnet.dll library for .NET Framework is still supplied, but this library is stabilized; that is, no new features will be introduced into it.

For any of the latest features you must migrate to the amqmdnetstd.dll library. However, you can continue to use the amqmdnet.dll library on IBM MQ 9.1 or later Long Term Support or Continuous Delivery releases.

For more information, see Installing IBM MQ classes for .NET.

Stabilization: IBM.XMS.* libraries 1 From IBM MQ 9.2.0, all the IBM.XMS.* libraries are still supplied, but these libraries are stabilized; that is, no new features will be introduced into them.

For any of the latest features, you must migrate to the amqmxmsstd.dll library. However, you can continue to use the existing libraries on IBM MQ 9.1 Long Term Support or Continuous Delivery releases.

For more information, see Installing IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET Standard.

  1. These stabilizations are carried forward to IBM MQ 9.3 from IBM MQ 9.2.

Removed features

Table 3. Removals at IBM MQ 9.3.0
Feature Description
IBM MQ 9.3.0 initial release
[MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022][MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022]Removal: Dashboard Web Console The widget-based Dashboard Web Console is removed from IBM MQ 9.3.0. For information about using the Dashboard Web Console, see The Dashboard Web Console in the IBM MQ 9.1 documentation.
[MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022][MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022]Removal: XMS .NET Multicast messaging XMS .NET Multicast messaging (using RMM) is removed from IBM MQ 9.3.0.
[MQ 9.3.0 Jun 2022]Removal: fteMigrateAgent, fteMigrateConfigurationOptions, and fteMigrateLogger commands For Long Term Support, the fteMigrateAgent, fteMigrateConfigurationOptions, and fteMigrateLogger commands are removed at IBM MQ 9.3.0.

[Continuous Delivery]For Continuous Delivery, these commands were removed at IBM MQ 9.2.1.