Uninstall Cognos Analytics on Microsoft Windows operating systems
If you no longer require IBM® Cognos® Analytics or if you are upgrading, uninstall all IBM Cognos Analytics components and the IBM Cognos service.
If you installed more than one component in the same location, you can choose the packages to uninstall using the uninstall wizard. All components of the package will be uninstalled. You must repeat the uninstallation process on each computer that contains IBM Cognos Analytics components.
It is not necessary to back up the configuration and data files on a Microsoft Windows operating system. These files are preserved during the uninstallation.
Close all programs before you uninstall IBM Cognos Analytics. Otherwise, some files may not be removed.
Uninstalling does not remove any files that changed since the installation, such as configuration and user data files. Your installation location remains on your computer, and you retain these files until you delete them. Do not delete the configuration and data files if you are upgrading to a new version of IBM Cognos Analytics and you want to use the configuration data with the new version.