Global Data Platform

From the Services page, enable the IBM Storage Fusion Global data platform service.

About this task

  • This service enablement applies Machine Config Operator changes in OpenShift® and as a result all compute nodes get rebooted.
  • For more information about deployments and their supported IBM Storage Fusion services in IBM Storage Fusion, see IBM Storage Fusion Services support matrix.

To enable GDP on infra node, manually create the ScaleCluster CR and set the infraNode:true. For more information, see Configuring Global Data Platform service on infrastructure nodes.


  1. Go to Services page in IBM Storage Fusion user interface.
  2. In the Available section, click Global data platform tile.
  3. In the Global Data Platform page, go through the details and click Install.
  4. In the Install service message box, click Install to proceed with installation.
    After you enable the Global Data Platform, you can view the service version and health status.
    Table 1. Health states Global Data Platform service
    State Description
    Healthy The Running and Ready states for the following items indicate that the service is healthy:
    • Scale operator pod in ibm-spectrum-scale-operator namespace.
    • ScaleManager CR in the Fusion namespace.
    • Scale CSI operator pod in ibm-spectrum-scale-csi namespace.
    Degraded If any healthy state condition is not met, then the service goes to a degraded state.
    From the ellipsis menu, you can download logs and view documentation. After you successfully collect the logs, a success notification gets displayed. The notification disappears automatically after some time.

    In case of failures, go through the downloaded logs to understand the cause of the failure and fix the issue. For more information about service issues in IBM Storage Fusion, see Troubleshooting installation and upgrade issues in IBM Storage Fusion services.

What to do next

  1. Go to Remote file systems page of the user interface and connect to remote file systems. For the procedure to connect to remote file systems, see Connecting to remote IBM Storage Scale file systems.
  2. To consume the remote file system by using Global Data Platform, see Static provisioning of Persistent Volume in filesystem and Dynamic provisioning of Persistent Volume in filesystem.
  3. You can now install other available IBM Storage Fusion services.