Interaction verb (interactionVerb)

Specifies the mode of interaction between the Java™ application and IMS. The following table describes the values that are supported by the IMS TM resource adapter.

Table 1. Mode of interaction between the Java application and IMS
Value Named constant in IMSInteractionSpecProperties Description
0 SYNC_SEND The IMS TM resource adapter sends the client request to IMS through IMS Connect and does not expect a response from IMS. With a SYNC_SEND interaction, the client does not need to synchronously receive a response from IMS. SYNC_SEND is supported on both shareable and dedicated persistent socket connections and is allowed only with commit mode 0 interactions.
If the interactionVerb property is set to SYNC_SEND, execution timeout and socket timeout values are ignored.
Restriction: Type 2 of IMS request (IMS_REQUEST_TYPE_IMS_COMMAND) is not allowed with the SYNC_SEND interaction and will generate an exception.
The execution of an IMS Interaction sends a request to IMS and receives a response synchronously.

A typical SYNC_SEND_RECEIVE interaction involves a non-conversational IMS transaction in which an input record (the IMS transaction input message) is sent to IMS, and an output record (the IMS transaction output message) is returned by IMS.

SYNC_SEND_RECEIVE interactions are also used for the iterations of a conversational IMS transaction. A conversational transaction requires commit mode 1. A non-conversational transaction can run using either commit mode 1 or commit mode 0. If commit mode 0 is used on a dedicated persistent socket, a value for the clientID property of IMSConnectionSpec must be provided. If commit mode 0 is used on a shareable persistent socket, a value for the clientID property of IMSConnectionSpec must not be provided.

If the application executes an interaction with the interactionVerb property set to SYNC_END_CONVERSATION, the IMS TM resource adaptersends a message to force the end of an IMS conversational transaction.

The commitMode property of the IMSInteractionSpec class and the clientID property of the IMSConnectionSpec class do not apply when SYNC_END_CONVERSATION is specified as the interaction verb.


The interaction verb SYNC_RECEIVE_ASYNCOUTPUT has been replaced by the more specific SYNC_RECEIVE_ASYNCOUTPUT_SINGLE_NOWAIT. SYNC_RECEIVE_ASYNCOUTPUT is supported for backward compatibility. New applications must use either SYNC_RECEIVE_ASYNCOUTPUT_SINGLE_NOWAIT or SYNC_RECEIVE_ASYNCOUTPUT_SINGLE_WAIT.

The interaction verb SYNC_RECEIVE_ASYNCOUTPUT_SINGLE_NOWAIT is valid on both shareable and dedicated persistent socket connections. It is used to retrieve asynchronous output.

A SYNC_RECEIVE_ASYNCOUTPUT_SINGLE_NOWAIT interaction on a shareable persistent socket connection must be in the same application as the original SYNC_SEND or SYNC_SEND_RECEIVE interaction and must use the same shareable persistent connection. This primarily occurs following execution timeout.

With this type of interaction, the Java client can receive only one single message. If no messages are in the IMS OTMA asynchronous hold queue for the client ID when the request is made, no further attempts are made to retrieve the message. No message is returned and a timeout occurs after the length of time specified in the executionTimeout property of the SYNC_RECEIVE_ASYNCOUTPUT_SINGLE_NOWAIT interaction passes.

The interaction verb SYNC_RECEIVE_ASYNCOUTPUT_SINGLE_WAIT is used to retrieve asynchronous output. It is valid on both shareable and dedicated persistent socket connections.

A SYNC_RECEIVE_ASYNCOUTPUT_SINGLE_WAIT interaction on a shareable persistent socket connection must be in the same application as the original SYNC_SEND or SYNC_SEND_RECEIVE interaction and must use the same shareable persistent connection. This primarily occurs following execution timeout.

With this type of interaction, the Java client can receive only one single message. If the IMS OTMA asynchronous hold queue holds no messages for the client ID when the request is made, IMS Connect waits for OTMA to return a message. IMS Connect waits the length of time specified in the executionTimeout property of the SYNC_RECEIVE_ASYNCOUTPUT_SINGLE_WAIT interaction before returning an exception.

The interaction verb SYNC_RECEIVE_CALLOUT is used to retrieve asynchronous or synchronous callout messages.

Use the calloutRequestType property to specify whether only synchronous, only asynchronous, or both synchronous and asynchronous callout messages are to be retrieved.

With this type of interaction, if the IMS OTMA asynchronous hold queue contains no messages for the specified client ID when the request is made, IMS Connect waits for OTMA to return a message. The time the IMS TM resource adapter waits for the response from IMS Connect and OTMA depends on the value for the executionTimeout property.

Restriction: The Java EE Connection Architecture (JCA) value SYNC_RECEIVE (2) is not supported.