Editing dashboard content and layout

Dashboards. or pages, are an arrangement of one or more widgets in the work area and contain the widgets needed to complete tasks. Users whose roles have Editor or Manager access to a dashboard can edit a dashboard's layout and content using the Edit Page option from the Page Actions (Page Actions icon) drop-down list. After saving changes to the layout and content, you can change a dashboard's properties, including it's name and location in the navigation.

About this task

Note: User's with Privileged User access can change the size of widget windows on the dashboard.


  1. Locate the dashboard you want to edit in the navigation pane and open it.
  2. In the top bar, click Page Actions (Page Actions icon) and select Edit Page. The dashboard is changed to show the widget palette and a series of buttons in the top bar. The menu associated with the Edit options icon for each widget is updated so that you can edit its layout and content. You can also access a widget’s edit options menu by selecting it and clicking the Widget button in the top bar.
  3. Optional: To change the skin associated with a widget, in the title bar click the Edit options icon icon and select Skin to display a menu of the skins that you can apply to the widget. Skins can be used to change the background of a widget, for example, to set it to transparent. Skins may also be used to hide the widget title bar. In this mode, a user can hover their mouse pointer in the title bar area in order to display the title bar.
  4. Optional: To add more widgets to the dashboard, follow these steps.
    1. Once a dashboard is in edit mode, to add new widgets to the dashboard, click and drag a widget from the palette.
    2. Optional: If required and if it is supported by the widget that you added, you can use the Edit options icon icon to configure settings for the new widget.
    3. To assist you in positioning a widget, use the background layout grid. You can change the size of the layout grid have widgets snap to the layout guide lines through the Layout button in the top bar.
    4. To save details for one widget and edit another one, click Save to commit your changes.
    5. If you have completed editing the dashboard, click Save and Exit to exit the dashboard from the edit mode.
  5. Optional: To remove a widget and its window, click Edit options icon in the title bar and select Delete. The widget is removed immediately without a warning prompt.
  6. Optional: To create wires between widgets so they can share information and updates, click Show Wires. Before working with wires, make sure that you have enough information about the events that a widget supports.
  7. Click the Page settings icon in the top bar. The dashboard settings are displayed.
  8. Optional: Make changes to the dashboard's settings as required.
    1. Click the General tab.
    2. In the Page name field, provide a descriptive name for the dashboard and in the Page location field indicate where you want the dashboard to be displayed in the navigation pane. Consider the content on the dashboard and how users will find that content by looking for the dashboard name in the navigation pane.
    3. Use the Navigation visibility list to indicate whether or not you want the dashboard to be listed in the navigation pane.
    4. From the Page persistence list, make one of the following selections:
      • Client side (default setting) - This setting preserves any changes that the user makes on the dashboard when the user navigates away from the dashboard. Changes include not only form data, but any state changes to widgets, for example, opening edit mode, switching to another panel in the widget, or minimizing a widget. Dashboard data and dashboard state are maintained on the client side until the user closes the dashboard or logs out of the console.
      • None
      • Server side - This setting maintains unsubmitted or unsaved form data from a dashboard when the user navigates away from the dashboard. The data is saved on the server and fetched when the user returns to the dashboard. Unsaved data is saved until the user closes the dashboard or logs out of the console.
        Note: The Server side setting only applies to forms on a dashboard. Any user interaction outside of a form is not maintained.
    5. Use the Page tasking radio buttons to indicate whether multiple instances of the dashboard can be launched.
    6. In the Component direction drop-down list, you can accept the Default setting to allow the component direction to be governed at console level or select one of the other settings to indicate whether you want to display dashboard components from left-to-right or from right-to-left. If you select a setting other than Default, it will override any component direction setting that may be set at console or browser level.
    7. In the Text direction drop-down list, you can accept the Default setting to allow the text direction to be governed at console level or select Left-to-Right or from Right-to-Left to indicate the direction that you want the dashboard text to display. You can also select Contextual Input so that for dashboards that include text entry fields, the direction of text is dependent on the language used to enter data. If you select a setting other than Default, it will override any text direction setting that may be set at console or browser level.
  9. Optional: Click the Roles tab to update the list of roles with permissions to the dashboard and their access level. A list of all roles with access to the dashboard is displayed.
    Option Description
    To remove access for a role Select a role and click Remove. The role is removed immediately from the access list without a warning prompt.
    To add access for a role Click Add. Select one or more of the roles displayed and click OK. The roles you added are included to the list.
    To change the access level for a role Select one of the options under Access Level for the role.
    Attention: Make sure that the roles with access to a dashboard also have access to the widgets that are on the dashboard.
  10. Optional: Click the View Membership tab to update the list of views that include this dashboard.
    Option Description
    To add this page to a view Click Add and select one or more views.
    To remove this page from a view Select one or more views in the list and click Remove.
  11. If you accessed the Page settings window and made changes, click Save to commit your changes and return to the main edit dashboard window.
  12. When you are satisfied with your updates, click Save to commit your changes.


You are returned to the dashboard with your changes displayed.

Resizing and arranging widgets

When editing a dashboard, you can resize widgets and also drag them to any place on the dashboard. The widget must already be placed in a window on the dashboard.


  1. Locate the mouse over the widget title bar until the cursor changes to a cross.
  2. Use the handles to resize the widget.
  3. When the cursor shows a cross form, you can click and drag the widget to a new location.