Supported deep learning frameworks

Supported deep learning frameworks included with IBM Watson® Machine Learning Accelerator.

The following frameworks are included with Watson Machine Learning Accelerator for use with IBM® Watson Machine Learning.

Table 1. Included frameworks for use with IBM Watson Machine Learning
Framework, library or asset Version available in WML Accelerator 5.0.0
TensorFlow 2.14.1
PyTorch 2.1.2
Tensorboard 2.12.2
torchVision 0.15.2
OpenCV 4.7.0
scikit-learn 1.1.3
XGBoost 1.7.6
ONNX 1.13.1
PyArrow 11.0.0
Python 3.10.12
  • All frameworks support the supported versions of Python.
  • PyTorch supports single node training, distributed training, and elastic distributed training.
  • TensorFlow supports single node training, distributed training, and elastic distributed training (with TF.Keras).