Error messages reference

The most important error messages and warning messages are listed according to their four-digit error code numbers in ascending order. Typically, each message contains a description of the error event, an explanation, why the error occurred, and the action you need to do to solve the problem.

IDM1003 A memory allocation error occurred.

IDM1050 Message and error handling could not be initialized.

IDM1051 The database descriptor could not be created.

IDM1052 The stored procedure could not perform the NULL-connect to the database.


The stored procedure cannot access database objects, because the NULL-connect failed. A preceding message contains the corresponding DB2 SQLSTATE.

User response

Check the error file or the error table for additional messages. Consult the DB2 documentation for information about the SQLSTATE found in a previous message.

IDM1053 The XML data in the task object could not be parsed.


The XML string that contains the information relevant to the task object is not well formed.

IDM1054 The mining run did not produce a model.


The mining run was cancelled.

IDM1070 The stored procedure could not be initialized.


The reason why stored procedure initialization failed is explained in a preceding message.

User response

Check the error file or the error table for additional messages.

IDM1072 The parameter "progress information table" must not be NULL.

User response

Enter a non-NULL value for the progress information table.

IDM1074 The parameter "variable" must not be NULL.

User response

Enter a non-NULL value for the parameter "variable".

IDM1075 The parameter "variable" is illegal. It must start with "IDM_".


Variables specific to Intelligent Miner must start with "IDM_".

User response

Enter a name starting with the prefix "IDM_".

IDM1076 A task instance could not be created.

User response

Check the error file or the error table for additional messages.

IDM1077 No parameter can be NULL, except CALLID.

User response

Enter non-NULL values for the relevant parameters.

IDM1078 The specified target field value is out of range.

IDM1101 For the method "%1", the input model is not valid. Valid models for this method are PMML models of the type "%2".

IDM1102 The input model is not a PMML model of a supported model type. Supported model types are AssociationModel, ClusteringModel, MiningModel, NeuralNetwork, RBFModel, RegressionModel, SequenceModel, NaiveBayesModel, TreeModel and TimeseriesModel.

IDM1103 While parsing an association rule model or a sequence rule model for the method "%1", an error occurred. The model is not a rule model, or it is damaged.


The parser's error message is: "%2".

IDM1106 While parsing a Clustering model, an error occurred. The model is not a Clustering model, or it is damaged. Generate the model again.

IDM1107 While parsing a Classification model for the method "%1", an error occurred. The model is not a Classification model, or it is damaged.


The parser's error message is: "%2".

IDM1108 An error occurred when a model for the method "%1" was parsed. The model is not a Regression model, or it is damaged.


The error message of the parser looks like this: "%2".

IDM1109 An error occurred when a rule filter for the method "%1" was parsed. The rule filter is invalid, or it is damaged.


The error message of the parser looks like this: "%2".

IDM1120 The condition of node "%1" and its subnodes can not be displayed.


The condition of node "%1" is a predicate that is not supported in Intelligent Miner.

IDM1121 The Association model does not contain any information about the number of transactions.

IDM1122 The model that you are using does not contain the requested information about Gains Charts. You must rebuild the model with Gains Chart information.

IDM1123 The PMML model that you are using in the function DM_getGainsChart contains an invalid 'LiftData' tag. The model might be damaged. Rebuild the model.


A valid 'LiftData' tag contains one or more 'LiftGraph' tags, at least one of these tags must have the attribute 'dataUsage="model"'.

IDM1124 The model that you are using does not contain a DataDictionary tag. The model might be damaged. Rebuild the model.

IDM1125 The Tree Classification model that you are using does not contain validation data.

IDM1126 The Classification model that you are using contains a cost matrix or a confusion matrix that is inconsistent with the data dictionary of the model.


The data dictionary of the model must contain a data-field entry for the target field. The data field must list all target field values that are found in the data. The length of the list must not be smaller than the matrix dimensions of the cost matrix or the confusion matrix.

IDM1127 The Classification model or the Regression model that you are using does not contain a target field.


The mining schema of the model must contain a mining-field entry for the target field. The usageType attribute of this entry must have the value 'predicted'.

IDM1128 The model that you are using contains inconsistent correlation data.


The correlation matrix might refer to a field name that does not exist.

IDM1129 The sequence model that you are using contains an invalid sequence.


A valid sequence contains n SetReferences and n-1 Delimiters.

IDM1130 The cluster at the requested index %1 does not exist.


The name of a cluster is requested by using an index that does not exist.

User response

Make sure that the index is equal to 1 or larger than 1, and that it does not exceed the total number of clusters in the model.

IDM1131 The MiningSchema of the model contains the invalid MiningField %1.


In the DataDictionary of the model, a data field with the name %1 does not exist.

IDM1132 The model that you are using does not contain a MiningSchema tag. The model might be damaged. Rebuild the model.

IDM1133 The model that you are using does not contain the requested accuracy information. You must rebuild the model with accuracy information.

IDM1134 The Sequence model does not contain information about the number of transaction groups.

IDM1160 For the cluster ID=%1, the field DESCRIPTION cannot be calculated. The clustering model does not contain the statistics that are required to calculate the description.

IDM1173 The time series PMML model specifies the unknown data type "%2" for the time column "%1". NULL values are returned for the time/date/timestamp column.

IDM1174 The time series PMML model specifies a data type for the time column of the model "%1". This data type is not supported by this table function. NULL values are returned for the time/date/timestamp column.

User response

Use the table function "DM_getForcXXX" for the data type of the time column.

IDM1175 The time series PMML model does not include a data type for the time column "%1". Therefore, NULL values are returned for the time/date/timestamp column.


If you retrieve forecasts from a PMML model for a time column of data type DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP, the appropriate PMML data types are required. To retrieve such forecasts, you can use the table function "DM_getForcDate", "DM_getForcTime", or "DM_getForcTStamp". The appropriate data types for these table functions are "DATEDAYSSINCE[YEAR]", "SECONDSSINCE" or "DATETIMESECONDSSINCE[YEAR]".

User response

If you do not want to consider data types, retrieve the forecasts for a time column of type NUMERIC by using the function "DM_getForcNumeric". This table function applies to all PMML data types, even if a PMML data type is not specified at all.

IDM1180 It was not possible to parse the XML input.


The XML input is not well formed, and cannot be parsed properly.

User response

Check the XML input, in particular for missing start or end tags.

IDM1181 The XML parser does not know where to put the parsing results. No destination was specified.


This is an internal error.

User response

Call your IBM representative.

IDM1182 The XML parser found different start and end tags in the XML input.


The XML input that was specified terminated with an end tag that does not fit the start tag.

User response

Check the XML input for missing start or end tags.

IDM1183 The XML input is not well formed. It contains an odd number of double quotes.

IDM1184 The XML input contains XML elements that cannot be interpreted. These elements and their subelements are ignored by the parser.

IDM1185 The column "%1" is not available. The alias cannot be set.


The column is not defined in the DM_MiningData object.

User response

Check which columns are available by using the DM_getFields table function on this DM_MiningData object.

IDM1186 The alias "%1" is already used for the field "%2".


An alias must be unique within the DM_MiningData object because this name is linked to the name of the mining field in the DM_LogicalDataSpec value.

User response

Use the function DM_getFields to check which alias names are already used. Specify a new alias name for the column.

IDM1187 Column definitions are not available.


The specified table might not exist in the database.

User response

Specify a valid table or a valid view for this DM_MiningData object.

IDM1188 There is no column at position "%1". The number of defined columns is "%2".


The position represents the field number. Field numbers start with 1. A field number cannot be greater than the number of fields.

User response

Use the method DM_getNumFields to check how many fields are available. Specify as the position a number greater or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number that DM_getNumFields returns.

IDM1189 The column "%1" is not available.


The DM_MiningData object does not contain a column with the specified name.

User response

Use the function DM_getFields to check which columns are available. Then specify a valid column name.

IDM1190 The column definition is not correct.

IDM1191 The field "%1" already exists.

IDM1192 A field with the name "%1" is not available.

IDM1193 There is no field available at position "%1".

IDM1194 A fieldtype is wrong.

IDM1195 The XML string is not parsed.


The input XML string of the object is not parsed.

User response

The parse function of the object must be called prior to any other functions.

IDM1200 The field "%1" already exists.


A field with the same name already exists in the DM_LogicalDataSpec value.

User response

It is not necessary to add the field, since it exists already.

IDM1201 A field with the name "%1" is not available.


The DM_LogicalDataSpec object does not contain a field with the specified name.

User response

Define the field with the method DM_addDataSpecFld before attempting to launch an operation on it.

IDM1202 There is no field available at position "%1". The number of defined fields is "%2".


The position value represents the field number. Values start at 1 and cannot be greater than the number of fields.

User response

Use the method DM_getNumFields to check how many fields are available. Then specify as the position a number greater than 1 and less than or equal to the number that DM_getNumFields returns.

IDM1203 The name mapping "%1" is not defined.


The name mapping is not available within the DM_LogicalDataSpec object.

User response

Define the name mapping first, before it is used as a reference in a field.

IDM1204 The field "%1" is not categorical.


The method that was called is valid only for a categorical field.

User response

Check whether the field type can be changed to categorical. Then the function can be called again.

IDM1205 The taxonomy "%1" is not defined.


The taxonomy is not available within the DM_LogicalDataSpec object.

User response

Define the taxonomy first, before it is used as a reference in a field.

IDM1206 The field "%1" is not numeric.


The method that was called is valid only for a numerical field.

User response

Check whether the field type can be changed to numerical. Then the function can be called again.

IDM1207 The lower bound must be smaller than the upper bound.

User response

Correct the lower bound and upper bound values, and call the function again.

IDM1208 Either both limits must have a value or both must be set to NULL.


If upper and lower bounds are set, then both values must be defined. It is not possible to set only one value.

User response

Set both values, and call the function again.

IDM1209 One or more values are NULL. To add a name mapping, all values must be set.

User response

Specify all the parameters, and call the function again.

IDM1210 The name mapping "%1" already exists.


An attempt was made to add a name mapping that already exists.

User response

Either delete the existing name mapping and define a new one with the same name or choose a new name for the name mapping to be added.

IDM1211 There is no name mapping available at position "%1". The number of defined name mappings is "%2".

User response

Specify all the parameters, and call the function again.

IDM1212 The name mapping "%1" is not available.


The name mapping is not available in the DM_LogicalDataSpec object.

User response

First define the name mapping. Then this name mapping can be used as a reference in a field.

IDM1213 One or more of the required parameters are NULL. To add a taxonomy, the parameters name, tabName, childCol, and parentCol are required.

User response

Specify all the parameters, and call the function again.

IDM1214 The mapType is incorrect. It must be 0 or 1.

User response

Correct the map type, and call the method again.

IDM1215 The name mapping "%1" is not defined.


The name mapping is not available within the DM_LogicalDataSpec object.

User response

Use the methods DM_getNumNmp and DM_getNmpName to check which name mappings are available in the DM_LogicalDataSpec object.

IDM1216 The taxonomy "%1" already exists.


An attempt was made to add a taxonomy that already exists.

User response

Either delete the existing taxonomy and create a new one with the same name or choose a new name for the taxonomy to be added.

IDM1217 The taxonomy "%1" is not defined.


The taxonomy is not available within the DM_LogicalDataSpec object.

User response

Use the methods DM_getNumTax and DM_getTaxName to check which taxonomies are available in the DM_LogicalDataSpec object.

IDM1218 A category map with the same tableName, childCol, and parentCol already exists.

User response

It is not necessary to add the category map because it already exists.

IDM1219 There is no category map available at position "%1". The number of defined category maps is "%2".


The position value represents the map number. Values start at 1. A value cannot be greater than the number of maps.

User response

Use the method DM_getNumTaxMap to check how many maps are available. Then specify as the position a number that is greater than 1 and less than or equal to the number that DM_getNumTaxMap returns.

IDM1220 There is no taxonomy available at position "%1". The number of defined taxonomies is "%2".


The position value represents the taxonomy number. Values start at 1 and cannot be greater than the number of taxonomies.

User response

Use the method DM_getNumTax to check how many taxonomies are available. Then specify as the position a number greater than 1 and less than or equal to the number that DM_getNumTax returns.

IDM1221 The taxonomy "%1" has no category map.

IDM1222 The field type is incorrect. Valid field types are 0 (categorical), 1 (numeric), or 2 (multi valued categorical).

User response

Correct the field type, and call the method again.

IDM1223 The argument of the function 'compatibleData' is not a valid description of a logical data specification.

IDM1224 The Intelligent Miner Classification mining function does not support the algorithm "%1".


For classification, the algorithms "Tree", "NaiveBayes" and "Logistic" are supported.

IDM1225 The Intelligent Miner Clustering mining function does not support the algorithm "%1".


For clustering, the algorithms "Demographic" and "Kohonen" are supported.

IDM1226 The Intelligent Miner Regression mining function does not support the algorithm "%1".


For regression, the algorithms "Linear", "Polynomial" and "Transform" are supported.

IDM1227 The Intelligent Miner rules mining functions do not support the algorithm "%1".


For association rules, the algorithm "A-priori" is supported. For sequence rules, the algorithm "Sequence Rules" is supported.

IDM1228 In a call of the function DM_addRangeConstr, the combination of boundary values is not valid.


You can only define a range constraint with at least one valid (that means non-NULL) range boundary. If both boundaries are non-NULL, the lower boundary must be smaller than the upper boundary.

User response

Call the function DM_addRangeConstr with at a valid pair of boundary values.

IDM1229 The following XML string is not a valid description of a rule filter: "%1".


This message is created by the method DM_setRuleFilter. It is displayed if the XML string that is specified as the function argument is not a valid rule filter in XML format. The XML string is not valid if one of the following errors apply:The start tag <RuleFilter> or the end tag </RuleFilter> is missing.The content between the start tags and the end tags does not conform to XML syntax.

User response

Check the XML input.

IDM1230 The following XML string is not a valid description of a logical data specification: "%1".


This message is created by the methods DM_useClasDataSpec, DM_useClusDataSpec, DM_useRegDataSpec, DM_useTsDataSpec and DM_useRuleDataSpec. It is displayed if the XML string that is specified as the function argument is not a valid logical data specification in XML format. The XML string is not valid if one of the following errors apply:The start tag <LogicalDataSpec> or the end tag </LogicalDataSpec> is missing.The content between the start tags and the end tags does not conform to XML syntax.

User response

Check the XML input.

IDM1231 The LogicalDataSpec part of the mining settings data is not well formed. An attempt to build XML output produces the following result: "%1"


The current internally-stored logical data specification information is so corrupt that it is impossible to return it as XML output. This is a severe error, which might be due to a fundamental problem in memory management. Illegal settings and modifications performed by the user should never result in this error. These actions should result in more specific error messages directly after the execution of the illegal command.

User response

Contact your IBM representative.

IDM1232 A unique item field is missing.


Before you can use the DM_setWeightFld method, you must use the DM_setItemFld method to define a unique item field.

IDM1233 The function "DM_setFldUsageType" cannot modify the usage type of the mining field "%1" because this field is either the target field of a classification or regression task, or a group or item field of a rule task.

IDM1234 An illegal reference was made to a non-existing "%1" with the name "%2" in the function "%3".


Some mining settings define references to other parts of the mining settings or to the mining data. For example, the first parameter of the function DM_setFldUsageType is the name of a mining field, and is thus a reference to another part of the settings. This error message is issued if a name reference of this kind refers to an object that does not exist.

User response

First define the object referred to, and then define the reference.

IDM1235 The item with the name "%1" cannot be removed. No item with this name exists.

IDM1236 For the function "%3", the variable "%1" is outside of the valid range "%2".


An attempt was made to assign an illegal value to some part of the mining settings.

User response

Look up the valid values for the parameters for this function in the Intelligent Miner API documentation.

IDM1237 An array access outside the valid range for the array occurred in the function "%1".


Some parts of the mining settings consist of lists of elements. For example, there can be several field usage entries. Many of these list elements can be accessed by means of the DM_get... functions. These take the position in the list as one of their parameters. This error message is issued if the value of a position parameter goes outside the valid range. This range extends from 1 to the number of items in the list.

User response

Change the value of the position parameter to a valid value.

IDM1238 The attribute "%1" of the XML element "%2" is undefined, and cannot be accessed.


An attempt was made to access some mining settings information. This information is stored in the form of an attribute to an XML element in the XML representation of the current settings. However, the mining settings do not contain the desired attribute. This error message occurs only when parts attributes for which there are no default values available are being accessed.

User response

Define the desired attribute before trying to retrieve it.

IDM1239 The definition of a new weight or similarity matrix failed because one of the required attributes is missing (name, table name, actual value column, predicted value column, or weight column).


This message can appear when a new similarity or cost matrix is being defined. None of the attributes cited in the error message is allowed to have the SQL value NULL.

IDM1240 The definition of a new cost or similarity matrix failed because the matrix name is the same as that of an existing matrix.


A new similarity or cost matrix cannot have the same name as any existing similarity or cost matrix.

User response

If the new matrix is intended to replace an existing one, first remove the old matrix, and then define the new one.

IDM1241 The function "%1" cannot access or modify the logical data specification, because a logical data specification has not been defined.


An attempt was made to access information from a logical data specification, but no logical data specification has been defined. For example, an attempt might have been made to use one of the DM_get... methods relevant to logical data specifications.

User response

Define a logical data specification, for example, by means of the DM_*useDataSpec methods.

IDM1242 The algorithm "%1" does not support all parameters in the parameter string "%2".

IDM1243 The field "%1" is not categorical. Therefore you cannot define the usage type "target".


You can specify the usage types "target", "group", or "item" only for categorical fields.

User response

Set the field type attribute of the mining field to "categorical" and specify the usage type that you want to use.

IDM1244 There is no cost or similarity matrix with the name "%1".

IDM1245 There is no cost or similarity matrix available at position "%1".

IDM1246 The field "%1" is not numeric. The usage type of this field cannot be defined as target, weight, or variance for regression or time series.

IDM1249 An invalid cost value is specified for the actual value "%1" and the predicted value "%2". Valid cost values are non-negative. If the actual value and the predicted value are identical, only zero is a valid cost value.

IDM1250 This mining task contains no task control information.


An attempt was made to launch a mining run, but the mining task does not contain information about the progress table, the error table, or both.

User response

Provide a mining task containing the relevant information, and try again.

IDM1251 A value for either the desired execution time or the minimum percentage of data is missing.


The desired execution time and the minimum percentage of data are mutually dependent values. If you specify one, you must also specify the other.

User response

Specify both the desired execution time and the minimum percentage of data, or specify neither.

IDM1252 The logical data specification that was specified does not match the relevant mining data information.


The fields in the logical data specification that was specified do not match the aliases in the relevant mining data information.

User response

Provide a logical data specification that matches the relevant mining data.

IDM1253 The logical data specification is missing. To define a mining task, the logical data specification is required.


An attempt was made to create a mining task without a logical data specification.

User response

The necessary elements for a mining task are a logical data specification, a definition of mining data, and task control information. Provide these elements, and try again.

IDM1254 No active field is found for this Clustering mining task.


An attempt was made to create a Clustering mining task, but no data field is marked as active.

User response

At least one field must be marked as active. Specify an active field, and try again.

IDM1255 For this Associations mining task, the item field is missing.


An attempt was made to create an Associations mining task, but no item field was provided.

User response

An Associations training run analyzes groups of items. The group field contains the group IDs, and the item field contains the corresponding item IDs. Provide data containing one item field.

IDM1256 No group field is found for this Associations mining task.


An attempt was made to create an Associations mining task, but no group field was provided.

User response

An Associations training run analyzes groups of items. The group field contains the group IDs, and the item field contains the corresponding item IDs. Provide data containing one group field.

IDM1257 For this Classification, Regression or Time Series mining task, a target field cannot be found.


The target field(s) is(are) the field(s) that you want to predict. When you create a mining task, you must specify a target field.

User response

Specify the target field for this mining task.

IDM1258 The specified XML input is not a valid mining task.

IDM1259 The mining task that was specified could not be parsed because of syntax errors.


A task XML string was provided that does not conform to the XML conventions.

User response

Provide a valid task XML string.

IDM1260 No mining data was specified for this mining task.


An attempt was made to retrieve information about the mining data from the task, but the task does not contain this information.

User response

Provide a mining task containing the mining data information.

IDM1261 For this mining task, you must specify the training data.


An attempt was made to retrieve information about the training data from the task, but the task does not contain this information.

User response

Provide a mining task containing the training data information.

IDM1262 No validation data was specified for this mining task.


An attempt was made to retrieve information about the validation data from the task, but the task does not contain this information.

User response

Provide a mining task containing the validation data information.

IDM1263 No input model is found. An input model must be specified.


It is not possible to launch a Classification test run if an input mining model is not provided.

User response

Provide an input Classification model, and try again.

IDM1264 The mining settings are missing. To define a mining task, you must specify the mining settings.

IDM1265 The definition of a new mining task failed because the training data are incorrect.

IDM1266 The definition of a new mining task failed because the validation data are incorrect.

IDM1267 The definition of a new mining task failed because the mining settings are incorrect.

IDM1268 The mining task is not valid. Either it contains XML syntax errors or the logical data specifications are incompatible with the mining data.

IDM1269 The logical data specifications are not compatible with the mining data. Decimal or floating point data must not be treated as categorical fields. Non-numeric data must not be treated as numerical fields.

IDM1280 The definition of a new classification or regression test case failed because one of the required input parameters is NULL.

IDM1281 The specified XML input is not a test task. It is a build task.

IDM1290 The weight information "%1" is not defined.


The weight information is missing in the DM_LogicalDataSpec object.

User response

You must define the weight information before you can use it as a reference in a field.

IDM1291 One or more values are NULL. To add a weight-information object, all values must be set.

User response

Specify all parameters and call the function again.

IDM1292 The weight information "%1" already exists.


You cannot use the same name for different weight-information objects.

User response

Specify a different name for the weight-information object that you want to add.

IDM1293 Weight information is missing at "%1". "%2" weight-information ojects are defined.

User response

Specify the required parameters and call the function again.

IDM1294 The weight information "%1" is missing.


In the DM_LogicalDataSpec object, the weight information is missing.

User response

You must define a weight information before you can reference it in a field.

IDM1295 DM_MiningData is missing.


Before you can call the method DM_setWeightFld, you must define a mining-data table. The mining-data table must contain a column with the name of the argument of the method DM_setWeightFld.

IDM1297 Field "%1" is already specified as "%2". Explicitly remove the field type first using 'DM_removeTsTarget(...)' or DM_setTsTimeField(NULL).


If a field is already specified as, e.g. target field, it can not set to another type.

User response

Unset the field type with a null value. E.g. 'DM_XXX(cast(NULL AS VARCHAR(128)))'

IDM1298 Not a valid TIME, DATE or TIMESTAMP value: "%1".


The provided date type has a wrong format.

User response

Specify a date type like TIME: '13:25:34', DATE: '2007-11-24', TIMESTAMP: '2007-11-24-13:25:34.738003'.

IDM1299 Not a valid time series interpolation method: "%1".


The given interpolation method is not available.

User response

Specify one of the following interpolation methods: "LINEAR", "EXPONENTIALSPLINES", "CUBICSPLINES".

IDM1300 Season unit: "%1" is not valid.


Absolute seasons used for TIME, DATE, TIMESTAMP require a unit to have a meaningful context.

User response

Specify one of the following season units: "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days".

IDM1301 A negative season is not allowed.


The season specifies manually the cycle of a time series. In case of absolute time values, also a unit is required.

User response

Specify a season larger or equal to 0. In case of 0 no season is assumed.

IDM1302 Method "%1" is not supported.

IDM1303 No valid field name was specified.


A season can be set for each time series target field. The specified field must not be "NULL" and also must have been specified in the settings.

User response

Specify a valid field name that has already been specified by the "DM_addTsTarget" method.

IDM1601 The codepage %1 is not supported.

IDM1602 The initialization of the trace facility failed. No trace messages will be written.

IDM1800 An error occurred while the LOB was retrieved from the database (TableName = %1, ModelCol = %2, IdCol = %3, Id = %4).


An attempt was made to read a model from a database. However, the model or the database does not exist, or the model or the database cannot be accessed.

User response

Verify that the specified model exists in the specified database, and that the model or the database is accessible.

IDM1801 An error occurred while the stream was being accessed (name = %1).


You tried to copy a model into a file, but that file could not be opened. The file might already exist or you might not have the necessary permission to create it.

User response

Verify that you have the necessary permission to create the specified file.

IDM1802 An 'out of memory' error occurred; "%1" bytes of memory cannot be allocated.


To complete the requested action, more memory is required.

User response

Release memory by closing other applications and try again. If you have restricted the available memory for mining using the power option '-buf', increase that threshold.

IDM1803 The conversion to codepage "%1" is not possible.


An error occurred while a string was converted to a codepage.

User response

Make sure that your operating system supports the codepage and that the codepage exists.

IDM1804 An error occurred while the LOB was written to the database (TableName = %1, ModelCol = %2, IdCol = %3, Id = %4).


The database does not exist, or it cannot be accessed.

User response

Verify that the specified database exists, and that it is accessible.

IDM1805 An error occurred during compression. The buffer was too small.


There was too little internal memory to compress the model.

User response

Contact your IBM representative, and describe the error.

IDM1806 An error occurred during compression. There is not enough memory.


There is not enough free memory available to compress the model.

User response

Free memory by closing other applications and try again.

IDM1807 An error occurred during compression. This is an unknown error from zlib (rc = %1).


An unknown error occurred during compression.

User response

Contact your IBM representative to describe the error. Disclose also the error number that identifies the message.

IDM1808 An error occurred during uncompression. The buffer was too small, probably due to a damaged model header.


When the model was being uncompressed, there was found to be too little preallocated memory. This can happen only in a situation where the model is damaged.

User response

Create the model once more to make sure that it is a valid model, and try again. If that does not help (or it is not possible to do that), contact your IBM representative and describe the error.

IDM1809 An error occurred during uncompression. There is not enough memory.


There is not enough internal memory to uncompress the model.

User response

Close other applications to free memory and try again.

IDM1810 An error occurred during uncompression. This is an unknown error from zlib (rc = %1).


An unknown error occurred during uncompression.

User response

Contact your IBM representative to describe the error. Disclose also the error number that identifies the message.

IDM1811 An error occurred during uncompression. Uncompression stopped.


The model cannot be uncompressed because the data is not recognized as a model. The model might be damaged, or the data does not represent a model.

User response

Verify that the specified data represents a model.

IDM1812 An error occurred during the initializion of XML4C: %1

IDM1813 The compression method is not known.


The compression method for the model is not recognized. The data might not represent a model, or the model might not be supported by the version of the IM product that you are using.

User response

Verify that the model is valid and that it is supported by the version of the IM product that you are using.

IDM1816 An error occurred while PMML was being parsed: %1.


An unrecoverable error occurred while the model was being parsed. See the error message for further details.

User response

Verify that this model conforms to PMML.

IDM1817 An attempt was made to create the header, but no PMML was present.


An internal error occurred.

User response

Contact your IBM representative, and describe the error.

IDM1818 The internal result could not be exported to PMML.


An error occurred while the internal data was being converted to PMML.

User response

Contact your IBM representative, and describe the error.

IDM1819 The model is too large.


The model cannot be processed because it is too large.

User response

Decrease the size of the model.

IDM1820 The PMML version number "%1" is not valid.


The version string at the PMML tag is not a valid number.

User response

Make sure that the model is a valid PMML model.

IDM1821 The Intelligent Miner for Data model format cannot be read.


You cannot load models in Intelligent Miner for Data format. This format is no longer supported.

User response

Convert the model to PMML and try again.

IDM1822 File "%1" cannot be opened for read.


The file you specified as input for an import function cannot be read. Check file name, path, and permissions.

IDM2001 unexpected token: %1; expected token: %2. You might have used a result object that was created with an older version of Intelligent Miner. Check if this is the case. Create a result object with the current version of Intelligent Miner, if necessary. If the problem persists, contact your IBM representative.

IDM2002 unexpected token: %1; expected token(s): %2.

IDM2009 The field "%2" does not exist in the data source "%1".

User response

Check the field specifications in your filter record conditions, value mapping objects, discretization objects, or computed fields.

IDM2023 The Intelligent Miner is unable to create result object "%1".

User response

Check the available disk space in the output directory. Also check whether you have a write permission for that directory.

IDM2024 An empty result file name has been specified.

IDM2025 In the result "%1" the basic statistics of field "%2" has not been computed yet.

IDM2026 The descriptive statistics result "%1" contains fields with incomplete statistics.

IDM2027 The index for partition "%1" is out of range; it has to be between 0 and %2.

IDM2028 The flat file or database table "%1" related to name-mapping object "%2" cannot be opened.

User response

Check if the file or table still exists, and if you have read permission for the drive on which it is located.

IDM2029 The flat file or database table "%1" related to value-mapping object "%2" cannot be opened.

User response

Check if the file or table still exists, and if you have read permission for the drive on which it is located.

IDM2038 The Intelligent Miner is unable to read the result object "%1".

User response

Check if the file exists, and verify that you have read permission on the server.

IDM2039 The labels for the classification result object "%1" exist already and cannot be updated.

IDM2040 The label "%1" is unknown to the classification result object "%2".

IDM2041 Empty labels are not allowed for the classification result object "%1".

IDM2042 Double or empty labels have been ignored for the classification result object "%1".

IDM2043 The values for the in-sample size and the out-sample size are not positive. Specify positive values.

IDM2044 In the current pass only in-sample records can be accessed.

IDM2045 In the current pass only out-sample records can be accessed.

IDM2046 The classification result "%1" object has not been initialized yet with the set of labels.

IDM2047 The index value "%1" corresponds to no label in the classification result object "%2".

IDM2049 Reading from the input data source "%1" cannot be completed.


The data source might be damaged or might have been deleted by another user.

User response

Check if the data source still exists and if it is readable.

IDM2050 The number of values "%2" of discrete field "%1" is less than the number of frequencies "%3".

IDM2051 The frequency value "%1" for a statistics object is negative.

IDM2052 The sum of frequency values "%1" of a statistics object is greater than the value for the total frequency "%2".

IDM2053 The maximum value "%2" of a continuous statistics object is less than its minimum value "%1".

IDM2054 The values sum "%1" of a continuous statistics object is too low. It is less than "%2".

IDM2055 The values sum "%1" of a continuous statistics object is too high. It is greater than "%2".

IDM2056 The squares sum "%1" of a continuous statistics object is too low. It is less than "%2".

IDM2060 The name of the field "%1" is different from the field "%2" to be merged with.

IDM2065 Empty field names are not allowed.

IDM2068 The Intelligent Miner cannot detect any fields in statistics result object "%1".

User response

Specify at least one input field in the statistics settings object.

IDM2069 The descriptive statistics result of partition "%1" is a NULL pointer.

IDM2070 The number "%2" of discrete statistics of partition "%1" is different from the number "%4" of discrete fields of the descriptive statistics result "%3".

IDM2071 The number "%5" of discrete values of the field "%1" in the descriptive statistics result "%4" is less than the number "%3" of frequencies of the corresponding discrete statistics of the partition "%2".

IDM2072 The number "%2" of continuous statistics of partition "%1" is different from the number "%4" of continuous fields of the descriptive statistics result "%3".

IDM2073 The number "%5" of buckets of the continuous statistics of the field "%1" in the descriptive statistics result "%4" is different from the number "%3" of buckets of the corresponding continuous statistics of the partition "%2".

IDM2074 The lowest limit "%5" of the continuous statistics of the field "%1" in the descriptive statistics result "%4" is different from the lowest limit "%3" of the corresponding continuous statistics of the partition "%2".

IDM2075 The highest limit "%5" of the continuous statistics of the field "%1" in the descriptive statistics result "%4" is different from the highest limit "%3" of the corresponding continuous statistics of the partition "%2".

IDM2079 The clustering result object "%2" contains an incorrect value "%1" for the number of passes.

User response

Specify a positive integer for the number of passes in the clustering settings object.

IDM2080 The clustering result object "%1" contains an asymmetric similarity matrix. The clustering function can handle symmetric similarity matrixes only.

User response

Change the input values for the similarity matrix so that the matrix becomes symmetric.

IDM2081 The number of rows and columns "%1" of the similarity matrix in the clustering result object "%2" is not equal to the number of clusters "%3".


The results are incorrect.

IDM2082 The frequency value "%1" for out of range values of a discrete statistics object is negative.

IDM2083 The sum of frequency values (including those that are out of range) "%1" of a discrete statistics object is greater than the value of the total frequency "%2".

IDM2084 The negative frequency "%1" exceeds the total frequency "%2".

IDM2085 "%2" values were defined as valid values for the binary field "%1". However, the number of possible values of a binary field must be 2. Define 2 values as valid values for the binary field "%1".

IDM2091 For this pass, the Intelligent Miner interpreted the values of field "%1" as continuous values. Therefore, the "%2" out-of-range values in your list of valid values were ignored because valid values can only be used with categorical and discrete-numeric data. However, your list of valid values might be considered during a subsequent pass.

IDM2097 The message file "%1" cannot be created. Check if you have write permission for the file and the directory in which it is to be located.

IDM2099 "%1".

IDM2100 The buffer has been extended to %1 characters.

IDM2103 The lowest histogram limit %1 is not smaller than the highest limit %2.

IDM2109 Invalid continuous statistics object for field "%1".

IDM2110 Invalid discrete statistics object for field "%1".

IDM2111 The discrete statistics object is missing for field "%2" that has been used for initializing the descriptive statistics result "%1".

IDM2112 The continuous statistics object is missing for field "%2" that has been used for initializing the descriptive statistics result "%1".

IDM2113 To start the calculation of the descriptive statistics result "%1", the field "%2" is used. In the next pass over the data, complete continuous statistics cannot be computed for the field "%2" .

IDM2114 The discrete statistics has not yet been computed for the numeric field "%2" that has been used for initializing the descriptive statistics result "%1";


as it possible that the field type changes to continuous within the next pass it is not certain that the statistics will be complete after the end of the next pass.

IDM2115 The descriptive statistics result "%1" is initialized already; it is not possible to initialize it a second time.

IDM2116 The descriptive statistics result "%1" of partition "%2" is not initialized yet.

IDM2117 The fieldtype in the result file is not applicable for Field "%1".

IDM2118 A field with the name "%1" does not exist in result object "%2". Remove the field "%1" from the list of input fields in your settings object.

IDM2119 The active field "%1" is not declared as an active field in the statitics of the result object. In the corresponding settings object, change the status of the field to supplementary, or remove it from the list of input fields.

IDM2120 The field "%1" was used to construct the model. Therefore, it must be defined as an active field in test or application mode. Add the field "%1" to the list of active fields in the corrsponding settings object.

IDM2121 The value mapping object "%1" is in an inconsistent state.

IDM2122 Data cursor "%1" of value mapping "%2" cannot be rewound.

IDM2125 The result statistics do not identify the field "%1" as the field to be predicted. Choose the correct field as the prediction field.

IDM2126 The bucket number "%1" is less than or equal the minimum long integer. This number has been computed for the value "%2" and bucket width "%3".

IDM2127 The bucket number "%1" is greater than the maximum long integer. This number has been computed for the value "%2" and bucket width "%3".

IDM2130 The memory limit is reached.


More memory is not available.

User response

You can do one of the following actions: Increase the maximum of memory available to Intelligent Miner by specifying a larger value via the power option '-buf'. Specify less fields with usageType systemDetermined in your mining settings.

IDM2168 The number of valid values "%1" for a continuous statistics object is negative.

IDM2169 The number of valid values "%1" for a continuous statistics object is greater than the value for total frequency "%2".

IDM2170 A field name specified as an argument is NULL.

IDM2171 A numeric field with the name "%1" does not exist in result object "%2".

User response

Remove the field "%1" from the list of input fields in your settings object.

IDM2186 The status file "%1" cannot be opened in write-mode. System error %2: %3.

IDM2187 No name was given for a status file. No status info will be written.

IDM2188 Status file is in bad state.

IDM2189 Unable to rewind status file. System error %1: %2.

IDM2190 Unable to write to status file. System error %1: %2.

IDM2191 Unable to open file %1. System Error %2: %3.

IDM2192 Unable to open file %1.

IDM2193 Unable to close file. System Error %1: %2.

IDM2194 Unable to close file.

IDM2195 Unable to rewind file. System Error %1: %2.

IDM2196 Unable to rewind file.

IDM2197 Could only write %1 out of %2 KB to a file. System Error %3.

IDM2198 Could only write %1 out of %2 KB to a file.

IDM2199 Could only read %1 out of %2 KB from a file. System Error %3.

IDM2200 Could only read %1 out of %2 KB from a file.

IDM2201 Not enough main memory available for temporary record buffer. Remaining space was less than %1 KB.

IDM2202 Can not find a name for a temporary file. System Error %1: %2.

IDM2203 Can not find a name for a temporary file.

IDM2204 The Intelligent Miner cannot sort the data because the number of records is unknown. Note that pipes and random samples cannot be sorted.

IDM2213 The string "%1" cannot be written to the result object because it contains a new-line character. The record length might be incorrect.

User response

Compare the field descriptions in your data object with the field lengths in your input data. Correct the record length in the data object, if necessary.

IDM2216 Active field "%1" occurs more than once.

IDM2224 The statistics in the result are incomplete. Therefore the description of field "%1" in cluster "%2" cannot be calculated.

IDM2303 An SQL error occurred: SQLstate: "%1", SQL Error Message: %2. See the DB2 User's Guide or the Message Reference.

IDM2304 An SQL error occurred: Executing "%1" SQL returned "%2". See the DB2 User's Guide or the DB2 Message Reference.

IDM2305 The table "%1"."%2" does not exist.

IDM2306 The number of columns "%1" is negative or exceeds the maximum number of columns per table.

IDM2307 Column "%1" has type "%2", which is not supported for data mining.

IDM2308 The table "%1"."%2" does not contain the column "%3".

IDM2309 Function sequence error. An Open must precede a getNextRecord or a skipRecord.

IDM2318 DB access protocol: Number of rows fetched: %1, rejected: %2, (SQLSTATE: 22003, 22005).

IDM2320 No records were returned for a SELECT statement. Either the table "%1"."%2" is empty or record filter conditions were specified that do not match any of the records in the table.

IDM2321 The index "%1" on table "%2"."%3" cannot be recreated.

IDM2322 Column "%1": The type conversion from "%2" to "%3" is not supported.

IDM2323 Table "%1"."%2" has not enough columns to append output table records.

IDM2324 Column "%1" in table "%2"."%3" has a datatype that is not supported by DataAccessAPI.

IDM2325 Output field "%1" does not exist in table "%2"."%3". Append cannot be performed.

IDM2326 Column "%1" in table "%2"."%3" is not nullable. Append cannot be performed.

IDM2333 Input buffer has already been created. Can not open a new one before the first has been closed.

IDM2334 Updatable buffer has already been created. Can not open a new one before the first has been closed.

IDM2335 Data has already been read from the data source. The lookaside buffer might be inconsistent.

IDM2336 The input size for the input buffer cannot be determined.

IDM2337 You can update the buffer. However, the input size for the buffer cannot be determined.

IDM2338 The lookaside buffer cannot be created.

IDM2340 The lookaside buffer's field list is empty.

IDM2342 You can update the buffer. It was attempted to access the updatable buffer before creating it.

IDM2343 Input buffer is not ready for use in method "%1".

IDM2344 Updatable buffer is not ready for use in method "%1".

IDM2345 No working directory has been set in parameter file. Using /tmp for lookaside buffer files.

IDM2346 Read error on input buffer file "%1". System error code: "%2".

IDM2347 Read error on updatable buffer file "%1". System error code: "%2".

IDM2348 Write error on input buffer file "%1". System error code: "%2".

IDM2349 Write error on updatable buffer file "%1". System error code: "%2".

IDM2350 Seek error on input buffer file "%1". System error code: "%2".

IDM2351 Seek error on updatable buffer file "%1". System error code: "%2".

IDM2352 The updatable and the input buffer have a different number of entries.

IDM2353 The lookaside buffer has read %1 but expected %2 records from the data source. May run out of diskspace.

IDM2354 The lookaside buffer has read %1 but expected %2 records from the data source. This is probably due to filtering or modified database tables.

IDM2355 A LOB value with the specified ID '%1' cannot be found in the table '%2' in column '%3'.


This error occurs if a stored procedure is called with incorrect values for the model locator or task locator. A specified table or column name might be wrong, or the data type of a specified column might be wrong.

User response

Ensure that the table name, the column names, and the LOB identifier are specified correctly. Call the stored procedure again.

IDM2356 The column '%1' cannot be found in the table '%2'.


This error occurs if a stored procedure is called with incorrect values for the model locator or task locator. The column names in the specified table might be wrong.

User response

Ensure that the column names and the table name are specified correctly. Call the stored procedure again.

IDM2357 In the table '%3', one or both of the columns '%1' and '%2' cannot be found.


This error occurs if a stored procedure is called with incorrect values for the model locator or the task locator. The column names in the specified table might be wrong.

User response

Ensure that the column names and the table name are correctly specified. Call the stored procedure again.

IDM2358 In the table '%2', the source data type of the column '%1' is wrong.


This error occurs if a stored procedure is called with incorrect values for the model locator or the task locator. The column types in the specified table might be wrong for the requested action.

User response

Ensure that a column is specified with the correct source data type. Call the stored procedure again.

IDM2359 The table '%1' does not exist.


A stored procedure is called with incorrect values for the model locator or the task locator. The specified column does not exist.

User response

Specify the name of an existing table. Call the stored procedure again.

IDM2360 In the table '%2', the user defined type in the column '%1' is not correct. The expected type is '%3'.


A stored procedure is called with incorrect values for the model locator or the task locator. The column types in the specified table might be wrong for the requested action.

User response

Check the parameters of the stored procedure, correct them, and call the stored procedure again.

IDM2490 File "%1" has experienced an I/O error. Diagnostic information follows:

IDM2491 lastop=%1, errno=%2, syscode=x'%3', rc=%4

IDM2492 errno message: %1

IDM2493 An abend has occurred (signal SIGABND): code=x'%1', reason=%2

IDM2494 A signal %1 ('%2') has occurred causing abnormal termination.

IDM2496 Error during XML parser initialization: %1.

IDM2497 XML parser error in %1. Line: %2, Column: %3, Message: %4.

IDM2498 The XML element %1 is not unique. Specify a unique name for this element.

IDM2500 An XML syntax error occurred in the input record %2 at the position %1.


The input format for the DM_ApplicationData record is not valid, or the record is empty. One of the column values might contain invalid XML characters such as '<' or '&'. For example, for '<' you must use &lt; or for '&' you must use &amp;.

User response

Check the input record against the XML DTD of Intelligent Miner. Replace the invalid characters with the appropriate coding.

IDM2501 The value %1 of the field %2 in the XML input record cannot be converted to a numeric value.

User response

Check if the value is a number and if the decimal separator is compatible with the language settings of the database.

IDM2502 The DM_ApplicationData record contains the field %1. This field does not exist in the mining model.


The field %1 is not an active field in the mining model. The spelling of the field name might be wrong. Note that uppercase and lowercase characters are treated as different characters.

User response

Remove all fields that are not active in the mining model to improve the performance.

IDM2503 The DM_ApplicationData record does not contain the field %1.


In the mining model, the field %1 is defined as active field. To ensure reliable scoring, the field %1 must be included in the DM_ApplicationData record.

User response

In the mining model, provide values for all active fields.

IDM2504 In the DM_ApplicationData record, the field %1 is included %2 times.


If the field %1 is included %2 times in the DM_ApplicationData record, the performance is decreased. Also, the value for this field might not be set correctly. Only the last value is used.

User response

To improve the performance, remove the redundant field references in the DM_ApplicationData record.

IDM2505 The attribute %1 is not valid for the XML input model %2.


The attribute kind=%1 of the element ComparisonMeasure is ignored, because it is not valid for the XML input model. The attribute kind=%3 is used.

User response

To prevent further warning messages, specify the attribute kind=%3 in your input model.

IDM2506 The comparison measure %1 is not valid for the type of the XML input model.


The comparison measure %1 is ignored, because the XML input model contains a comparison measure that is not valid for the model type. The comparison measure %2 is used.

User response

To prevent further warning messages, specify the comparison measure %2 in your input model.

IDM2507 The compare function %1 is not valid for the field %2.


The compare function %1 specified for the field %2 is ignored, because it is not valid for the field type. The compare function %3 is used.

User response

To prevent further warning messages, specify the compare function %3 in your input model.

IDM2508 The field type %1 is not supported.

IDM2509 An XML syntax error occurred in the input record %1.

IDM2529 The PMML model cannot be parsed because it is not a valid XML document.

User response

Check the PMML model for XML syntax violations such as unmatched quotes or unmatched opening and closing XML tags.

IDM2530 The PMML model contains %2 where it should contain element %1.

IDM2531 The PMML model does not contain the mandatory attribute %1 in element %2 %3.

IDM2532 The field %1 does not have valid values.

IDM2533 %1 in element %2 %3 is invalid.


The Element %1contains one or more invalid attributes.

IDM2534 The field %1 is referenced in the model but is not declared before in the data dictionary.

IDM2535 All continuous fields must have the same outlier treatment.


The field %1 is indicated with the outlier treatment %2 and the current field with the outlier treatment %3. The outlier treatment %3 will be used for all of the fields.

IDM2536 The outlier treatment %1 is not defined in PMML.


The outlier treatment %1 cannot be written in the PMML model. asIs is used instead. This causes differences between the Intelligent Miner model and the PMML model.

IDM2537 The value %1 is not valid for the field %2.

IDM2538 The statistics of the field %1 are inconsistent.


The two arrays of values and frequencies have different lengths.

IDM2539 The interval between %1 and %2 for the field %3 is not valid.

IDM2540 There is a gap between %1 and %2 in the intervals of the field %3.

IDM2541 The PMML model does not contain the mandatory attribute "name" in the %1. For more information, see Taxonomy in the section DataDictionary.

IDM2543 The similarity matrix for the field %1 is not valid and will not be used.

IDM2544 The input PMML model is not suitable for numeric regression.


Suitable PMML models for ProbE regression must contain a <DataDictionary> tag and a <MiningModel> tag with attribute algorithmName="ProbE transform regression".

IDM2545 The input model is not a valid PMML model. The following errors occurred: %1 %2 %3.

IDM2546 The input model contains invalid references between XML elements. The following errors occurred: %1 %2 %3.

IDM2547 Test mode is only supported for tree classification models or for transform regression models.

IDM2549 The field %1 has a taxonomy %2.


Taxonomies are not supported. The field %1 will be used without a taxonomy.

IDM2551 The type %1 of the derived field %2 in the TransformationDirectory element of the PMML model is not supported.


Not all transformation functions are supported. The derived field %2 is not created. This can lead to an error when this field is used.

IDM2552 Two fields in the PMML model have the same name %1.


This model is not a valid PMML model.

IDM2553 The referenced field %1 is not numeric.


The referenced field %1 must be numeric. This model is not a valid PMML model.

IDM2554 The discretization of field %1 contains overlapping intervals. The PMML model is incorrect. A discretization cannot contain overlapping intervals. There must be a unique discrete value for each numeric value of field %1.

IDM2555 The derived field %1 cannot be created.

IDM2556 The field %1 is referenced in the model. However, it cannot be found in the list of mining fields or in the derived fields.

IDM2557 The derived field %1 is not numeric.


The derived field %1 must be numeric. This model is not a valid PMML model.

IDM2558 The derived field %1 is not categorical.


The derived field %1 must be categorical. This model is not a valid PMML model.

IDM2559 The function %1 is referenced in the model, however, it is not supported by Intelligent Miner.

IDM2560 The function %1 is not numeric.


The function %1 is used at a place where a numeric value is expected. This model is not a valid PMML model.

IDM2561 The function %1 is not categorical.


The function %1 is used at a place where a categorical value is expected. This model is not a valid PMML model.

IDM2562 The function "%1" takes %2 arguments. It does not take %3 arguments.


A call to the function %1 presents %3 arguments. However, the function has only %2 arguments. This model is not a valid PMML model.

IDM2563 The input PMML model is not suitable for general regression.


Suitable PMML models for general regression must contain a <GenearlRegression> tag.

IDM2600 The name mapping %1 is not complete.

User response

Verify that you have specified a name mapping name, a table name, and two column names.

IDM2601 The name mapping %1 does not point to a valid data source.


The table %2 or the columns %3 and %4 that are defined in the name mapping %1 are not accessible.

User response

Make sure that the data source exists and that it can be read.

IDM2602 There are several name mappings that are called %1.


You must specify unique names for name mappings.

User response

Remove or rename the name mappings that have the same name.

IDM2603 The weight information %1 does not point to a valid data source.


The table %2 or the columns %3 and %4 that are defined in the weight information %1 are not accessible.

User response

Make sure that the data source exists, and that it can be read.

IDM2604 The name %1 is used for several weight-information objects.


You must specify unique names for weight-information objects.

User response

Remove or rename weight-information objects that have the same name.

IDM2605 The matrix %1 is not complete.

User response

Verify that you have specified a matrix name, a table name, and three column names.

IDM2606 The matrix %1 is not complete.


Parts of the matrix %1 do not have the correct format.

User response

Use the standard SQL functions to build the matrix.

IDM2607 The matrix %1 does not contain a valid data source.


The table %2 or the columns %3, %4, and %5 that are defined in the matrix %1 are not accessible.

User response

Make sure that the data source exists and that it can be read.

IDM2608 There are several matrices that are called %1.


You must specify unique names for matrices.

User response

Remove or rename the matrices that have the same name.

IDM2609 The list of %1 values does not match the number of rows %2 or the number of columns %3 in the matrix %4.


Each row or column in the matrix must match a value in the list of values.

User response

Make sure that the matrix is square and that there are as many values as the size of the matrix.

IDM2610 The XML parameters do not contain a valid task element.

IDM2611 The XML parameters do not contain the mining data element %1.

IDM2612 The XML parameters do not contain a logical data specification.

IDM2613 The XML parameters do not contain settings.

IDM2614 The XML parameters do not contain clustering settings.

IDM2615 The XML parameters do not contain classification settings.

IDM2616 The XML parameters do not contain association rules settings.

IDM2617 The XML parameters do not contain regression settings.

IDM2620 The mining data is not completely defined.


Some of the attributes or sub-elements that define a mining data value are not present.

User response

Verify that you have specified a table name and a list of column names and aliases.

IDM2621 The mining data does not correspond to a valid data source.


It is not possible to access the table %1 or the columns whose aliases match the field names in the logical data specification.

User response

Make sure that the data source exists and that it can be read.

IDM2622 The mining data contains two columns with the same name, %1.


Columns must have unique names.

User response

Remove or rename one of these columns.

IDM2623 The mining data contains two columns with the same alias, %1.


Columns must have unique aliases.

User response

Remove one of these columns, or change its alias.

IDM2624 The mining data contains a column %1 with an empty alias.


Columns using an empty or a blank alias are not allowed.

User response

Change the alias of this column.

IDM2625 The logical data specification is not completely defined.


Some of the attributes or sub-elements that define the logical data specification are not present.

User response

Verify that you have specified a non-empty list of field names and field types

IDM2626 The logical data specification contains a field with an empty name.


Fields containing an empty or a blank name are not allowed.

User response

Change the name of this field.

IDM2627 The type %1 of the field %2 is not defined.


Only the types 'categorical' and 'numerical' are supported.

User response

Choose either the categorical or numerical type for the field %2.

IDM2628 There is no match between the field name %1 and the alias of a column in the mining data.


The field name must match the alias of a column in the mining data.

User response

Make sure that all the field names match column aliases in the mining data.

IDM2629 There is a reference to the name mapping %1 for the field %2. However, the name mapping %1 does not exist.

User response

Remove the reference to name mapping %1 in the field %2, or specify the name mapping %1.

IDM2630 The numeric field %1 has only one limit.


For numeric fields, a non-outlier range can be specified by giving a lower and an upper boundary. Because only one of these limits has been specified, the limit will be ignored.

User response

Either specify no limits, or specify the lower and upper boundaries.

IDM2631 There is a reference to the weight information %1 for the field %2. However, the weight information does not exist.

User response

Remove the reference to the weight information %1 in the field %2, or specify the weight-information %1.

IDM2632 The weight information %1 is not complete.

User response

Verify that you have specified a weight-information name, a table name, and two column names.

IDM2635 The value %2 of power option %1 is not valid.

User response

Do not specify this power option, or specify a valid value for it (not documented).

IDM2636 The field %1 referenced in the settings is not known.


This field either has no name or is not present in the logical data specification.

User response

Remove the reference to this field, or use a valid non-empty name for it.

IDM2637 The outlier treatment %1 for the field %2 is invalid.


The only valid outlier treatments are asIs, asMissing, and asExtreme.

User response

Remove or change the outlier treatment for field %2.

IDM2638 An outlier treatment is defined for the categorical field %1.


Outlier treatments apply only to numerical fields. The outlier treatment for field %1 will be ignored.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove the outlier treatment for field %1.

IDM2639 The value for the desired execution time, %1, is invalid.


The desired execution time must be greater than or equal to 0, zero meaning no time limitation.

User response

Remove or change the value of the desired execution time.

IDM2640 The value for the minimum percentage of data, %1, is not 100.


When no limit is set for the execution time, all the data will be read. The value that was specified for the minimum percentage of data will be ignored.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove the value for the minimum percentage of data, which defaults to 100, or set it explicitly to 100.

IDM2641 The value for the minimum percentage of data, %1, is not valid.


The value must be between 0 and 100.

User response

Remove the value for the minimum percentage of data, or set it to a value between 0 and 100.

IDM2642 A field weight is defined for the supplementary field %1.


Field weights apply only to active fields. The field weight for the field %1 will be ignored.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove the field weight for field %1.

IDM2643 An outlier treatment is defined for the supplementary field %1.


Outlier treatments apply only to active fields. The outlier treatment for field %1 will be ignored.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove the outlier treatment for field %1.

IDM2644 The specified field weight is not supported by the mining function.


Field weights are only supported by the Clustering mining function.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove all field weights.

IDM2645 The field usage type %2 of the field %1 is not supported by the mining function.

User response

Change the usage type of the field %1.

IDM2646 You can define the field usage types 'target', 'item', 'group', 'seqGroup', and 'timeStamp' only for one field. The field usage type of the field %1 is redundant.

User response

Define a different usage type for the field %1.

IDM2647 The specified field outlier treatment is not supported by the mining function.


Outlier treatment is only supported by the Clustering mining function.

User response

Remove the specified field outlier treatments.

IDM2648 In regression settings, only the field usage types 'active', 'supplementary', or 'target' are supported.

User response

Change the usage type of the field %2.

IDM2650 The value for the maximum number of clusters, %1, is invalid.


The value for the maximum number of clusters must be greater than or equal to 0, zero meaning no upper limit.

User response

Remove or change the value for the maximum number of clusters.

IDM2651 There is no similarity matrix %1 for the field %2.

User response

Remove the reference to matrix %1 in field %2, or add a matrix %1.

IDM2652 A value for similarity scale is defined for the categorical field %1.


Similarity scales apply only to numerical fields. The similarity scale value for field %1 will be ignored.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove the similarity scale value for field %1.

IDM2653 A value for similarity scale is defined for the supplementary field %1.


Similarity scales apply only to active fields. The similarity scale value for field %1 will be ignored.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove the similarity scale value for field %1.

IDM2654 A similarity matrix is defined for the numerical field %1.


Similarity matrices apply only to categorical fields. The similarity matrix for field %1 will be ignored.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove the similarity matrix for field %1.

IDM2655 A similarity matrix is defined for the supplementary field %1.


Similarity matrices apply only to active fields. The similarity matrix for field %1 will be ignored.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove the similarity matrix for field %1.

IDM2656 The value weighting %1 for the field %2 is invalid.


The only valid value weightings are info, prob, compInfo, and compProb.

User response

Remove or change the value weighting for the field %2.

IDM2657 A value weighting is defined for the supplementary field %1.


Value weightings apply only to active fields. The value weighting for field %1 will be ignored.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove the value weighting for the field %1.

IDM2658 The similarity threshold %1 is invalid.


The similarity threshold must be between 0 and 1.

User response

Remove or change the value for the similarity threshold.

IDM2660 There is no cost matrix %1.


The classication settings value references a cost matrix %1 that does not exist.

User response

Remove the reference to cost matrix %1, or add a matrix %1.

IDM2661 An input model is specified for the training phase.


The use of an input model is not supported during the training phase. Input models are expected only during the test phase.

User response

Do not define an input model for this task.

IDM2662 No input model is specified for the test phase.


The test phase can be processed only if an input model is given.

User response

Specify an input model for this test task.

IDM2663 More than one target field is specified.


Only one target field may be specified.

User response

Specify one of the two fields %1 or %2 as the target field.

IDM2664 The target field %1 is a numerical field.


Only categorical fields may be the target field of a classification algorithm.

User response

Choose a categorical field as the target.

IDM2665 There is no target field specified in the classification task or in the regression task.


One field must be specified as target field.

User response

Specify a field as target field. The target field of a classification task must be categorical. The target field of a regression task must be numeric.

IDM2666 The field %1 is defined in the input model but not in the test task.


The fields in the input model and in the test task must match.

User response

Verify you have specified an input model and a test task that are compatible.

IDM2667 Some of the fields have field weights.


Field weights are not considered for classification. The field weights will be ignored.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove the field weights from any fields that have them.

IDM2668 Some of the fields have outlier treatments.


Outlier treatments are not considered for classification. The outlier treatments will be ignored.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove the outlier treatments from any fields that have them.

IDM2669 The value for maximum tree depth %1 is invalid.


The maximum tree depth value must be greater than or equal to 0, zero meaning no upper limit.

User response

Remove or change the value for the maximum tree depth.

IDM2670 The value for minimum purity, %1, is invalid.


The minimum purity value must be between 0 and 100.

User response

Remove or change the value for the minimum purity.

IDM2671 The value for the minimum number of records per node, %1, is invalid.


This value must be greater than or equal to 0.

User response

Remove or change the value for the minimum number of records per node.

IDM2672 The target field for classification contains too many different values, or it is a key field.


Classification algorithms are best suited for target fields with only a small number of different values. The currently chosen target field %1 contains too many different values for creating a useful classification model.

User response

Choose another target field or preprocess the target field in order to reduce the number of different target values.

IDM2673 The target field %1 is a categorical field.


Only numeric fields can be the target field of a regression/time series algorithm.

User response

Choose a numeric field as the target.

IDM2675 The category map %1 is not completely defined.


Some of the attributes that define a unique category map are not present.

User response

Verify that you have specified a name, a table name, and two column names.

IDM2676 The taxonomy %1 is not correctly defined.


The taxonomy either has no name or does not contain a category map.

User response

Use the standard SQL functions to build the category map.

IDM2677 The category map %1 does not contain a valid data source.


It is not possible to access the table %2 or the columns %3 and %4 defined in the category map %1.

User response

Make sure that the data source exists and that it can be read.

IDM2678 There are two category maps with the same name, %1.


Duplicate names are not allowed for the category maps in a taxonomy.

User response

Remove or rename one of these category maps.

IDM2679 There is no name mapping %1 for the category map %2.

User response

Remove the reference to name mapping %1 in the category map %2, or add a name mapping %1.

IDM2680 There is more than one group field.


Only one group field is allowed.

User response

Specify one of the two fields %1 or %2 as the group field.

IDM2682 In the sequence rule task or in the association rule task, the group field is missing.


In a sequence rule task, you must specify a group field. If there is only one item field in an association rule task, you must also specify a group field.

User response

Specify a categorical field as the group field.

IDM2683 More than one item field is specified.


Only one item field is allowed.

User response

Specify one of the two fields %1 or %2 as the item field.

IDM2684 In the sequence rules task, a valid sequence group field is missing.


You must specify one sequence group field.

User response

Specify a valid field name for the sequence group field.

IDM2685 No item field is specified in the association rules task.


An item field (one only) must be specified.

User response

Specify one categorical field as the item field.

IDM2686 There is a reference to the taxonomy %1 for the item field %2. However, the taxonomy %1 does not exist.

User response

Remove the reference to the taxonomy %1 in the item field %2, or specify the taxonomy %1.

IDM2687 The item constraints are not correctly defined for the association rules settings.


The item constraints values either specify an unknown type or do not contain any constraints on items.

User response

Use the standard SQL functions to build the item constraints values.

IDM2688 The value for minimum support, %1, is invalid.


The minimum support value must be between 0 and 100.

User response

Remove or change the value for minimum support.

IDM2689 The value for minimum confidence, %1, is invalid.


The minimum confidence value must be between 0 and 100.

User response

Remove or change the value for minimum confidence.

IDM2690 The value for maximum rule length, %1, is invalid.


The maximum rule length value must be greater than or equal to 0, zero meaning no upper limit.

User response

Remove or change the value for the maximum rule length.

IDM2691 Some of the fields have field weights.


Field weights are not considered for association rules. The field weights will be ignored.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove the field weights from any fields that have them.

IDM2692 Some of the fields have outlier treatments.


Outlier treatments are not considered for association rules. The outlier treatments will be ignored.

User response

To avoid getting this warning message, remove the outlier treatments from any fields that have them.

IDM2693 The cost rate %1 in the classification settings is invalid.


The cost rate must be between 0 and 100.

User response

Remove or change the value for the cost rate in the classification settings.

IDM2700 The categorical field %1 has more than %2 values.


Categorical fields with too many values degrade performance, largely without improving the mining result. For this reason, the maximum number of values considered is limited to %2. The statistics containing information about the first %2 values of the field %1 are stored; the other values are considered invalid.

User response

Verify that the field %1 is needed in this mining run and that all of its values are useful. If necessary, preprocess the data in order to reduce the number of values or to have the important values first.

IDM2701 The field %1 is of the ordinal type.


The ordinal type is not supported. The field %1 will be considered to be of the categorical type.

IDM2702 The field %1 is not used for mining.


With a probability of %2, the field %1 is a key field. Therefore it is not useful in the mining process.

User response

If you want to use the field %1, specify it as "active field" in the mining settings.

IDM2703 The field %1 is not used for mining.


With a probability of %2, the field %1 has predominantly one value. Therefore it is not useful in the mining process.

User response

If you want to use the field %1, specify it as "active field" in the mining settings.

IDM2704 The field %1 is not used for mining.


With a probability of %2, the field %1 has only missing values. Therefore it is not useful in the mining process.

User response

If you want to use the field %1, specify it as "active field" in the mining settings.

IDM2705 The field %1 is not used for mining.


With a probability of %3, the field %1 is correlated with the field %2. Therefore is not useful in the mining process.

User response

If you want to use the field %1, specify it as "active field" in the mining settings.

IDM2706 The taxonomy %1 is not acyclic.


It is mandatory that the taxonomy %1 does not contain cyclic sequences. The following cyclic sequence has been found: %2.

User response

Remove all cyclic sequences from the taxonomy %1.

IDM2707 The field %1 is not used for mining.


With a probability of %3, the field %1 is identical with the predicted field %2. Therefore is not useful in the mining process.

User response

If you want to use the field %1, specify it as "active field" in the mining settings.

IDM2708 There is not enough memory available to do a complete analysis of the input fields.


The analysis of the input fields was limited due to insufficient memory. This does not harm the mining process, however, it might lead to sub-optimal results. The current memory limit is %1MB.

User response

You can increase the memory that is available to Intelligent Miner by using the power option '-buf'. For more information, see the manual.

IDM2709 The DB2 instance does not have sufficient memory.


For the mining run, %1MB of memory is specified by using the power option '-buf'. This value exceeds the maximum amount of available memory. The maximum amount of memory is %2MB. This is specified by the respective ulimit for the data segment of the user who started the DB2 instance. According to the ulimits, you can specify a maximum value of %3MB.

User response

Change the limit for the data segement of the user who started the DB2 instance, restart the DB2 instance, and try again.

IDM2710 Ulimits are exceeded.


The data segement limit of the user who startet the DB2 instance is exceeded.

User response

Restart DB2. If the problem persists, increase the data segment limit of the user who starts the DB2 instance.

IDM2711 An error occurred while retrieving the ulimits.


When retrieving the ulimits for the data segment, the following error occurred: %1

User response

Fix the cause of the error and try again.

IDM2750 The error message table %2 in the schema %1 does not exist.

IDM2751 The number of columns in the error message table %2 in the schema %1 cannot be retrieved.

IDM2752 The names of the columns in the error message table %2 in the schema %1 cannot be retrieved.

IDM2753 The error message table %2 does not contain all the necessary columns. The following columns are missing: %1.

IDM2754 The SQL types of some columns in the error message table %2 are not correct. The following columns have incorrect types: %1.

IDM2755 Old error messages cannot be deleted from the error message table %1.

IDM2756 An error message cannot be inserted into the error message table %1.

IDM2760 The progress information table %2 in the schema %1 does not exist.

IDM2761 The number of columns in the progress information table %2 in the schema %1 cannot be retrieved.

IDM2762 The names of the columns in the progress information table %2 in the schema %1 cannot be retrieved.

IDM2763 The progress information table %2 does not contain all the necessary columns. The following columns are missing: %1.

IDM2764 The SQL types of some columns in the progress information table %2 are not correct. The following columns have incorrect types: %1.

IDM2765 Old progress information cannot be deleted from the progress information table %1.

IDM2766 Progress information cannot be inserted into the progress information table %1.

IDM2767 Progress information cannot be selected in the progress information table %1.

IDM2768 The mining run was cancelled.


The mining run is cancelled. No model is written.

IDM2770 The codeset of the system is %1. This codeset cannot be processed.

IDM2771 You are using a temporary license. You must enroll "%1" within "%2" days in the license file "%3".

User response

Buy a production license and replace the nodelock files, or uninstall the product after the temporary license has expired.

IDM2772 You are using a temporary license. The number of days left is "%2". You must enroll "%1" in the license file "%3".

User response

Buy a production license and replace the nodelock files, or uninstall the product after the temporary license has expired.

IDM2773 An error occurred during the initialization of License Use Management for the product "%1" with the license file "%2".


A temporary license cannot be installed in the nodelock files. The permission to write these files might be missing.

User response

Check your installation. Run the executable file "idmlicm" as a user who has write permissions for the IM installation directories, for example, root for UNIX, or Administrator for Windows).

IDM2774 The license has expired. If it was a 'Try and Buy' license, you can now enroll "%1" in the nodelock file "%2".


An attempt was probably made to use a temporary 'Try and Buy' license that has now expired.

User response

Buy a production license and replace the nodelock files, or uninstall the product after the temporary license has expired.

IDM2775 The product "%1" does not have a license enrolled. You cannot add a 'Try and Buy' license.

User response

Use the idmlicm command to check your license status. Verify that you have installed the necessary components.

IDM2776 The license for the product "%1" was found in the file "%2".

IDM2777 The product "%1" does not have a license enrolled. Check your installation. If you have not purchased a license for this product, you may select 'CONTINUE' to enroll an evaluation license. PLEASE READ THE EVALUATION PROGRAM LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. IF YOU SELECT 'CONTINUE', THIS WILL CONSTITUTE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS AND APPLICABLE COPYRIGHT LAWS. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THESE TERMS, SELECT 'EXIT'. 1. EXIT 2. CONTINUE

IDM2800 An invalid handle is returned by DB2.

IDM2801 A DB2 error occurred. There is no explanation available. See the db2diag.log file for details. Check that the DB2INSTANCE environment variable is set correctly and that the appropriate DB2 runtime library, for example, libdb2.a for DB2 on AIX, is accessed.

IDM2802 An error occurred while processing a previous DB2 error. Make sure that the DB2INSTANCE environment variable is set correctly and that the correct DB2 runtime library is accessed.

IDM2810 The result size of %1 bytes is too small to write information to.


The scoring result contains information that occupies more than %1 bytes. Only a part of the information is written to the result.

User response

You can enable your database with a larger result size. You can also specify less information as required information in the result specification object.

IDM2811 All fields are removed, there are no active fields left.


None of the fields for mining are considered to be useful. Because all fields are removed, there are no fields left for mining.

User response

Specify fields that are appropriate for the mining task, or set some of the fields to the state 'active' so that they are not removed by the automated field inspection.

IDM2812 In the PMML model, there is a dependency cycle among the derived fields.


The computation of a value for a derived field can depend from other derived fields values, recursively. The value of the derived field %1 cannot be computed because the field depends on itself.

User response

Check the PMML model and remove the dependency of the derived field %1 on itself.

IDM2820 The JNI environment is not set.


The JNI layer between the Java API and the mining code is not configured correctly.

IDM2821 In the JNI environment, the class %1 is missing.


The class %1 is required to use Intelligent Miner through its Java API.

User response

Make sure that you have included the Java API of Intelligent Miner

IDM2822 In the JNI environment, the method %2 of the instance of %1 is missing.


In the instance of %1, the method %2 is missing. This method is required to use Intelligent Miner through its Java API.

User response

Make sure that you have included the Java API of Intelligent Miner, and that the instance of %1 implements the method %2.

IDM2823 The data source object does not implement a supported interface.


Intelligent Miner does not support all interfaces of a data source object. For example, %1 is supported.

User response

Make sure that you use a data source object of a supported interface, for example, %1.

IDM2824 The data source object does not implement the %1 interface.


Only data source objects that implement the interface %1 or one of its derived interfaces are supported by Intelligent Miner.

User response

Make sure that you use a data source object that implements the interface %1.

IDM2825 [JNI]%3.


This exception occurs when the method %2 of the class or the interface %1 is called.

IDM2850 In the mining task, the maximal exponent is not valid.


Valid maximal exponents are integers between 1 and 7.

User response

Specify an integer between 1 and 7 for the maximal exponent and restart the mining run.

IDM2851 In the mining task, the minimum significance level is not valid.


A valid minimum significance level is a real number between 0 and 1.

User response

Specify a real number between 0 and 1 for the minimum significance level and restart the mining run.

IDM2852 In the mining task, the maximum exponent for predictors or input variables is greater than '1'.


For linear regression, the maximum value for predictors is 1. The maximum exponent is adjusted accordingly.

User response

To avoid this warning in future mining runs, set the maximum exponent for linear regression models to '1'. '1' is the default value.

IDM2853 In the mining task, the mode for regression model optimization is not valid.


A valid mode for the Regression algorithm is 'normal' or 'adjusted'.

User response

Use the function DM_setAlgorithm to set the rSquaredMode in the mining task to 'normal' or 'adjusted'.

IDM2854 The mining task includes field weights.


The Center-based Clustering algorithm does not support field weights.

User response

Select the default algorithm that supports field weights, or remove the field weights from the mining task.

IDM2855 Width units are not supported by algorithm 'Kohonen'.


The mining task sets width units, but this is not supported by the algorithm 'Kohonen'.

User response

Either choose the default algorithm which supports width units, or remove them from the task.

IDM2856 The mining task includes a similarity threshold.


The Center-based Clustering algorithm does not support similarity thresholds.

User response

Select the default algorithm that supports a similarity threshold, or remove the similarity threshold from the mining task.

IDM2857 The mining task includes a similarity scale.


The Center-based Clustering algorithm does not support similarity scales.

User response

Select the default algorithm that supports similarity scales, or remove the similarity scale from the mining task.

IDM2858 The mining task includes a comparison measure.


The Center-based Clustering algorithm does not support comparison measures.

User response

Select the default algorithm that supports different comparison measures, or remove the comparison measure from the mining task.

IDM2860 In the mining task, the specified value for 'inSampleSize' is not valid.


Valid values for 'inSampleSize' is are integer numbers that are greater than 0.

User response

Specify an integer number that is greater than 0, or do not specify a value for 'inSampleSize' at all, and restart the mining run.

IDM2861 In the mining task, the specified value for 'outSampleSize' is not valid.


Valid values for 'outSampleSize' are integer numbers that are greater than 0.

User response

Specify an integer number that is greater than 0, or do not specify a value for 'outSampleSize' at all, and restart the mining run.

IDM2862 In the mining task, the specified value for 'MaxNumberPasses' is not valid.


Valid values for 'MaxNumberPasses' are integer numbers that are greater than 0.

User response

Specify an integer number that is greater than 0, or do not specify a value for 'MaxNumberPasses' at all, and restart the mining run.

IDM2863 In the mining task, the specified value for 'MinNumberPasses' is not valid.


Valid values for 'MinNumberPasses' are integer numbers that are greater than 0.

User response

Specify an integer number that is greater than 0, or do not specify a value for 'MinNumberPasses' at all, and restart the mining run.

IDM2864 In the mining task, the specified value for 'MaxNumberCenters' is not valid.


Valid values for 'MaxNumberCenters' are integer numbers that are greater than 0.

User response

Specify an integer number that is greater than 0, or do not specify a value for 'MaxNumberCenters' at all, and restart the mining run.

IDM2865 In the mining task, the specified value for 'MinRegionSize' is not valid.


Valid values for 'MinRegionSize' are integer numbers that are greater than 0.

User response

Specify an integer number that is greater than 0, or do not specify a value for 'MinRegionSize' at all, and restart the mining run.

IDM2866 In the mining task, the specified values for 'MinNumberPasses' and 'MaxNumberPasses' do not match.


Matching numbers are integer values for 'MinNumberPasses' less or equal to 'MaxNumberPasses'.

User response

Specify integer numbers for 'MinNumberPasses' and 'MaxNumberPasses with values for 'MinNumberPasses' less or equal to 'MaxNumberPasses', or do not specify values for 'MinNumberPasses' and 'MaxNumberPasses' at all, and restart the mining run.

IDM3101 The data file is empty.


You specified an empty file or filter conditions that exclude all the records in the input data.

User response

Check the input data, the filter conditions, or both. Make changes if necessary and restart the process.

IDM3102 The specified data file does not exist or someone else uses it.

User response

Check whether the file exists; if the answer is yes, restart the process at a later time.

IDM3103 Programming Error.

User response

Contact your IBM representative.

IDM3104 The Parallel Operating Environment cannot start a task.

IDM3105 The clustering process stopped because the model did not improve during the last pass.

IDM3106 You specified 0 for the distance unit.


In doing so, you cause similar records to be treated as dissimilar records. The Intelligent Miner corrected this error and set the distance unit to the default value of 0.001.

User response

If you do not want to use the default value, specify a valid distance unit for a subsequent mining run.



The distance unit must be a positive number.

User response

Specify a positive value for the distance unit.



The Intelligent Miner cannot handle a distance unit in connection with categorical fields. It therefore ignores the distance unit that you specified.

IDM3109 Programming error: A distance unit was calculated for a categorical field.

User response

Contact your IBM representative.

IDM3111 The field "%1" is specified as an active field more than once, or it is specified as an active and as a supplementary field.


The field is used as an active field only once. Any other specifications are ignored.

IDM3112 Error when opening 'Result Statistics.'

IDM3113 The field "%1" does not appear in the result statistics.


Therefore, the Intelligent Miner cannot use these result statistics to apply the model to your current data.

User response

Check the input fields you specified and the result statistics. Correct any mismatch. If there is no mismatch, Contact your IBM representative.



To run this function in application mode, you must specify output fields.

IDM3117 The active field "%1" is not defined as an active field in the result statistics.

User response

Check the active fields you specified and the result statistics. Correct any mismatch. If there is no mismatch, Contact your IBM representative.



The Intelligent Miner requires the name of an output data object to create output fields.

User response

Specify an output data object.

IDM3119 The field %1 contains %2 missing values.

IDM3120 The field %1 contains %2 missing values and %3 outliers. Note: The outlier treatment depends on the method that you specify.

IDM3127 The messagetype (%1) received by the function (%2) is incorrect.

User response

Contact your IBM representative.

IDM3128 An MPI-Message object (%1) is setup incorrectly (ivMsgOK=FALSE).

User response

Contact your IBM representative.

IDM3129 The MPI-call -%1- was not successful. The returncode was %2.

User response

Contact your IBM representative.

IDM3130 The indicator received by the function IDMPSendRecordMsg::Send is not valid.

User response

Contact your IBM representative.

IDM3131 The function (%1) received a message from a node that is not involved in the current process.

User response

Contact your IBM representative.

IDM3132 The function (%1) detected a messageholder that is not valid.

User response

Contact your IBM representative.

IDM3135 A faulty record has been found and skipped.

IDM3136 The field "%1" was not used when the model was built.

User response

Remove this field from the active fields list.



Supplementary fields are ignored in application mode.

User response

This is just an information and requires no action on your part.

IDM3141 The order of the best records is incorrect.

User response

Contact your IBM representative.

IDM3142 The value for the similarity threshold was not between 0 and 1. Therefore, the default value of 0.5 is used.

IDM3143 You are using a Version 1 result for application mode.


This result does not contain distance units. Default distance units are calculated and used.

IDM3144 An error occurred while writing to the output table.

IDM3145 An error occurred while writing the best records.

IDM3146 The discrete numeric field "%1" has %2 different values.


Consequently, the similarity matrix for this field needs a lot of space, which might cause your system to run out of memory.

User response

It is recommended that you define this field as a continuous field.

IDM3147 You are converting a Version 1 result to XML. This model does not contain distance units.


If a model does not contain distance units, distance units are calculated by default. These default values might not correspond to the distance units used to create the result.

User response

If necessary, you can change these default values in the attribute similarityScale of all elements ClusteringField in the XML model.

IDM3148 You are using an XML model that does not contain the attribute similarityScale for numeric fields. Therefore distance units are calculated by default.

IDM3149 You are converting a Version 6.1 model to XML. This model might contain an erroneous outlier treatment. It also does not contain any similarity definitions.


Version 6.1 results do not contain the outlier treatment and the similarity definitions you might have specified. Outliers are treated as missing values. Similarity definitions are not used.

User response

Upgrade your Intelligent Miner software to a later version and export this model again.

IDM3180 A cancel request has been received during the clustering run.


The clustering run will terminate immediately. No model will be written.

IDM3181 There is not enough time to process the clustering run.


An estimate that %1 seconds of processing time are necessary has been made after %3 seconds of execution. However, a time of only %2 seconds has been specified by the user.

User response

Increase the maximum desired execution time, or decrease the percentage of data to be read.

IDM3182 The type for field %1 has been changed to supplementary.


The type for field %1 was not appropriate to the demographic clustering algorithm. From now on, it is treated as supplementary, and is not used to find clusters.

IDM3183 There are no active fields.


Either the parameters do not contain active fields, or all the active fields in the parameters have been changed to supplementary due to inappropriate statistics. The demographic clustering algorithm cannot run without active fields.

User response

Specify active fields in the parameters, and try again.

IDM3184 %1 invalid records have been found and skipped.

IDM3185 Due to the memory limit, more than %1 clusters cannot be created.


For the current clustering run, the memory usage is limited to %2 bytes. More than %1 clusters cannot be created.

User response

If you want to create more clusters, increase the memory limit by using the -buf power option .

IDM3261 The test mode for Radial-Basis Function (RBF) prediction is not implemented yet.

IDM3262 The power option "-noQualityInfo" is specified. This power option prevents that quality information is written to the generated model.

IDM3263 There is not enough memory available to generate quality information. Therefore quality information is not written to the model.

IDM3269 The Radial-Basis Function (RBF) prediction test run cannot be started because the input settings are not correct.


Check the input settings. Training settings might be provided instead of test settings. The settings might contain an incorrect PMML model or incorrect test data.

IDM3270 There is no data to mine.


The input data object might refer to an empty file or database table. Alternatively, a filter record condition was specified that excludes all records in the input data.

User response

Check the input data and any filter records conditions.

IDM3271 The prediction field %1 contains only incorrect training values. A prediction model cannot be constructed. You might have specified valid values that do not occur in the prediction field. Check the input data object.

IDM3272 The prediction field %1 always has the same value %2. A prediction model would be meaningless.If the prediction field is categorical, check whether its definition in the data object is correct. If you use flat-file data as input, make sure that you define the correct beginning and end columns as field boundaries in the input data object.

IDM3273 The Intelligent Miner cannot split the data into further regions. Probably, the input data does not contain enough records.

IDM3274 The function cannot build a model. There might be an active categorical field where almost all values are different. In this case, remove this field and try again.

IDM3277 The number of data records cannot be determined. The reason might be that the input data consists of a named pipe. Default values are used for the in-sample size and the out-sample size.

IDM3401 The Transform Regression training run cannot be started because the input settings are not correct.


Check the input settings. Test settings might be provided instead of training settings, or the settings contain incorrect training data.

IDM3402 The Transform Regression test run cannot be started because the input settings are not correct.


Check the input settings. Training settings might be provided instead of test settings. The settings might contain an incorrect PMML model or incorrect test data.

IDM3403 The training data cannot be accessed in Transform Regression training mode.


The mining task might not be well-formed, the data source might be damaged, or the Intelligent Miner process does not have access permission to read the training data.

IDM3404 The validation data cannot be accessed in Transform Regression training mode.


The mining task might not be well-formed, the data source might be damaged, or the Intelligent Miner process does not have access permission to read the validation data.

IDM3405 The data source cannot be opened.


The mining task might not be well-formed or the data source might be damaged.

IDM3406 The Transform Regression function cannot be initialized.

User response

See the Intelligent Miner trace file. To create a trace file, make sure that the environment variable IDM_MX_TRACELEVEL is specified as 'BASIC', 'MOST', or 'ALL'.

IDM3407 The model or the test result that you created cannot be exported into PMML format. The resulting model might be damaged.

IDM3408 The input model for the Transform Regression test mode contains incorrect Lift data.


To determine the boundary values for the bins of the test result's Lift chart, the Lift data in the input model must be correct. Binning might not be possible, because the training data might contain only one target field value.

IDM3409 The test data cannot be accessed in Transform Regression test mode.

IDM3410 An internal error occurs while the Transform Regression model is trained.

User response

See the Intelligent Miner trace file. To create a trace file, make sure that the environment variable IDM_MX_TRACELEVEL is specified as 'BASIC', 'MOST', or 'ALL'.

IDM3411 An internal error occurs while the Transform Regression model is tested.

User response

See the Intelligent Miner trace file. To create a trace file, make sure that the environment variable IDM_MX_TRACELEVEL is specified as 'BASIC', 'MOST', or 'ALL'.

IDM3412 The Lift chart validation of this model results in a ranking quality that is worse than the ranking quality of a random model.

User response

Use the generated model with precaution.

IDM3413 The numeric distributions for the target field '%1' cannot be determined.


The target field might contain missing or incorrect data values.

User response

Ensure that the target field contains correct data values.

IDM3414 Bins for the target field values cannot be created.

User response

Make sure that the target field is not a single-valued field. This means that the training data should contain at least two different correct target field values.

IDM3415 A parallel data scan of the training or the validation data cannot be started.


Access permission to the training or the validation data might be missing, the disk space might be too small, or the permission to write to temporary files might be missing.

IDM3416 The number of data records is 0.


Model statistics on the training or the test data cannot be computed, because the data records might have incorrect values for the target field. As rule of thumb, at least 100 or more correct data records are required to obtain reasonable statistics on the training or the test data.

User response

Make sure that the test data has a sufficient number of records with correct target field values.

IDM3417 A lift curve cannot be produced.


During training or test runs, the number of data records with correct response fields might be too small. Typically at least 100 records with valid response fields are required. During test runs, the response field in the test data might have a different distribution from the response field in the training data.

User response

Make sure that the test data contains a sufficient number of records with valid target field values, or that the distribution statistics of the target field in the training and the test data is not significantly different.

IDM3440 A cancel request is issued while creating the regression model.


The training run terminates immediately. A regression model is not created.

IDM3441 The specified maximum processing time is too small to build a model. With the current training data, Intelligent Miner needs about %1 minutes to build a complete model.

User response

Specify a larger time limit in method DM_setExecTime, or reduce the amount of input data, for example, by sampling.

IDM3450 The model or the test result is correct, however, only part of the additional explanatory information can be created.


Information about the following parameters cannot be created: field importance, lift chart, accuracy, quality, or field-field correlation coefficients. The generated model or test result might not contain active mining fields.

IDM3480 The input PMML model for Transform Regression scoring or test is not a correct Transform Regression model.


A well-formed Transform Regression model is a correct XML document with the root tag <PMML> and the mandatory subtags <Header>, <DataDictionary>, and <MiningModel ... algorithmName="Transform Regression">.

IDM3481 The input PMML prediction model for scoring or test does not contain a correct target field.


A correct prediction model contains the tag <MiningField name="???" usageType="predicted"> inside the subtag <MiningSchema>. The name of the field "???" must be equal to the 'displayName' attribute of a <DataField> tag within the <DataDictionary>.

IDM3482 The input PMML model for prediction scoring or test contains the unexpected XML tag <%1>.

IDM3483 The input PMML model for prediction scoring or test contains the XML tag <DerivedField> with unexpected content. The name of the tag is %1


The prediction scorer cannot handle <DerivedField> tags that contain other subtags than <FieldRef>.

IDM3484 The input PMML model for Transform Regression scoring or test contains the mal-formed XML tag <Regression>. The first <ResultField> of the mal-formed tag is called "%1".


A well-formed <Regression> tag contains at least one <ResultField> tag and one or more <RegressionTable> tags.

IDM3485 The input PMML model for Transform Regression scoring or test contains the mal-formed XML tag <DecisionTree>. The first <ResultField> of the mal-formed tag is called "%1".


The well-formed <DecisionTree> tag contains at least one <ResultField> tag and one root <Node> tag with several child <Node> tags; each valid <Node> tag contains a <SimplePredicate> or <SimpleSetPredicate> condition and a <Regression> or <FieldRef> formula.

IDM3486 The input PMML model for Transform Regression scoring or test does not contain a well-formed <Output> tag.


A well-formed <Output> tag contains at least two <OutputField> tags, one with 'feature="predictedValue"', one with 'feature="standardDeviation"'.

IDM3487 The input PMML model for Transform Regression scoring or test contains computed field expressions that cannot be interpreted.

User response

See the Intelligent Miner trace file. To create a trace file, make sure that the environment variable IDM_MX_TRACELEVEL is specified as 'BASIC', 'MOST', or 'ALL'.

IDM3488 The input PMML model for Polynomial Regression scoring or test is not valid.


A well-formed Polynomial Regression model is a correct XML document with the root tag <PMML> and the mandatory subtags <Header>, <DataDictionary>, and <RegressionModel ... algorithmName="polynomialRegression">.

IDM3489 The input PMML model for decision-tree scoring or test is not valid.


A well-formed tree model is a correct XML document with the root tag <PMML> and the mandatory subtags <Header>, <DataDictionary>, and <TreeModel>.

IDM3490 The input PMML model for decision-tree scoring or test contains the mal-formed XML tag <TreeModel>.


A well-formed <TreeModel> tag contains one root <Node> tag with the condition predicate <True>, and optionally several child <Node> tags.

IDM3491 The input PMML model for decision-tree scoring or test defines the missing value strategy 'defaultChild', however, in the internal tree node with the ID %1 the required attribute 'defaultChild' is missing or invalid.

IDM3492 The model is not a general regression model.


The loaded PMML model does not contain a GeneralRegressionModel tag.

IDM3493 The model does not contain a parameter list.


The loaded PMML model does not contain a ParameterList tag.

IDM3494 The model does not contain a factor list.


The loaded PMML model does not contain a FactorList tag.

IDM3495 The model does not contain a covariate list.


The loaded PMML model does not contain a CovariateList tag.

IDM3496 The model does not contain a parameter for the predictor matrix.


The loaded PMML model does not contain a PPMatrix tag.

IDM3497 The model does not contain a parameter for the parameter matrix.


The loaded PMML model does not contain a ParamMatrix tag.

IDM3498 The PMML model (GeneralRegressionModel) contains the attributes "offsetVariable" and "offsetValue".


A general regression model can only contain one of these attributes, either "offsetVariable" or "offsetValue".

IDM3499 The PMML model (GeneralRegressionModel) contains the attributes "trialsVariable" and "trialsValue".


A general regression model can only contain one of these attributes, either "trialsVariable" or "trialsValue".

IDM3501 The association or sequence rule training run cannot be started because the input settings are not correct.


Make sure that the settings contain correct training data.

IDM3502 For the sequence rule training run, the group field is missing, or it is of an invalid type.


To specify a group field for the sequence rule training run, use the method DM_setGroup. The group field must be of a numeric data type or of a date or time data type. If the group field is a column of a CHAR or VARCHAR type whose column values are numbers, you can use the method DM_setFldType to declare the column as numeric.

IDM3503 For the sequence rule training run, the sequence field is missing.


To specify the sequence or transaction group field for the sequence rule training run, use the method DM_setSequence.

IDM3504 The training data cannot be accessed in association or sequence rule training mode.


The mining task might not be well-formed, the data source might be damaged, or the Intelligent Miner process does not have access permission to read the training data.

IDM3505 The training data does not contain a transaction group with more than one item.


The training data is not qualified for Sequence Rule mining. Select different training data.

IDM3506 The training data for the rule mining run contains an incorrect sequence or group ID.


Well-formed sequence or group IDs must not be longer than 255 characters or shorter than 1 character. Well-formed group IDs in association rule mining must not be '-'. The incorrect ID is %1.

IDM3507 The rule filter settings are inconsistent or too strict. A model cannot be created.

User response

See the trace file of Intelligent Miner for specific error information. To create a trace file, make sure that the environment variable IDM_MX_TRACELEVEL is specified as 'BASIC', 'MOST', or 'ALL'.

IDM3508 The generated model cannot be exported into PMML format.

IDM3509 This mining task needs more memory than specified.

User response

If your data contains a transaction or a transaction group with more than 65534 items, set the algorithm parameter ItemIDBits to 32 by using the method DM_setAlgorithm. If the problem persists, increase the memory limit by using the power option '-buf [size in MB]', or reduce the complexity of the mining task.

IDM3510 The training data contains less than two frequent items.


You might have used a DM_RuleFilter that defines a minimum threshold for the support of the detected sequences.

User response

Reduce this threshold. Note: The maximum support of a single item in the training data is %1. The maximum support of a pair of items in the training data is %2.

IDM3511 An internal error occurs while the association or sequence rule model is trained.

User response

See the Intelligent Miner trace file. To create a trace file, make sure that the environment variable IDM_MX_TRACELEVEL is specified as 'BASIC', 'MOST', or 'ALL'.

IDM3512 The item name '%1' is too long.

IDM3513 The selected item format is not compatible with the training data.

IDM3514 There are too many taxonomy parents for the item '%1'.


Intelligent Miner does not accept more than 255 taxonomy parents per item.

IDM3515 There are too many taxonomy levels, or the taxonomy is cyclic.


Intelligent Miner does not accept more than 255 taxonomy levels or cyclic taxonomies.

IDM3516 For the item field value %3, the name mappings %1 and %2 are defined. The second name mapping is ignored.


For the same field, only one name mapping is allowed.

User response

To avoid this warning message, delete one of the name mappings.

IDM3517 The field values %1 and %2 are mapped to the same value %3.


You can map different item field values to the same name mapping, however,this might lead to unexpected results. For example, when opening the created model in the visualizer, you might find two identical rules containing the mapped value.

IDM3518 %1 is not a correctly formatted multi-item XML string.

User response

The expected input is of the form <item>text1</item><item>...</item>...

IDM3519 For the item field value %3, the weight values %1 and %2 are defined. The weight value %2 is ignored.


Only one weight value is allowed for a field.

User response

Delete one of the weight values.

IDM3520 The weight-information format is not valid.


You can define weight information in separate weight tables, or you can define it in several weight columns in the main training table. You can only use one of these options. Mixing them is not supported.

User response

Use only one of the options to define weight information.

IDM3525 Intelligent Miner is short of memory. Therefore the search for frequent item pairs is stopped after having read %2 percent of the training data. %3 different items were found so far. %1 MB of memory are used.

User response

To avoid this warning, increase the memory limit for Intelligent Miner by using the power option -buf, or preprocess the training data to sort out the most infrequent items.

IDM3540 A cancel request is issued while creating the association or sequence rule model.


The training run terminates immediately. A model is not created.

IDM3541 The specified maximum execution time is too small to build a model. With the current training data, Intelligent Miner needs about %1 minutes to build a complete model.

User response

Specify a larger time limit in method DM_setExecTime, or reduce the amount of input data, for example, by sampling.

IDM3580 The PMML model is not a valid Association Rule model or Sequence Rule model.


A well-formed rule model consists of a correct XML document that includes the root tag <PMML> and the mandatory subtags <Header>, <DataDictionary>, and <SequenceModel> or <AssociationModel>.

IDM3581 The PMML model is not a valid Sequence Rule model.


A well-formed Sequence Rule model consists of a correct XML document that includes the root tag <PMML> and the mandatory subtags <Header>, <DataDictionary>, and <SequenceModel>.

IDM3583 The PMML rule model contains the unexpected XML tag <%1>.

IDM3584 The PMML sequence model contains the subtag <%1> with a missing or an illegal ID '%2'.


The current implementation supports only integers between 0 and the number of %1s in the model minus 1.

IDM3585 The PMML model is invalid. It contains the illegal Itemref %1.

IDM3586 The PMML model is invalid. It contains a sequence rule without support or confidence: %1.


In a valid PMML sequence model, each sequence rule must contain the required attributes support and confidence.

IDM3587 The PMML rule model contains expressions that cannot be interpreted.

User response

See the Intelligent Miner trace file. To create a trace file, make sure that the environment variable IDM_MX_TRACELEVEL is specified as 'BASIC', 'MOST', or 'ALL'.

IDM3588 The PMML model contains an empty item without a value.

IDM3590 The following input data record is malformed and cannot be parsed: %1.

IDM3591 The input data record contains expressions that cannot be interpreted. These expressions are ignored. The ignored XML tags and attributes are %1.

IDM3592 The input data record contains an empty item value.

IDM3601 The Logistic Regression training run cannot be started because the input settings are not correct.


Make sure that the settings contain correct training data.

IDM3602 The Logistic Regression test run cannot be started because the input settings are not correct.


Check the input settings. Training settings might be provided instead of test settings. The settings might contain an incorrect PMML model or incorrect test data.

IDM3604 The Logistic Regression mining task needs more than the specified amount of memory.

User response

Increase the memory limit by using the power option '-buf [size in MB]', or reduce the complexity of the mining task.

IDM3605 While a logistic regression model was created, a cancel request was issued.


The training run stopped. A model was not created.

IDM3606 The specified maximum processing time is too small to build a logistic regression model. With the current training data, about %1 minutes are required to build a complete model.

User response

Specify a larger time limit in the method DM_setExecTime, or reduce the amount of input data, for example, by sampling.

IDM3607 The specified target field is not a binary valued cateogorical field. The logistic regression algorithm cannot handle target fields that are not categorical or that contain more than two valid values.

User response

Use another classification algorithm to perform this task.

IDM3608 During the calculation of coefficients, a system of linear equations occurred that has no solution.

User response

Ignore the warning.

IDM3609 During the calculation of coefficients, a system of linear equations occurred that has no solution.

User response

Ignore the warning.

IDM3610 The test data cannot be accessed in logistic regression test or training.

IDM3611 Gains charts cannot be computed because the data contains less than two target values.

IDM3640 Data is read.

IDM3641 A model is built.

IDM3642 The generated model is validated.

IDM3643 The logistic regression training process finished.

IDM3651 The Time Series training run cannot be started because the input settings are not correct.


Make sure that the settings contain correct training data.

IDM3652 The Time Series test run cannot be started because the input settings are not correct.


Check the input settings. Instead of test settings, training settings might be provided. The settings might contain an incorrect PMML model or incorrect test data.

IDM3654 The Time Series mining task needs more memory than specified.

User response

Increase the memory limit by using the power option '-buf [size in MB]', or reduce the complexity of the mining task.

IDM3655 A cancel request is issued while creating the Time Series model.


The training run terminates immediately. A model is not created.

IDM3656 The specified maximum execution time is too small to build a Time series model. With the current training data, Time Series Forecasting needs about %1 minutes to build a complete model.

User response

Specify a larger time limit in the method DM_setExecTime, or reduce the amount of input data, for example, by sampling.

IDM3657 An error occurred while the Time Series model was created.


The training run terminated immediately. A model is not created.

IDM3660 The time series %1 is too short for analysis.


A series can be too short because the absolut number of samples is too small. The season might be set too large for a small number of series samples.

User response

Get more samples or set the season to a lower value.

IDM3661 Seasonality is not possible.

IDM3662 There are too many missing values for series %1.

IDM3663 The interpolation mode for the time stamps is not valid.

IDM3664 The time settings "from time", "to time", or "forecast horizon" have different types.


If time settings are set, they must have the same type, for example, TIME ("14:23:45"), DATE("2007-11-23"), TIMESTAMP("2007-11-23-"), or numeric("24.3566").

User response

Set all time settings to the same type, or reset them to NULL.

IDM3665 The order of the time settings is not correct. "%1" must be larger than "%2".


If time settings are used, they must have the following order: "from time" lower than "to time" lower than "forecast horizon".

IDM3666 The time series is too long for the Seasonal Trend Decomposition algorithm. The calculation of the forecast is omitted.

IDM3667 The season for series "%1" is set to a larger value than the time series size range.


To enable useful forecasts, the time series size must be at least as long as the season size.

User response

Set the season size to at maximum the range of the time series.

IDM3668 The ARIMA forecasting failed for series "%1".


See the following warning.

IDM3669 The Exponential forecasting failed for series "%1".


See the following warning.

IDM3670 The Seasonal Trend Decomposition forecasting failed for series "%1".


See the following warning.

IDM3671 All forecasting methods failed for the time series "%1". A sub-model is not generated.

IDM3672 The time series time column contains %1 duplicate time values.


The series contains duplicate time values. The time column is like a key column. Duplicate time values are not valid.

User response

The data might not be appropriate, or measures might be too close to get recorded at different time points. The data set might not be a time series at all. You can preprocess the series to remove the duplicates (averaging, set to null, max, min,...) by using GROUP BY.

IDM3674 The specified forecast horizon cannot be achieved.


Some forecasting methods cannot produce an arbitrary number of forecasts. Therefore, the forecast horizon is automatically reduced.

IDM3676 The time field is not specifed.


The time field defines the order of the series. It is mandatory for the analysis.

User response

Specify a valid time field in the time series settings.

IDM3677 No series can be processed. A model is not created. For details see previous warnings and errors.

IDM3701 The Naive Bayes classification-training run cannot be started because the input settings are not correct.


Make sure that the settings contain correct training data.

IDM3702 The Naive Bayes test run cannot be started because the input settings are not correct.


Check the input settings. Training settings might be provided instead of test settings. The settings might contain an incorrect PMML model or incorrect test data.

IDM3703 The generated model cannot be exported into PMML format.

User response

Contact your IBM representative.

IDM3704 The Naive Bayes mining task needs more than the specified amount of memory.

User response

Increase the memory limit by using the power option '-buf [size in MB]', or reduce the complexity of the mining task.

IDM3705 When the Naive Bayes classification model was created, a cancel request was issued .


The training run stopped. A model was not created.

User response

Make sure that the schema name and the table name that are specified in the mining task exist, and that they can be opened for reading.

IDM3706 The specified maximum processing time is too small to build a Naive Bayes classification model. With the current training data, about %1 minutes are required to build a complete model.

User response

Specify a larger time limit in the method DM_setExecTime, or reduce the amount of input data, for example, by sampling.

IDM3708 The number of values in the target field is either too high, or the target field of the test set contains values not present in the training set.

User response

For training: use the -IDM_MAX_DISCR_COUNT power option to increase the number of allowed categorical values. For testing: make sure that the test set does not contain any additional values in the target field.

IDM3709 The test or validation data cannot be accessed in Naive Bayes test or training.

IDM3710 The model cannot be loaded. The value of a PAIRCOUNTS element "%2" in the BAYESINPUT element "%1" is not valid .


The value "%2" ist not included in the DataDictionary. Therefore this value is not valid.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a valid version.

IDM3711 The model cannot be read because the name is not valid.


There might be a field with the field name "%1". This name is used by the system.

User response

Change the name of the field and recreate the model.

IDM3712 The DataDictionary is not complete. Therefore the PMML model is not valid.


The Field "%1" has a PairCounts value that is not declared in the DataDictionary. The DataDictionary must contain all values or none.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a valid version.

IDM3713 The DerivedField cannot be read.


An error occurred while reading the DerivedField for "%1".

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a valid version.

IDM3714 The model cannot be loaded. For some of the values that are listed in the DataDictionary, counts are missing in the BAYESINPUT element "%1".


When the DataDictionary contains values for a DataField, the related BAYESINPUT element must contain at least one PairCounts element for each of these values.

User response

Try to recreate the model. If the problem persists, contact the producer of the software that created the model.

IDM3715 The model cannot be loaded because a TargetValueCount is negative.


In the BAYESINPUT element "%2", the PairCounts element "%1" has a negative value. Only positive values are allowed.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a valid version.

IDM3716 The model cannot be loaded. This model is not a PMML model.


You cannot score data with this model because it is not a PMML model.

User response

Specify a valid PMML model.

IDM3717 An error occurred while the field name "%1" was processed.


The PMML might not be valid.

User response

Check the PMML at the respective field and try again. If the problem persists and you can reproduce the error, contact your IBM representative.

IDM3718 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "%1" is missing in the model.


A mandatory XML tag is missing in the PMML. Without this tag, a complete model cannot be built.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3719 The model cannot be loaded. The predicted field is missing in the model, or the predicted field is not a categorical field.


You cannot score data with this model because the target field must be of type categorical.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3720 The model cannot be loaded because there are several target fields declared.


Only one target field must be declared.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3721 The model cannot be loaded because the function name is not valid.


The function name must be "classification".

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3722 Different names are specified for the element BayesOutput.


The field name of BayesOutput is different from the name that is given in the DataDictionary.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3723 The model cannot be loaded. The PMML version "%1" is not supported in this release.

User response

Check whether a new version of DWE that supports the relevant PMML version is available. You can also try to export the PMML model to a version that is supported by this version of DWE.

IDM3724 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "FIELDNAME" in the element BayesOutput is missing.


Without the required tag, a complete model cannot be built.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3725 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "TARGETVALUECOUNTS" in the element BayesOutput is missing, or it is not well-formed.


Without the required tag, a complete model cannot be built.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3726 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "TARGETVALUECOUNT" in the element BayesOutput is missing.


Without the required tag, a complete model cannot be built.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3727 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "VALUE" of the TARGETVALUECOUNT at the position "%1" in the element BayesOutput is missing.


Without the required tag, a complete model cannot be built.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3728 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "FIELDNAME" at the position "%1" in the BAYESINPUT element is missing.


Without the required tag, a complete model cannot be built.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3729 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "PAIRCOUNTS" at the position "%1" in the BAYESINPUT element is missing.


Without the required tag, a complete model cannot be built.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3730 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "VALUE" of the PAIRCOUNTS element at the position "%1" in the BAYESINPUT element "%2" is missing.


Without the required tag, a complete model cannot be built.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3731 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "COUNT" of the TARGETVALUECOUNT at the position "%1" in the element BayesOutput is missing.


Without the required tag, a complete model cannot be built.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3732 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "VALUE" of the PAIRCOUNTS element for the value "%1" in the BayesInput element "%2" is missing.


Without the required tag, a complete model cannot be built.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3733 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "TARGETVALUECOUNTS" of the PAIRCOUNTS element for the value "%1" in the BayesInput element "%2" is missing.


Without the required tag, a complete model cannot be built.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3734 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "TARGETVALUECOUNT" of the PAIRCOUNTS element for the value "%1" in the BayesInput element "%2" is missing.


Without the required tag, a complete model cannot be built.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3735 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "COUNT" of the PAIRCOUNTS element for the value "%1" in the BayesInput element "%2" is missing.


Without the required tag, a complete model cannot be built.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3736 The model cannot be loaded. The name "%1" of the BayesInput element is not valid. This name is not specified in the DataDictionary.


BayesInput elements must have names of data fields that are listed in the DataDictionary.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a corrected version.

IDM3737 The Naive Bayes model contains a pair count for the field "%2" with the value "%1". This value is not valid.

IDM3738 The Naive Bayes model contains a BayesInput tag with the field name "%1". This field name is not valid.

IDM3739 Gains charts cannot be computed because the data contains less than two target values.

IDM3740 The training data is read.

IDM3741 The Naive Bayes model is built.

IDM3742 The Naive Bayes model is created.

IDM3743 The Naive Bayes classification training process finished.

IDM4000 In the PMML model, the distance parameter is missing.


The distance parameter is required for the link function.

IDM4011 In the PMML model, the link function is missing.


The link function is required for generalized linear models.

IDM4012 In the PMML model, the link parameter is missing.


The LinkParameter is required for the link function.

IDM4013 In the PMML model, the model type is missing.


The loaded PMML model does not contain the modelType attribute.

IDM4014 The attribute trialsValue of the tag GeneralRegression Model is less or equal 0.


The attribute trialsValue of the tag GeneralRegression Model must be a positive integer.

IDM4201 There are invalid network architecture parameters %1 on Kohonen network.

IDM4202 Exceeded maximum network array size %1 for attribute %2 in network %3.

IDM4440 The class field is continuous.


Neural Classification requires a discrete data type.

IDM4441 The predicted field is not numeric.


Neural Regression requires a numeric data type.

IDM4442 The categorical field "%1" has "%2" different values.


Without automatic normalization at most two different values are allowed.

User response

Use automatic normalization for your input data, or clean the input data source to remove extraneous values.

IDM4443 The argument "%1" for the power option "-errorWeight" is not a valid weight. Error weights must be numbers greater than zero.

IDM4445 Power option for outlier treatment "%1" does not have a valid argument. Arguments may be "ValidValues", "MinMax", or "MissingValues". The option will be ignored.

IDM4446 The prediction field with name "%1" is not contained in the input table. Add this field to the corresponding data object.

IDM4447 The input table for training does not contain the class field "%1". Specify a different name for the class field.

IDM4449 There are not enough valid values in the class field. Check the class field in the input table.

IDM4450 There are not enough valid values in the prediction field. Check the field in the input table.

IDM4451 There are too many different categorical input values, the size of the neural network is too big. Check if there are key fields in the data input.

IDM4452 There are too many different values in field "%1". This field will be ignored for training.

IDM4470 The model cannot be loaded. The required tag "%1" is missing in the model.


An XML tag that is specified as mandatory in the relevant PMML is missing. Without this tag, a complete model cannot be constructed.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a valid version.

IDM4471 An internal error has occurred.

User response

Try again. If the problem persists and you can reproduce the error, contact your IBM representative.

IDM4472 There is not enough free memory available to complete the requested operation.

User response

Free memory by closing any other running applications. If the problem persists, try to extend the virtual memory, swap the partition size, or install more RAM.

IDM4473 The model cannot be loaded. The measure that is specified in the PMML for the Kohonen Network is not supported in this release.


The measures Euclidean and squared Euclidean are supported.

User response

Try to recreate the model and specify a measure that is included in the PMML core.

IDM4474 The model cannot be loaded. The compare function "%1" is not supported in this release.


The PMML model specifies a compare function for the Kohonen Network that is not included in the PMML core.

User response

Try to recreate the model and specify a compare function that is included in the PMML core.

IDM4475 The model is inconsistent. The number of centers in the clusters does not match the previous information.


The number of clusters in the PMML model differs in the relevant sections. The model is inconsistent. Therefore, you cannot apply this model.

User response

Try to recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model to correct it.

IDM4476 The model cannot be loaded. The PMML version "%1" is not supported in this release.

User response

Check for a new version of this product that supports the relevant PMML version, or try to export the PMML model to a version supported by this product.

IDM4477 The model cannot be loaded. The activation function "%1" is not supported in this release.


The PMML model specifies an activation function for the Neural Network that is not included in the PMML core.

User response

Try to recreate the model and specify an activation function that is included in the PMML core.

IDM4478 The model cannot be loaded. A neuron with the ID "%1" is not found.


The neural network includes a neuron that is connected to another neuron whose ID does not exist. The PMML model is invalid.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a valid version.

IDM4479 The model cannot be loaded. The neuron "%1" cannot be connected with the neuron "%2". A neuron with the ID "%2" is not found in the network.


The neural network includes a neuron that is connected to another neuron whose ID does not exist. The PMML model is invalid.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a valid version.

IDM4480 The model cannot be loaded. The connections of the output layer are inconsistent.


The number of outputs does not match the number of neurons in the output layer. The model is invalid.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a valid version.

IDM4481 The model cannot be loaded. The field names in the 'CenterFields' tag do not match the field names in the 'ClusteringField' tag.


The names of the clusters are not consistent throughout the PMML model. The model is invalid.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a valid version.

IDM4482 The model cannot be loaded. This model is not a PMML model.


You cannot score data with this model because it is not a PMML model.

User response

Ensure that you specify a valid PMML model.

IDM4483 The record cannot be scored. An invalid record was received.


The record passed to the model refers to variable names that are completely different from those that the model expects.

User response

Make sure that the column names in the data match the variable names in the model.

IDM4484 The requested result is not available. An attempt was made to retrieve a result for a Classification model; however, this is a value-prediction model.


An attempt was made to retrieve a Classification result from a model that does value prediction. Most probably, the wrong model was chosen.

User response

Make sure that you choose a Classification model.

IDM4485 The requested result is not available. An attempt was made to retrieve a result for a value-prediction model; however, this is a Classification model.


An attempt was made to retrieve a value prediction result from a model that does classification. Most probably, the wrong model was chosen.

User response

Make sure that you choose a value prediction model.

IDM4486 The result is invalid. The result value could not be denormalized because it is an outlier.


The output value of the neural network cannot be denormalized because it is out of the denormalization range. You cannot score this record.

User response

Adjust the normalization parameters in the output layer of the model.

IDM4487 The result is invalid. It was not possible to map the result to a string for a classification result.


The result of the classification is invalid. You cannot score this record.

IDM4488 The model is invalid. You cannot use the model with this release.


The PMML model cannot be applied with this release.

User response

Convert the original model again by using the conversion utilities of this release.

IDM4489 The data cannot be scored. The model is not a value prediction model.


The model you specified is not a value prediction model. Most probably you have a Classification model.

User response

Specify a value prediction model.

IDM4490 The data cannot be scored. The model is not a Classification model.


The model you specified is not a Classification model. Most probably you have a value prediction model.

User response

Specify a Classification model.

IDM4491 The model is inconsistent. The field "%1" is found in the mining schema, but nowhere else.

User response

Try to recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the model for a valid version.

IDM4492 The model is inconsistent. The value "%1" could not be set as a missing value replacement.


A replacement for missing values was specified in the PMML, but is invalid in the context of the mining field.

User response

Verify that you specify a valid PMML model.

IDM4493 This model is not supported.


This model contains multiple predicted fields. Scoring of such models is not supported.

User response

Create a different model for each of the predicted fields.

IDM4494 The model cannot be loaded. In this model, the required tag "%1" in the neuron with the ID "%2" is missing.


An XML tag that is specified as mandatory in the relevant PMML is missing. Without this tag, a complete model cannot be created.

User response

Recreate the model. If the problem persists, ask the provider of the PMML model for a valid version.

IDM4495 An internal error occurred while processing at ID "%1"


The PMML might be invalid.

User response

Inspect the PMML at the respective ID and try again. If the problem persists and you can reproduce the error, contact your IBM representative.

IDM4496 The attribute "%2" of the element "%1" has the value "%3". This value is not supported.


The PMML might be invalid.

User response

Inspect the PMML at the respective position and try again. If the problem persists and you can reproduce the error, contact your IBM representative.

IDM4497 The value "%1" for the attribute 'fieldWeight' is not valid.


'fieldWeight' must be a value larger than 0.

User response

Specify a value larger than 0 for the respective 'fieldWeight' attribute.

IDM4498 While reading the input data, an error occurred.

IDM4501 The fields in the input data cannot be used.


The fields in the input data are removed because they do not hold relevant information.

User response

Add fields to the input data that hold relevant information. If you want to use particular fields, set their 'usage type' in the mining task to 'active' to ensure that they are used in the mining run. Try again.

IDM4502 Timeout while training the model.


The specified time limit is too small to perform a training run.

User response

Specify a larger time limit. With the given data, approximately "%1" minutes are required to train a model.

IDM4503 The mining run cannot be performed due to conflicting settings.


In the settings, the maximum number of clusters and the layout for the Kohonen feature map is specified.

User response

Remove the specification for the maximum number of clusters or the specification for the Kohonen feature map layout and try again.

IDM4504 The mining run cannot be performed due to conflicting settings.


In the settings, the processing time and the number of passes are specified.

User response

Remove the specification for the processing time or the specification for the number of passes and try again.

IDM4505 The specified layout for the Kohonen feature map is not complete.


For the layout of the Kohonen feature map, you must specify the number of rows and the number of columns.

User response

Ensure that you specified the number of rows and the number of columns and try again.

IDM4506 The specified value "%1" for the number of rows for the Kohonen feature map is not valid.


In the Kohonen feature map, the number of rows must be 1 or higher.

User response

Specify a value greater than or equal to 1 for the number of rows and try again.

IDM4507 The specified value "%1" for the number of columns for the Kohonen feature map is not valid.


In the Kohonen feature map, the number of columns must be 1 or higher.

User response

Specify a value greater than or equal to 1 for the number of columns and try again.

IDM4513 A cancel request was issued while creating the Kohonen clustering model.


The training run stops immediately. A Kohonen clustering model is not created.

IDM4515 The power option "%1" is not supported.


The specified power option is not supported by the Kohonen clustering algorithm.

User response

Check the spelling of the power option. If required, correct it or remove it, and retry.

IDM5000 The output (%1 bytes) cannot be stored in the structured type (%2 bytes).


The information cannot be stored. The changes made in the structured type by the methods that were called increases the size of the structured type too much.

User response

Check whether you can remove other parameters from the structured type with the appropriate 'set' or 'remove' methods. You can check the content of the structured type with the 'get' methods.

IDM5001 The keyword "%1" is invalid.


The keyword that was specified is not allowed.

User response

Correct the keyword and call the function again. The keywords that are allowed are listed in the IM documentation.

IDM5002 The value "%1" is invalid for the specified keyword.


The value is not allowed for the specified keyword.

User response

Correct the value and call the function again. The values that are allowed are listed in the IM documentation.

IDM5003 The output (%1 bytes) cannot be stored in the VARCHAR (%2 bytes).


The value is too large for it to be returned. This can happen only if the structured type has been manipulated manually.

IDM5004 One or both parameters are NULL. Both values are mandatory.


NULL values are specified as input parameters.

User response

Specify valid values for the parameters and call the method again.

IDM5400 For stored procedures, NULL values are not allowed as input parameters.


A stored procedure is called with a NULL indicator as an input parameter. The only parameter for which a NULL indicator can be provided as input to a stored procedure is the call ID.

User response

Provide the required parameters and try again.

IDM6001 The command line option that selects the method for building the input data records was found, but no method was specified.


The command line option that selects the desired method for building input data records in the SQL script was not given correctly. The M switch must be followed by a value that identifies one of the methods that allow input data records to be built.

User response

Correct the command line option that was specified incorrectly. If necessary, review your documentation of command line options.

IDM6002 The command line option that selects the method for building the input data records was found twice.


The same command line option cannot be used twice.

IDM6003 The command line option that selects the method for building the input data records was found, but the specified method name is invalid.


The command line option that selects the desired method for building input data records in the SQL script was not given correctly. The value identifying one of the permitted methods is illegal.

User response

Use one of the method names that are allowed. If necessary, review your documentation of command line options.

IDM6006 The command line option for the SQL dialect was found, but the specified SQL dialect is invalid.


The command line option for selecting the SQL dialect was not specified correctly. The value identifying one of the permitted SQL dialects is illegal.

User response

Use one of the SQL dialects that are allowed. If necessary, review your documentation of command line options.

IDM6007 The command line option for encoding the PMML file was found, but no encoding identifier was specified.


The command line option for encoding the codepage of the PMML file was not given correctly. The E switch must be followed by a valid encoding string.

User response

Correct the command line option that was specified incorrectly. If necessary, review your documentation of command line options.

IDM6008 The command line option for encoding the PMML file was found twice.


The same command line option cannot be used twice.

IDM6010 The method REC2XML is not supported for Oracle SQL.


The combination of the method REC2XML and the SQL dialect Oracle is not allowed. REC2XML is specific to DB2.

User response

Use a different method to build input data records for Oracle SQL scripts.

IDM6012 The output file has the same name as the input file.


The output file cannot have the same name as the input file.

User response

Use a different name for the output file.

IDM6013 No input file is specified.


An input PMML file is a mandatory command line parameter.

User response

Specify the PMML input file on the command line.

IDM6014 The output file cannot be opened for write.


The output file cannot be written. The file name or path name might not be valid, or the permission rights may not allow the file to be created, to be written, or both.

User response

Ensure that the output file can be created, and that it can be opened for write.

IDM6015 More than one output file was found in the command line.


Only one output file is allowed. If no output file is given, the result is written to standard output.

IDM6016 The PMML file "%1" cannot be processed.


See the preceding errors in the error file for a more detailed error report.

IDM6017 No model name was found in the PMML file.


Either the PMML model in the input file does not contain a model name or the file cannot be parsed. The SQL script cannot be generated without a model name.

User response

Ensure that the file contains correct PMML. See if the error file contains more information about possible parsing errors.

IDM6018 The model type cannot be determined.


The PMML file cannot be parsed correctly.

User response

Ensure that the file contains correct PMML. See if the error file contains more information about possible parsing errors.

IDM6019 The data fields for the model cannot be determined.


The PMML file cannot be parsed correctly.

User response

Ensure that the file contains correct PMML. See if the error file contains more information about possible parsing errors.

IDM6020 The output SQL script cannot be generated.


Errors occur when the SQL script is being generated.

User response

See if the error file contains a previous error with more detailed information about possible errors.

IDM6021 The model type is illegal.


The model type in the PMML file is not allowed. This may happen if a model type (for example, an association rules model) is used that cannot be processed by Intelligent Miner because there is no application mode for this model type.

User response

Use a different model type.

IDM6052 The command line option %1 is found twice.


The command line option cannot be used twice.

IDM6053 The mutually exclusive command line options %1 and %2 are specified.


You can only specify one of these options.

IDM6054 Could not carry out requested action.


The current working directory could not be determined.

User response

Contact technical support. As a workaround, you may specify an absolut path to the file holding the model.

IDM6055 The size of the PMML model exceeds the defined UDF parameter size.


The defined parameter size in the export model functions, for example, DM_expRegModel, is too small.

User response

Export the existing model table to a file by using the DB2 export command. Drop the models from the model table and call idmenabledb again with a higher model size.

IDM7201 The object name was not specified.

IDM7202 The input data was not specified.

IDM7203 Analysis target variable was not specified.

IDM7205 The statistics object is not original.

IDM7206 The statistics object does not exist.

IDM7207 The statistics object is not valid.

IDM7210 The parameter file is not valid.

IDM7212 The currently selected method requires that you specify at least two input fields.


You might have selected only one input field, or the values in the other input fields are constant.

User response

Specify more input fields, and make sure that these fields do not contain constant values. Then rerun the function again.

IDM7213 The number of records is too small to obtain a result that is statistically valid. Select more input records or reduce the number of input fields. Then run the function again.

IDM7214 This method requires numeric input fields. You cannot use categorical fields. Specify only numeric input fields and rerun the function.

IDM7217 The specified value is not valid for the parameter.

IDM7219 There is not enough main storage on the server to run the function. Stop one or more of the processes that are currently running on the server and restart the function. If the problem persists, and you have other servers at your disposal, try running the function on another server.

IDM7220 The function cannot calculate an appropriate solution because the selected input fields contain unsuitable data. That is, the function, cannot calculate a solution based on real numbers. Try to find out the input fields that might cause this problem. Unselect those input fields and rerun the function.

IDM7223 The input data contains missing values. The function that you want to run does not accept missing values or it does not accept as many missing values.

IDM7224 The specified statistical function is not implemented yet.

IDM7225 The number of parameters transferred to the server is not correct.


The client server protocol does not work.

IDM7226 The specified analysis method does not exist.


The client server protocol does not work or the data are corrupted.

IDM7227 The input fields "%1" are ignored because the values are constant. The input fields "%2" are ignored because they do not contain enough valid observations. Do not specify these fields for a subsequent mining run because doing so slows down the performance and has no effect on the model building process.

IDM7228 The input fields "%1" contain missing values.

IDM7229 There are not enough valid observation pairs in the input field "%1". The field is ignored. Do not specify this field for a subsequent mining run because doing so slows down the performance and has no effect on the model building process.

IDM7230 The input fields "%1" will be ignored because they do not contain enough valid observations. Do not specify these fields for a subsequent mining run because doing so slows down the performance and has no effect on the model building process.

IDM7231 The input field "%1" is ignored because it contains constant values. Do not specify this field for a subsequent mining run because doing so slows down the performance and has no effect on the model building process.

IDM7234 The maximum lag must be an integer greater than zero.

IDM7236 The settings object does not correspond to cross correlation analysis.

IDM7237 The first variable is not part of the input data for cross correlation.

User response

Please check name of the first variable and the members of your input data.

IDM7238 The second variable is not part of the input data for cross correlation.

User response

Please check name of the second variable and the members of your input data.

IDM7239 The order fields are not part of the input data for cross correlation.

User response

Please check name of the order fields and the members of your input data.

IDM7241 The Intelligent Miner cannot handle the value that you specified for the autocorrelation lag. Specify a value in the range from 1 to less than a quarter of the number of observations.

IDM7242 The confidence interval level must be a number in the range from 0.5 to 0.9999. Specify another confidence interval.

IDM7243 The confidence interval can not be calculated because the input data is unsuitable. Try to find out the fields that have caused this error, and do not not specify them for a subsequent mining run.

IDM7244 To run the Linear Regression function in application mode, you must specify an output data object.

IDM7245 The specified result object "%1" does not exist, or it is not a result object of a Linear Regression analysis. Specify an appropriate result object.

IDM7246 The settings object does not contain parameters for a Linear Regression analysis. Use an appropriate settings object.

IDM7247 Specify the prediction field, that is, the field or variable whose values you want to predict.

IDM7248 Specify the field or variable whose values are to be fitted.

IDM7249 The name of the field to be fitted field is already used for an output field. Specify a unique name for the field to be fitted.

IDM7250 The name of the residual field is not defined.

User response

Specify a name for the residual field.

IDM7251 The name of the residual field is already used for an output field.

User response

Specify a unique name for the residual field.

IDM7252 The name of the standard residual field is not defined.

User response

Specify a name for the standard residual field.

IDM7253 The name of the standard residual field is already used for an output field.

User response

Specify a unique name for the standard residual field.

IDM7254 The name of the lower mean field is not defined.

User response

Specify a name for the lower mean field.

IDM7255 The name of the lower mean field is already used for an output field.

User response

Specify a unique name for the lower mean field.

IDM7256 The name of the upper mean field is not defined.

User response

Specify a name for the upper mean field.

IDM7257 The name of the upper mean field is already used for an output field.

User response

Specify a unique name for the upper mean field.

IDM7258 The name of the lower individual field is not defined.

User response

Specify a name for the lower individual field.

IDM7259 The name of the lower individual field is already used for an output field.

User response

Specify a unique name for the lower individual field.

IDM7260 The name of the upper individual field is not defined.

User response

Specify a name for the upper individual field.

IDM7261 The name of the upper individual field is already used for an output field.

User response

Specify a unique name for the upper individual field.

IDM7262 The name of the field whose values you want predict was not found in the input data.

User response

Check the name of the prediction field or dependent variable and the field names in your input data.

IDM7263 The names of the input fields representing the independent variables were not found in the input data.

User response

Check the names of these input fields and the field names in your input data.

IDM7264 The order fields that you specified were not found in the input data. Check the names of the order fields and the names of these fields in the input data.

IDM7265 The output fields names that you specified were not found among the names of the input fields.

User response

Specify output field names that match the names of input fields.

IDM7266 The client/server protocol does not work.


Not all the parameters needed for the Linear Regression analysis were transferred to the server.

User response

Contact your system administrator.

IDM7267 The client/server protocol does not work.


Not all the necessary parameters were transferred to the server.

User response

Contact your system administrator.

IDM7268 The specified result object does not exist or it does not contain Linear Regression results. Specify an appropriate result object.

IDM7269 The client server/protocol does not work.


Not all output parameters were transferred to the server.

User response

Contact your system administrator.

IDM7270 The specified use mode is not supported by the Linear Regression function. Specify another use mode.

IDM7271 The number of observations is not sufficient for a Linear Regression analysis.

User response

Add more observations to the input fields or select other input fields and run the analysis again.

IDM7272 The Linear Regression function is unable to calculate a fitting function for the input data because the selected input fields contain unsuitable data. That is, the function cannot calculate a solution based on real numbers. Try to find out the input fields that might cause this problem. Unselect those input fields and rerun the function.

IDM7273 The chosen confidence level is not appropriate for the selected data. You specified an incorrect confidence level or one or more input fields do not contain enough observations. Specify a different confidence level or deselect the input fields that do not contain enough observations before you rerun the function.

IDM7274 The number of variables used in training mode does not match the number of variables used in application mode.

User response

Specify the same number of variables for both modes.

IDM7275 The input fields "%1" are missing in the result object that was generated in training mode. Do not specify input fields for the application mode that were not used for training.

IDM7276 The input fields "%1" are ignored.


They are not part of the result object generated in training mode.

User response

Do not specify input fields for the application mode that were not used for training.

IDM7277 The input fields "%1" are excluded from the regression analysis because their significance values exceed the significance threshold, that is, they are not significant enough.

IDM7278 All of the input fields that represent the independent variables were excluded from the regression analysis because their significance values exceed the significance threshold. Specify a higher significance threshold.

IDM7279 The field representing the dependent variable does not contain enough valid observations.

User response

Add more valid observations to this field and run the analysis again.

IDM7280 The field specified as the dependent variable contains constant values, which means that it is statistcally independent. Consequently, the values of this field cannot be predicted by other variables. Specify another field for the dependent variable.

IDM7281 The number of seasonal periods must be an integer between 2 and 99. Correct the number of seasonal periods.

IDM7282 The number of forecast periods must be greater than or equal to zero. Correct the number of forecast periods.

IDM7284 The seasonal model can not be applied to input data containing zero or negative values.

User response

Define a computed field for the input data object that adds a positive constant to the input values. The value of this constant must be so high that all input values become positive. Then run the function again.

IDM7285 The Univariate Curve Fitting function cannot not fit the input data because the data contains values that are negative or zero.

User response

Define a computed field for the input data object that adds a positive constant to the input values. The value of this constant must be so high that all input values become positive. Then run the function again.

IDM7286 The field that you selected for Univariate Curve Fitting does not contain enough values for the number of seasonal periods you specified. To calculate a valid equation, the function requires at least three times as many input values as there are seasonal periods. If possible, add values or observations to the field or decrease the number of seasonal periods. Then run this function again.

IDM7287 The settings object contains parameters that are not valid for Univariate Curve Fitting. Specify correct parameters and rerun the function.

IDM7288 The period field is not defined.

User response

Specify a name for the period field.

IDM7289 The name of the period field is already used by an output field.

User response

Specify a unique name for the period field.

IDM7290 The field that is to contain the fitted values is not defined.

User response

Specify a unique name for this field.

IDM7291 The name of the field that is to contain the fitted values is already used by an output field.

User response

Specify a unique name for the the field that is supposed to hold the fitted values.

IDM7292 The residual field is not defined.

User response

Specify a name for the residual field.

IDM7293 The name of the residual field is already used by an output field.

User response

Specify a unique name for the the residual field.

IDM7294 The name of the field representing the dependent variable is not defined.

User response

Specify a name for this field.

IDM7295 The name of the field representing the dependent variable is not included in the input data.

User response

Check the name of the field and the field names in your input data. Specify field names that match the names of fields in the input data.

IDM7296 The specified order fields are not included in the input data.

User response

Check the names of the order fields and the field names in your input data. Specify order-field names that match the names of fields in the input data.

IDM7297 The specified output fields are not included in the input data.

User response

Check the names of the output fields and the field names in your input data. Specify output-field names that match the names of fields in the input data.

IDM7298 The parameters transferred to the server are not suitable for the Univariate Curve Fitting function.


The communication between client and server does not work properly.

User response

Check the client/server configuration. Then try to rerun the function. If the problem persists, contact your IBM representative.

IDM7299 An incorrect number of parameters was transferred to the server.


The communication between client and server does not work properly.

User response

Check the client/server configuration. Then try to rerun the function. If the problem persists, contact your IBM representative.

IDM7300 The number of output parameters is incorrect.


The communication between client and server does not work properly.

User response

Check the client/server configuration. Then try to rerun the function. If the problem persists, contact your IBM representative.

IDM7332 The input data is inappropriate for the calculation of eigenvalues. Without eigenvalues, the Intelligent Miner cannot determine any factors.

IDM7333 You specified a number of factors that is greater than the number of input fields. Decrease the number of factors and rerun the function.

IDM7334 The current result consists of only one factor. For factor rotation, however, at least 2 factors are required.

User response

Switch off the factor rotation, or predetermine the number of factors to be generated. When choosing the latter alternative, make sure you specify a factor number of 2 or higher. Then rerun the function.

IDM7335 Select a value greater than zero, but less than 100 for the percentage of explained variance.


User response

To predetermine the number of factors, specify an integer from 1 through the number of variables.

IDM7337 The settings object contains parameters that are unsuitable for a factor analysis. Specify another settings object.

IDM7338 The result object "%1" does not exist or it is not a Factor Analysis result.

User response

Specify a result object that was created by running the Factor Analysis function in training mode.

IDM7339 The name of the output data object is missing.

User response

Specify an output data object when running the Factor Analysis function in application mode.

IDM7340 You did not specify a prefix for the factor names.

User response

Specify a prefix in the "Factor field prefix" field.

IDM7341 The input field names are not included in the input data.

User response

Check the names of the specified input fields and the names of the fields in your input data. Specify input-field names that match the names of fields in the input data.

IDM7342 The output field names are not included in the input data for the Factor Analysis function.

User response

Check the names of the output fields and the field names in your input data. Specify output-field names that match the names of fields in the input data.

IDM7343 The number of input fields differs from the number used in training mode.


In application mode, you must specify the same number of input fields as in training mode.

IDM7344 This function does not support the specified mode of operation. You can only run the function in training or application mode. Specify one of these two modes.

IDM7345 The parameters transferred to the server are not suitable for the Factor Analysis function.


The communication between client and server does not work properly.

User response

Check the client/server configuration. Then try to rerun the function. If the problem persists, contact your IBM representative.

IDM7346 An incorrect number of parameters was transferred to the server.


The communication between client and server does not work properly.

User response

Check the client/server configuration. Then try to rerun the function. If the problem persists, contact your IBM representative.



To run the Factor Analysis function in application mode, you must specify a result object that was created by running the function in training mode.

User response

Specify a training result object.

IDM7348 The number of output parameters is incorrect.


The communication between client and server does not work properly.

User response

Check the client/server configuration. Then try to rerun the function. If the problem persists, contact your IBM representative.

IDM7349 The specified training result object contains fields that are not included in the input data object. "%1" fields are missing in the data object.


In addition to that, you might have specified input fields that are not included in training result object.

User response

Compare the field names in the training result object with the fields in the input data object for application mode. Make sure that the field names and the numbers of fields in both objects match.

IDM7350 You specified the input fields "%1", which are not included in the training result object.


To run the function in application mode, you can only use input fields that are part of the specified training result object.

User response

Unselect the input fields "%1" or use another training result object.

IDM7360 The settings object contains parameters that are unsuitable for a principal component analysis.

User response

Specify another settings object.

IDM7361 You did not specify a prefix for the component names.

User response

Specify a prefix in the "Component field prefix" field.

IDM7362 The input field names are not included in the input data.

User response

Check the names of the specified input fields and the names of the fields in your input data. Specify input-field names that match the names of fields in the input data.

IDM7363 The output field names are not included in the input data for the Principal Component Analysis function.

User response

Check the names of the output fields and the field names in your input data. Specify output-field names that match the names of fields in the input data.

IDM7364 The parameters transferred to the server are not suitable for the Principal Component Analysis function.


The communication between client and server does not work properly.

User response

Check the client/server configuration. Then try to rerun the function. If the problem persists, contact your IBM representative.

IDM7365 An incorrect number of parameters was transferred to the server.


The communication between client and server does not work properly.

User response

Check the client/server configuration. Then try to rerun the function. If the problem persists, contact your IBM representative.

IDM7366 The number of output parameters is incorrect.


The communication between client and server does not work properly.

User response

Check the client/server configuration. Then try to rerun the function. If the problem persists, contact your IBM representative.

IDM7367 The input data is inappropriate for the calculation of eigenvectors. Without eigenvectors, the Intelligent Miner cannot determine any components.

IDM7380 The settings object does not correspond to correlation matrices.

IDM7381 There is no matrix type specified.

User response

Please specify one or more matrix types as result.

IDM7382 The names of selected variables are not part of the input data.

User response

Please check name of the selected variables and the members of your input data.

IDM7500 The following item is missing in the model: "%1".

IDM7501 The output file cannot be opened.

IDM7502 Error while writing to output file.

IDM7503 Internal error: array overflow.

IDM7504 Internal error: Cannot set records.

IDM7505 Internal error.

IDM7506 The file specified does not contain a valid regression model.

IDM7507 The file specified is not a valid XML file.

IDM7508 The specified PMML version is not supported.

User response

Refer to the manual for a list of supported versions.

IDM7509 The value of the PMML tag modelType is invalid.


Your model might be damaged.

User response

Recreate the model.

IDM7510 The value for the tag %1: %2 is not supported.


Make sure that the model conforms to the specified PMML version.

IDM7511 The model is not a value prediction model but a classification model.

User response

Make sure that you apply this function only to linear or polynomial regression models.

IDM7512 The model is not a classification model but a value prediction model.

User response

Make sure that you apply this function only to logistic regression models.

IDM7513 In this model, the extension 'x-sASMode' is activated. This extension is not supported anymore.


The model needs the SAS compatibility mode. This mode is not supported anymore. Starting with SAS EM V9.1., SAS supports PMML.

User response

Export the model to PMML from your SAS EM system.

IDM7514 The model is not found.


An internal error occurred.

IDM7515 The element 'Target' is incomplete.


There is a 'Target' element, however, it is incomplete.

User response

Recreate the model to receive a valid 'Target' element.

IDM7516 There is a reference to the unknown field %1.


In the 'RegressionTable', a reference to the field %1 is found, however, this field does not exist in this model.

User response

Specify the name of an existing field.

IDM7517 When the model is built, an internal error occurred.


When the model is built, an internal error occurred.

User response

Try to reproduce this error. Provide the respective model and a detailed description of the actions that you were doing to the support team.

IDM7518 While saving the model, an error occurred.


The model cannot be saved to PMML because an internal error occurred.

User response

Try to reproduce this error. Provide the respective model and a detailed description of the actions that you were doing to the support team.

IDM7519 A division by zero occurred.


A division by zero occurred while applying the normalization method to the result of a record score. A result cannot be produced.

IDM7520 While retrieving class labels, an error occurred.


The model does not contain class labels, or the class labels are incomplete.

User response

Ensure that the model contains class labels and that these class labels are complete. Correct the model and try again.

IDM7521 In the 'NumericPredictor' element, there is a field that is not of type 'continuous'.


The field %1 is not of type 'continuous'. In the 'NumericPredictor' element, you can only use fields of type 'continuous'.

User response

Ensure that the fields that you specified are of type 'continuous'.

IDM7522 In the 'CategoricalPredictor' element, there is a field that is not of type 'categorical'.


The field %1 is not of type 'categorical'. In the 'CategoricalPredictor' element, you can only use fields of type 'categorical'.

User response

Ensure that the fields that you specified are of type 'categorical'.

IDM7523 In the 'PredictorTerm' element, there is a field that is not of type 'continuous'.


The field %1 is not of type 'continuous'. In the 'PredictorTerm' element, you can only use fields of type 'continuous'.

User response

Ensure that the fields that you specified are of type 'continuous'. Correct the model and try again.

IDM7524 In the numeric predictor for %1, the abandoned attribute 'mean' is found.


The numeric predictor %1 uses the attribute 'mean'. This attribute is not supported in PMML versions 3.0 and above.

User response

In the 'MiningSchema', replace the attribute 'mean' with the attribute 'missingValueReplacement'.

IDM7525 The predicted field is not unique.


In the PMML model, the element 'MiningSchema' does not have a unique 'MiningField' entry with the attribute 'usageType' set to 'predicted'.

User response

Make sure that the PMML model includes a unique 'MiningField', and that the 'usageType' of the unique 'MiningField' is set to 'predicted'.

IDM7550 A cancel request is issued while creating the regression model.


The training run stops immediately. A regression model is not created.

IDM7551 The mining task contains the field %1. The field type of this field is not supported.


The training run stops immediately. A regression model is not created.

IDM7552 The mining schema does not contain predictors.


To build a polynomial regression model, at least one predictor field is required.

User response

Add at least one mining field to the mining schema.

IDM7553 No data is read.


To build the lift curve of a model, a minimum quantity of input data is required to gather statistics.

User response

Add fields to your table.

IDM7554 The input fields that represent the independent variables are excluded from the regression analysis.


The polynomial regression algorithm excludes fields that are correlated or not significant.

User response

Add more fields to the mining model, or try a full regression.

IDM7555 The specified maximum processing time is too small to build a model. With the current training data, Intelligent Miner needs about %1 minutes to build a complete model.

User response

Specify a larger time limit in method DM_setExecTime, or reduce the amount of input data, for example, by sampling.

IDM7556 The specified maximum processing time is too small to use all input data. The resulting model used only %2 of the training data. With the current training data, Intelligent Miner needs about %1 minutes to build a complete model.

User response

Specify a larger time limit in the method DM_setExecTime, or reduce the amount of input data, for example, by sampling.

IDM7557 The specified maximum processing time is too small to use the complete input data. With the current training data, Intelligent Miner needs about %1 minutes to use the complete input data.

User response

Specify a larger time limit in the method DM_setExecTime, or reduce the amount of input data, for example, by sampling.

IDM7558 A cancel request was received during the training run.


The training run stops immediately. A model is not created.

IDM7559 More than 50 percent of the input data is not valid for regression analysis.


Observations that include target fields with NULL values or numerical independent fields with NULL values cannot be used to build a regression model.

User response

Before you start another mining run, filter out the invalid observations because they slow down the performance and have no effect on the model building process.

IDM8400 The Intelligent Miner detected an incorrect parameter %1. Please make sure that the parameter names are specified correctly.

IDM8402 Error while opening file %1.(%2)

IDM8403 The result object %2 has the wrong format or structure. Therefore, a tree model '%1' could not be found. Specify another result object or regenerate a result object containing the desired model.

IDM8404 Error while reading classification tree (%1). The structure of the result object is incorrect. The result object cannot be used.

IDM8405 The Intelligent Miner detected an unknown attribute %1 because the result object does not match the specifications in settings object. Specify a suitable result object for settings object.(%2)

IDM8406 The data type (%1) of a field in the result object does not match the data type (%2) of the corresponding field in the input data object.

IDM8408 The format of the specified result object is obsolete. Generate a new result object in training mode first.

IDM8409 The result object is not valid because the model that it contains (%1) could not be identified as being a pruned tree or an unpruned tree.

IDM8411 Error: getArgs() failure.

IDM8413 The name of the specified pruning algorithm '%1' is incorrect. Check whether you typed the name of the pruning algorithm correctly.

IDM8414 The name of the specified splitting algorithm '%1' is incorrect. Check whether you typed the name of the splitting algorithm correctly.

IDM8415 The name of the specified subsetting algorithm '%1' is incorrect. Check whether you typed the name of the subsetting algorithm correctly.

IDM8416 The tree classifier found an unexpected end to an attribute list.

IDM8417 The tree classifier found a node that had children but no core. The tree will be truncated at this node.

IDM8418 The tree classifier was not able to create a probe array. Therefore, the last split could not be performed.

IDM8419 Warning: a probe lookup failed. The tree classifier had to truncate a node.

IDM8420 An expand operation failed in the tree classifier. The tree classifier was unable to grow the decision tree.

IDM8421 An updating of labels failed in the tree classifier. The Intelligent Miner cannot grow the decision tree.

IDM8430 The tree classifier cannot sort a data array with fewer than zero elements.

IDM8450 No classification label was found in the parameter file.

IDM8451 The Intelligent Miner could not read any records from the input data. Check whether the file containing the input data is empty or if you are authorised to read the file.

IDM8452 The input data contains only 1 class label (%1). A tree model could thus not be generated.

IDM8453 The input field %1 has been ignored because it contains %2 different values in %3 records. The values are too diverse to be useful to classify.

IDM8454 The Intelligent Miner could not read any records from the input data. Check whether the file containing the input data is empty or if all the records lack a class label.

IDM8455 The Intelligent Miner did not calculate distributions because the input fields contain more different categorical values (%1) than are permitted by the threshold value (%2). The threshold value prevents that you run out of memory.

IDM8500 Error while building classification tree.

IDM8502 The Intelligent Miner is unable to create a temporary file %1 for attribute %2 (%3).


When the main storage is not big enough for the algorithm to complete its job,the Intelligent Miner tries to store the information in a temporary file on your hard drive.

User response

Check whether the hard drive has enough free space, whether you have the properauthorisation to write on the hard drive, and whether the specified directory exists.

IDM8503 The Intelligent Miner is unable to create the temporary file %1.


When the main storage is not big enough for the algorithm to complete its job,the Intelligent Miner tries to store the information in a temporary file onyour hard drive.

User response

Check whether the hard drive has enough free space, whetheryou have the proper authorisation to write on the hard drive, and whetherthe specified directory exists.

IDM8505 The Intelligent Miner needs at least %2 MB of memory to run the function with the specified settings, but you have only %1 MB at your disposal. If possible, increase the memory limit(buffer size).

IDM8507 The error matrix has a wrong format. See the Intelligent Miner documentation or click the Web help button for more information.

IDM8508 The Intelligent Miner is unable to create the temporary file %1.


When the main storage is not big enough for the algorithm to complete its job,the Intelligent Miner tries to store the information in a temporary file onyour hard drive.

User response

Check whether the hard drive has enough free space, whetheryou have the proper authorisation to write on the hard drive, and whetherthe specified directory exists.

IDM8509 The Intelligent Miner is unable to read the temporary file %1 (%2). Check whether you have accidentally deleted the temporary file or if your hardware is defective. If neither does apply, contact your IBM representative.

IDM8511 Unable to obtain a temporary file name.(%1)

IDM8512 The Intelligent Miner is unable to create file %1 for the attributes %3 in accordance with the specifications for your operating system %2.(%4)

IDM8514 The Intelligent Miner is unable to create file %1 for the attributes %3 in accordance with the specifications for your operating system %2.(%4)

IDM8515 The Intelligent Miner is unable to write data to file %1. Check whether you have enough disk space.

IDM8516 The Intelligent Miner is unable to write data to file %1. Check whether you have enough disk space.(%2)

IDM8518 The Intelligent Miner is unable to perform a tree classification because of an error in writing a file.

User response

Make sure that there is enough free storage on the file system and that the Intelligent Miner has permission to write files.

IDM8519 The test results could not be merged into the tree classification training model. One of the two XML strings seems to contain a syntax error.


This error message is issued by the tree classifier when it tries to incorporate the results of a validation run into a training model.

User response

Make sure that both the training model and the validation model are valid tree models according to the PMML standard.

IDM8601 The calculation of the distributions requires more memory than expected. The memory allocated for is %1 MB. However, the Intelligent Miner will try to use %2 MB.

IDM8620 The process has reached the maximum number of gains charts permitted. Therefore, the Intelligent Miner creates only %1 of the %2 gains charts that would normally have been written.

IDM8621 You have run out of memory. Gains charts were not produced.(%1)

IDM8622 You have run out of memory. Some gain charts may not have been produced.(%1)

IDM8623 Node %1 could not process any data records. The Tree Classification function has stopped.

IDM8640 Usage: %1 input-resultfile output-resultfile

IDM8641 Loading of pruned tree failed (line %1)

IDM8642 Dummy node without a parent detected.

IDM8643 Dummy node whose parent does not have a left child detected.

IDM8644 Boolean operator %1 detected not supported with %2 tag.

IDM8645 Node without predicate detected.

IDM8646 Node with continuous test feature (%1) with more than one %2 detected.

IDM8647 Node with continuous test feature (%1) with unsupported operator %2 detected.

IDM8648 Node with continuous test feature (%1): number expected, but "%2" found.

IDM8649 Node with different categorical test features (%1, %2) detected.

IDM8650 Node with categorical test feature (%1) with unsupported operator %2 detected.

IDM8651 Model used and record to be classified do not match.

IDM8652 More than one class label specified.

IDM8653 Node is not an element node.

IDM8654 Tree model node without score is not feasible.

IDM8655 Node does not have distribution specified.

IDM8656 Invalid node detected: node must not have one single child.

IDM8657 Attribute %1 must not be %2.

IDM8658 %1 is not an attribute of element %2.

IDM8659 No class label specified.

IDM8660 Error reading tree classification model.

IDM8661 The Predicate field %1 is not specified as a MiningField.

IDM8662 The Predicate field %1 of unsupported type is detected.

IDM8663 The Predicate field %1 is continuous, but the value (%2) is non-numeric.

IDM8664 The MiningField name=%1 does not occur in the DataDictionary.

IDM8665 The Predicate name=%1 is not a MiningField.

IDM8666 The Intelligent Miner does not support regression tree scoring.

IDM8667 A cancel request has been received during the tree classification run. The tree classification run will terminate immediately. No model will be written.

IDM8668 This is not an IBM model. The tree classification test mode is only applicable to PMML 2.0 models from IBM.

IDM8669 This is not a PMML 2.0 model. The tree classification test mode is only applicable to PMML 2.0 models from IBM.

IDM8670 The ordinal Predicate field %1 has not defined an order for value %2.

IDM8671 The continuous field %1 must not occur in a SimpleSetPredicate.

IDM8672 The SimpleSetPredicate of field %1 does not have an element "Array".

IDM8673 The attribute %2 of element %1 has a value of %3. This value is not supported.

IDM8674 The model that is used is inconsistent. The model has specified the TreeModel attribute x-normalizationMethod="defaultChild", however, at least one node has not specified x-defaultChild value.

IDM8675 The model that you are using is inconsistent. The model contains the ScoreDistribution attribute x-confidence, however, in at least one node this attribute is missing.

IDM8800 UDF is declared as FENCED. It must be declared as NOT FENCED.


An SQL function needs to work with locators, but cannot do so because it is declared as fenced.

User response

You must drop the function definition in your DB2 instance and recreate it using the CREATE FUNCTION command, this time declaring the function as not fenced.

IDM8801 Internal error: sqludf_length received a bad input value.


DB2 or Intelligent Miner might not be installed correctly.

User response

Look for any hints in the DB2 dump file db2dump.log, or contact your IBM representative.

IDM8802 Internal error: sqludf_substr received a bad input value.


DB2 or Intelligent Miner might not be installed correctly.

User response

Look for any hints in the DB2 dump file db2dump.log, or contact your IBM representative.

IDM8803 Internal error: sqludf_append received a bad input value.


DB2 or Intelligent Miner might not be installed correctly.

User response

Look for any hints in the DB2 dump file db2dump.log, or contact your IBM representative.

IDM8804 Internal error: sqludf_create received a bad input value.


DB2 or Intelligent Miner might not be installed correctly.

User response

Look for any hints in the DB2 dump file db2dump.log, or contact your IBM representative.

IDM8805 Internal error: sqludf_free received a bad input value.


DB2 or Intelligent Miner might not be installed correctly.

User response

Look for any hints in the DB2 dump file db2dump.log, or contact your IBM representative.

IDM8806 Internal error. Locator is already freed, or free is not allowed.


DB2 or Intelligent Miner might not be installed correctly.

User response

Look for any hints in the DB2 dump file db2dump.log, or contact your IBM representative.

IDM8807 The import of Intelligent Miner V6 results is not supported in unfenced mode.


Models in Intelligent Miner format must be converted to PMML format before they can be used by Intelligent Miner. This conversion cannot be done automatically in unfenced mode.

User response

Use idmxmod to convert the model into PMML format and run the import routine again.

IDM8808 An internal error occurred. The database did not hand in a valid BLOB.

IDM8901 The model is not a Clustering model.


The model that was specified as input for a DM_applyClusModel or DM_impClusFile function is not a Clustering model.

IDM8902 The model is not a Classification model.


The model that was specified as input for a DM_applyClasModel or DM_impClasFile function is not a Classification model.

IDM8903 The model is not a Regression model.


The model that was specified as input for a DM_applyRegModel or DM_impRegFile function is not a Regression model.

IDM8905 Internal error. The type of model is unknown.


The model is not recognized as a Clustering, Classification, or Regression model. This is an internal error.

IDM8909 The tree classification test model cannot be applied. Use a tree classification training model instead.


Tree Classification test models are used to verify the quality of a training run. You cannot use them for scoring.

User response

Use the Tree Classification training model instead.

IDM8910 The model is not a rule model.

IDM8911 PMML version %1 is not supported.

IDM8914 The header of the model is not valid.


The model is not imported into the database with the appropriate function. Therefore it does not contain a valid header.

User response

Import the model again by using one of the IM import functions.

IDM8916 The model is not unique.

IDM8917 Encoding is only allowed for XML files.


You specified an encoding when importing a file in Intelligent Miner format. Encoding is only allowed for XML files. The encoding is ignored.

User response

To import Intelligent Miner models, use the function DM_impClasFile, DM_impClusFile, DM_impRegFile, or DM_impRuleFile.

IDM8918 The encoding of the XML model is missing.


The XML model you want to import does not contain any XML declaration. Therefore the encoding of the model cannot be determined.

User response

You can add an XML declaration at the beginning of the model, or you can specify an encoding when you import the model.

IDM8919 The model (%1 bytes) cannot be stored in a LOB (%2 bytes).


After internal conversions, the imported model is too big to be stored in a Large Object (LOB).

User response

You must increase the maximum value for a LOB.

IDM8920 Insufficient memory available to convert and store the model.

User response

Reconnect to the database and try again. If the problem persists, restart the DB2 instance.

IDM8930 Evaluation period over.

IDM8940 Model caching is only available in fenced mode.


The function %1 uses the model caching feature, however, model caching is available in fenced mode only.

User response

If you want to use model caching, you must reenable your database in fenced mode by using the command idmenabledb.

IDM8941 The model alias %1 is identical to the model alias of an existing model.


The model alias of models must be unique. One of the previously opened models already has the model alias %1.

User response

Use a different model alias for the current model, or close the previously opened model that has the same model alias that you want to use for the current model.

IDM8942 A model with the model alias %1 cannot be found in the model cache.

IDM8943 The result specification is empty.


You did not specify to calculate results data when applying the model. If you do not specify to calculate results data, NULL results are produced for all records.

User response

Call at least one method of the result specification, or do not specify a result specification at all.

IDM8944 A synchronization error occurred between two scoring runs on the same model.


You are running Intelligent Miner concurrently on the same model. There are different concurrent runs or a single run on a parallel data source. An internal synchronization error occurred.

User response

Rerun Intelligent Miner. If the error persists, do not start concurrent runs on this model. Load the model explicitly several times in the cache, or deactivate the cache to run serially.

IDM8957 Warning: The type "%1" already exists with the size ("%2" bytes). The requested size is ("%3" bytes).


The size of UDTs cannot be changed if dependent objects that use these types, for example, tables already exist.

User response

Drop the dependent objects, then re-enable the database by using idmenabledb with the new size.

IDM8958 Warning: The function "%1" (special name "%2")cannot be updated because it is used in other database objects.


If a user-defined function (UDF) or method (UDM) is used in other dependent database objects, for example, triggers or views, the UDF or UDM cannot be changed.

User response

Drop the dependent object and rerun the command.

IDM8961 The file "%1" cannot be found.Verify your installation and check your PATH settings.

IDM8962 The database "%1" is not disabled.Check the preceeding error messages, correct the errors,and rerun the command.


If you created your own database objects, for example, tables or triggers, that use the database objects that are created by IM, the IM database objects cannot be dropped.The "tables" parameter might not be specified when the database is to be disabled.

User response

Check the preceeding error messages. Use idmdisabledb <dbname> tables for dropping the IM sample tables and their content. Manually drop the objects that depend on IM database objects.

IDM8963 The database "%1" is not enabled.Check the preceding error messages, correct the errors,and rerun the command.


Database objects with the same name might already exist in the schema IDMMX. Or the database might already be enabled for a different release of IM.

User response

If the database is already enabled, disable the database first. If the database is not enabled, manually drop the database objects that have a name conflict with the database objects to be created by IM.

IDM8968 The current value of the database manager configuration parameter"%1" is "%2".


The recommended value is "%3".

User response

Run the following command to correct the problem:db2 UPDATE DBM CFG USING %1 %3

IDM8969 The current value of the database configuration parameter"%1" is "%2".


The recommended value is "%3".

User response

Run the following command to correct the problem:db2 UPDATE DB CFG FOR %4 USING %1 %3

IDM9001 The model name is not specified.


The model name is a required parameter for this Easy Mining Procedure.

User response

Specify a name for the model.

IDM9002 The model name or the view name is not specified.


The model name or the view name is a required parameter for this Easy Mining Procedure.

User response

Specify a name for the model or the view.

IDM9003 The view name is not specified.


The view name is a required parameter for this Easy Mining Procedure.

User response

Specify a name for the view.

IDM9004 The name for the input table or the view is not specified.


The input table or the view is a required parameter for this Easy Mining Procedure.

User response

Specify a name for the input table or the view.

IDM9005 The name for the output view is not specified.


The output view is a required parameter for this Easy Mining Procedure.

User response

Specify a name for the output view.

IDM9006 The name for the test result is not specified.


The test result name is a required parameter for this Easy Mining Procedure.

User response

Specify a name for the test result.

IDM9007 The file name is not specified.


The file name is a required parameter for this Easy Mining Procedure.

User response

Specify a name for the file.

IDM9008 The name for the target column is not specified.


The target column is a required parameter for this Easy Mining Procedure.

User response

Specify a name for the target column.

IDM9009 The target value is not specified.


The target value is a required parameter for this Easy Mining Procedure.

User response

Specify a character string for the target value.

IDM9010 A mining run with the model or the view name "%1" is still running.


The first argument of an Easy Mining Procedure is the key for accessing its runtime information. Usually, the first argument is the name of a model or a view. Therefore you cannot run two Easy Mining Procedures that have the same first argument at the same time.

User response

Wait until the mining run has stopped. If you are sure that a mining run with this name is not running, set its status to "stopped" by using the Easy Mining Procedure "IDMMX.SetTaskStopped(modelOrViewName)".

IDM9011 The call ID "%1" for the model or view cannot be determined.


This error should not occur in an installation that is setup correctly.

User response

Set the trace file by using the IDMMX.SetTraceFile Easy Mining Procedure. Run the Easy Mining Procedure again and send the trace file to your IBM representative.

IDM9012 In the optional parameter string, the parameter name is not specified.


The names of optional parameters must not be empty strings. Valid parameter names are the names of the Intelligent Miner methods for mining tasks, mining settings, logical data specifications, and mining data.

User response

Specify options with valid parameter names.

IDM9013 The parameter name "%1" in the optional parameter string is not known.


The names of optional parameters must not be empty strings. Valid parameter names are the names of the Intelligent Miner methods for mining tasks, mining settings, logical data specifications, and mining data.

User response

Specify options with valid parameter names.

IDM9014 The optional parameter string contains unbalanced parentheses in "%1".


Parentheses in the optional parameter string must be balanced.

User response

Specify options with balanced parentheses.

IDM9015 The parameter name "%1" in the optional parameter string contains a comma.


The parameter names must not contain commas. When you are specifying two parameters, check that there are opening and closing parentheses after the parameter names.

User response

Specify options with valid parameter names.

IDM9016 The suffix "%1" of the optional parameter string cannot be interpreted.


Optional parameter strings must not contain a suffix.

User response

Remove the suffix from the optional parameter string.

IDM9017 A mining model with the name "%1" does not exist in the table "%2".


The name for the mining model might be misspelled.

User response

Specify a correct name for the model. You can check the models that are contained in the table "%2" by using the query "select MODELNAME from %2".

IDM9018 Mining settings with the ID "%1" do not exist in the table "%2".


The ID for the mining settings might be misspelled.

User response

Specify a correct ID for the settings. You can check the IDs that are contained in the table "%2" by using the query "select ID from %2".

IDM9019 A test result with the ID "%1" does not exist in the table "%2".


The ID for the test result might be misspelled.

User response

Specify a correct ID for the test result. You can check the test results that are contained in the table "%2" by using the query "select ID from %2".

IDM9020 The model "%1" cannot be exported from the table "%2" because its size of %3 bytes is too big.


The size of this model is too big.

User response

Export a model with a smaller size.

IDM9021 The model "%1" cannot be exported from the table "%2" because its value is NULL.


The value of the model has to be different from NULL.

User response

Export a model with a non-NULL value.

IDM9030 In the table or the view "%3", the item column "%1" is missing.


The item column "%1" is used to train the rule model "%2". Therefore it must be included in the input table or in the view to which the rule model is applied.

User response

Create a view from the input table or the view which includes a column with the name and the type of the item column.

IDM9031 In the table or the view "%3", the group column "%1" used for training the rule model "%2" is missing.


The group column "%1" is used to train the rule model "%2". Therefore the group column must be included in the input table or in the view to which the rule model is applied.

User response

Create a view from the input table or view which contains a column with the name and the type of the group column.

IDM9032 The sequence column is missing.


For this Easy Mining procedure, you must specify a sequence column.

User response

Specify the name of a column in the input table or view as the sequence column.

IDM9033 In the input table or the view "%2", the sequence column "%1" is missing.


In the input table or the view, the sequence column must be specified.

User response

Specify a column that is included in the table or the view "%2".

IDM9034 The group column is missing.


For this Easy Mining procedure, you must specify the group column.

User response

Specify the name of a column in the input table or view as the group column.

IDM9035 The settings with the ID "%1" is a sequence rule settings, however, it must be an association rule settings.


In the rule settings, a sequence column is specified.

User response

Set the value of the sequence column to NULL by using the DM_setSequence method.

IDM9036 The settings with the ID "%1" is an association rule settings, however, it must be a sequence rule settings.


In the rule settings, the sequence column is missing.

User response

Specify the sequence column by using the DM_setSequence method.

IDM9037 In the table or the view "%3", the sequence column "%1" that is used to train the sequence rule model "%2" is missing.


The sequence column "%1" is used to train the sequence rule model "%2". Therefore the sequence column must be included in the input table or in the view to which the rule model is applied.

User response

Create a view from the input table or view that contains a column with the name and the type of the sequence column.

IDM9038 The rule model "%1" is not a sequence rule model.


This rule model is an association rule model.

User response

Use the procedure IDMMX.ExportRuleModel to export association rule models and the procedure IDMMX.ApplyRuleModel to apply association rule models.

IDM9039 The rule model "%1" is not an association rule model.


This rule model is a sequence rule model.

User response

Use the procedure IDMMX.ExportSeqRuleModel to export sequence rule models and the procedure IDMMX.ApplySeqRuleModel to apply sequence rule models.

IDM9050 The target column "%1" is not contained in the table or the view "%2".


The target column must be contained in the input table or the view.

User response

Specify a column that is contained in the table or the view "%2".

IDM9051 The predicted value column parameter is not specified.


You must specify the name of the column that contains the predicted value in the output view.

User response

Specify a character string for the name of the column that will contain the predicted value.

IDM9052 There is already a column with the name "%1" in the input table or the view "%2".


The name that you specified for an additional column exists already in the input table or the view. A table or a view must not contain columns with the same name.

User response

Select a name for the additional column that is not yet used in the input table or the view.

IDM9060 The cluster ID column is not specified.


You must specify the name of the column that contains the cluster ID in the output view.

User response

Specify a character string for the name of the cluster ID.

IDM9061 The value "%1" for the minimal cluster size is not smaller than the value "%2" for the maximal cluster size.


The values for the minimal and maximal cluster size must be positive percent values. The maximal cluster size must be greater than the minimum cluster size. The maximal cluster size should be greater than 1 (percent) to avoid too many clusters to be generated. The minimum cluster size should be smaller than or equal to 50 (percent) because a higher value means that only a clustering model with one cluster can satisfy this condition.

User response

Specify values for the minimal and the maximal cluster size that meet the required conditions.

IDM9062 The value "%1" for the minimal cluster size is not a positive percent value.


The values for the minimal and the maximal cluster size must be positive percent values. The maximal cluster size must be greater than the minimum cluster size. The maximal cluster size should be greater than 1 (percent) to avoid too many clusters to be generated. The minimum cluster size should be smaller than or equal to 50 (percent) because a higher value mean that only a clustering model with one cluster can satisfy this condition.

User response

Specify values for minimal and maximal cluster size that satisfy these constraints.

IDM9063 Because the value "%1" for the minimal cluster size is greater than 50, the result might be one cluster only.


The values for the minimal and the maximal cluster size must be positive percent values. The maximal cluster size must be greater than the minimum cluster size. The maximal cluster size should be greater than 1 (percent) to avoid too many clusters to be generated. The minimum cluster size should be smaller than or equal to 50 (percent) because a higher value means that only a clustering model with one cluster can satisfy this condition.

User response

Specify values for the minimal and the maximal cluster size that meet the required conditions.

IDM9064 The value "%1" for the maximal cluster size is not a positive percent value.


The values for the minimal and the maximal cluster size must be positive percent values. The maximal cluster size must be greater than the minimum cluster size. The maximal cluster size should be greater than 1 (percent) to avoid the generation of too many clusters. The minimum cluster size should be smaller than or equal to 50 (percent) because a higher value means that only a clustering model with one cluster can satisfy this condition.

User response

Specify values for the minimal and the maximal cluster size that meet the required conditions.

IDM9065 The value "%1" for the maximal cluster size is not greater than 1. If the maximal cluster size is smaller than 1, too many clusters are computed.


The values for the minimal and the maximal cluster size must be positive percent values. The maximal cluster size must be greater than the minimum cluster size. The maximal cluster size should be greater than 1 (percent) to avoid the generation of too many clusters. The minimum cluster size should be smaller than or equal to 50 (percent) because a higher value means that only a clustering model with one cluster can satisfy this condition.

User response

Specify values for the minimal and the maximal cluster size that meet the required conditions.

IDM9066 A clustering model with the given constraints cannot be found.


A clustering model with the specified values for minimum and maximum cluster size cannot be found.

User response

Check whether you are satisfied with the generated clustering model. If you are not satisfied, decrease the value for the minimum cluster size or increase the value for maximal cluster size. You can also modify both values. Start the procedure again.

IDM9067 The target column "%1" does not contain the target value "%2".


The target value must be a value of the target column.

User response

Specify a target value of the target column "%1".

IDM9070 The group column "%1" is not contained in the table or the view "%2".


The group column must be contained in the input table or in the view.

User response

Specify a column that is contained in the input table or in the view.

IDM9071 The value "%1" for the number of rules is negative.


For the number of rules, only positive values are valid.

User response

Specify a number that is greater than 0 for the number of the rules.

IDM9072 The value "%1" for the miminum confidence must be a positive percent value.


The value for minimum confidence must be a value between 0 and 100.

User response

Specify a valid value for the minimum confidence parameter.

IDM9073 A rule model with the given constraints cannot be found.


A rule model with the specified values for minimum confidence and mininum number of rules cannot be found.

User response

Check the number of rules that are contained in the result view. If this number is too low, descrease the value for minimum confidence and start the procedure again.

IDM9074 The target column "%1" contains 0 or 1 distinct non-NULL values only.


To build a meaningful prediction model or non-trivial explanations, the target column must contain at least 2 distinct values that are different from NULL. Otherwise the resulting prediction mode might be trivial.

User response

Specify a different categorical column as the target column with at least 2 distinct values.

IDM9075 The target column "%1" has "%2" distinct values. This number of distinct values might be too high to build a model with a reasonable quality.


If the target column contains more than "%3" distinct values, the quality of the prediction model is likely to decrease below an acceptable level.

User response

Reduce the number of distinct values of the target column by creating a view. In this view, map the values of the target column to a small number of distinct values.

IDM9076 The name for the time column is not specified or cannot be found in the table.


The time column is a required parameter for this Easy Mining Procedure.

User response

Specify a name for the time column.

IDM9080 The table/view with the name "%1" does not exist.


User response

Specify the name of an existing table or view.

IDM9081 An Easy Mining Procedure that has "%1" specified as first parameter was not started.


In the IDMMX.CALLIDS table, a record with the value "%1" for the MODELNAME column does not exist.

User response

Select the name of the model or the view that you used when you started an Easy Mining Procedure. You can determine the model or the view names by using the following query: "select MODELNAME from IDMMX.CALLIDS".

IDM9082 The column "%1" that is used to create the stratified sample is not contained in the table or the view "%2".


The column that you use to create the stratified sample must be contained in the input table or the view.

User response

Specify a column that is contained in the table or the view "%1".

IDM9083 The training view parameter is not specified.


The training view parameter is required for this Easy Mining Procedure.

User response

Specifiy a character string for the value of the training view parameter.

IDM9084 The test view parameter is not specified.


The test view parameter is not specified.

User response

Specifiy a character string for the value of the test view parameter.

IDM9085 The value "%1" for the size of the test sample is not a positive percent value.


The value for the size of the test sample must be a positive percent value.

User response

Specify a positive percent value for the size of the test sample.

IDM9086 The stratified sample column "%1" has "%2" values. These are too many distinct values.


If the stratified sample column contains more than "%3" distinct values, and if it is used as the target column for a classification mining run, the quality of the classification model is likely to decrease below an acceptable level.

User response

Reduce the number of distinct values of the stratified sample column by creating a view. In this view, map the values of the stratified sample column to a small number of distinct values.