Configuring default gateway

Use the Static Routes page to change the default gateway value.

About this task

The default gateway value can be set from two locations: Static Routes and Management Interfaces. To change it from the Management Interfaces page, you must go to the default interface section and change the gateway there. Changing default gateway from the Static Routes page is an alternative.

Note: The IPv4 default gateway cannot be set if DHCP is enabled on the default interface. The IPv6 default gateway cannot be set if IPv6 addressing is set to Auto on the default interface.


  1. Click Manage System Settings > Network Settings > Static Routes.

    The current default gateway is displayed.

  2. To change its value, enter the new default gateway address in either the IPv4 Gateway field or the IPv6 Gateway field.
    Note: Clicking Reset updates the value in the text field back to the current default gateway. It does not make any updates to the actual default gateway value.
  3. Click Save.