[V8.0.0.6 Jan 2017]

What's new and changed in Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6

Changes to functions and resources in IBM® MQ 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6 are described in this section.

JMS exception listener updates

From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6, IBM MQ classes for JMS are updated so that:
  • An ExceptionListener registered by an application is invoked for any connection broken exceptions, regardless of whether the application is using synchronous or asynchronous message consumers.
  • An ExceptionListener registered by an application is invoked if a TCP/IP socket used by a JMS Session is broken.
  • Non-connection broken exceptions (for example MQRC_GET_INHIBITED) that arise during message delivery are delivered to an application's ExceptionListener when the application is using asynchronous message consumers and the JMS ConnectionFactory used by the application has the ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS property set to the value ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS_ALL.
Note: An ExceptionListener is only invoked once for a connection broken exception, even if two TCP/IP connections (one used by a JMS Connection and one used by a JMS Session) are broken.

For more information, see Exceptions in IBM MQ classes for JMS.

Support for class name allowlisting in JMS ObjectMessage

From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6, IBM MQ classes for JMS, supports allowlisting of classes in the implementation of the JMS ObjectMessage interface. The allowlist defines which Java classes might be serialized with ObjectMessage.setObject() and deserialized with ObjectMessage.getObject().

For more information, see Class name allowlisting in JMS ObjectMessage and Running IBM MQ classes for JMS applications under the Java Security Manager.


Removal of restriction on using .NET for MQCNO_CLIENT_BINDING and MQCNO_LOCAL_BINDING

From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6, the IBM MQ custom channel for Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) has been updated so that the correct client connection configuration is used when running from a client-only installation. For more information, see Connecting to a queue manager using the MQCONNX call.

Restriction on the use of topic alias queues in distribution lists

Distribution lists do not support the use of alias queues that point to topic objects. From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6, if an alias queue points to a topic object in a distribution list, IBM MQ returns MQRC_ALIAS_BASE_Q_TYPE_ERROR.

GSKit version updated

The IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) version has been updated in Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6. The new version of GSKit alters the stash file format that is used when you generate an .sth file to stash the key database password. Stash files that are generated with this version of GSKit are not readable by earlier versions of GSKit.

To ensure that stash files that are generated with Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6, or later, are compatible with your applications and other IBM MQ installations, you must update to a version of IBM MQ that contains a compatible version of GSKit. The following fix packs contain a compatible version of GSKit:

If you cannot update your applications or other IBM MQ installations, you can request a stash file format that is compatible with an earlier version. When you use the runmqakm or runmqckm commands with the -stash or -stashpw option, include the -v1stash command line parameter. You cannot use the iKeyman GUI to generate a stash file that is compatible with an earlier version.


Deprecated CipherSpecs

From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6, the following CipherSpecs are deprecated:
  • [Windows][UNIX][Linux]FIPS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA
  • [Windows][UNIX][Linux]ECDHE_ECDSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA256
  • [Windows][UNIX][Linux]ECDHE_RSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA256

[z/OS]To re-enable any CipherSpec that have been deprecated on z/OS®, if necessary, refer to the ++HOLD information in the respective SEC APAR.

For more information, see Deprecated cipherspecs.


New MFT agent property additionalWildcardSandboxChecking

From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6, if an agent has been configured with a user or agent sandbox in order to restrict the locations that the agent can transfer files to and from, you can specify that additional checks are to be made on wildcard transfers for that agent by setting the additionalWildcardSandboxChecking property to true. For more information, see Additional checks for wildcard transfers and The agent.properties file.


New agent property adminGroup for use with MFT agents on z/OS

From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6, a new agent property adminGroup is added for use with Managed File Transfer agents on z/OS. This property defines the name of group of users who can:
  • Start the agent by using the fteStartAgent command.
  • Stop the agent by using the fteStopAgent command.
  • Enable or disable the trace for the agent by using the fteSetAgentTraceLevel command.
  • Display agent details by using the fteShowAgentDetails command.
For more information, see the adminGroup property in The agent.properties file.

Changes to fteMigrateAgent command

From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6, the fteMigrateAgent command has been updated to ensure that the check to see if the user is an administrator is traced.

[z/OS]The command has also been updated to check that user satisfies (at least) one of these conditions in order to run the migrate command on z/OS:
  • Be a member of the mqm group (if the mqm group exists).
  • Be a member of the group named in the BFG_GROUP_NAME environment variable (if one is named).
  • Have no value set in the BFG_GROUP_NAME environment variable.

For more information about the fteMigrateAgent command, see fteMigrateAgent .


IBM MQ Virtual System Pattern Type

From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6, IBM MQ Virtual System Pattern Type includes the AMQP Service component which provides support for MQ Light APIs. For more information, see Creating and using AMQP channels.

Support is provided for optional installation of IBM MQ Advanced components in patterns, for manual managing of IBM MQ data directories to prevent deletion of data when instances are deleted, and reusing of existing IBM MQ queue manager data in subsequently deployed pattern instances. For more information, see Configuration parameters for IBM MQ Virtual System Pattern Type software components.