Programmatic APIs

A set of supported Java APIs are available to customize elements of ContentBox.

Note: Only Dashboard Application Services Hub APIs from the package are supported for ContentBox usage, that is, other Dashboard Application Services Hub APIs should not be used.

	 * Determine whether the specified request corresponds to a user who is still logged into the console on the current server with a valid session.
	 * Note that this is different from whether the session is just valid or whether the user is just authenticated with the webcontainer (but not actually logged into the console)
	 * @param request Request from the user
	 * @return boolean indicating whether the user is logged into the console
  public static boolean isConsoleSessionValid( HttpServletRequest request )

	 * Get users list for specified role (including users who have the role through their groups)
	 * @param roleName the name of a role 
	 * @return users a list of users for a role
  public static List<String> getUsersInRole( String roleName )
	 * Get groups list for specified role
	 * @param roleName the name of a role 
	 * @return groups a list of groups for a role
  public static List<String> getGroupsInRole( String roleName )

  /* Constants */
	public static final int PREFERENCE_TYPE_INHERIT = -1;
	public static final int PREFERENCE_TYPE_USER = 0;
	public static final int PREFERENCE_TYPE_EDIT = 1;
	public static final int PREFERENCE_TYPE_CONFIG = 2;

	 * This method sets preferences for the specified widget (as identified from the request and widget namespace).
	 * @return void
	 * @param  request the HttpServletRequest from user
	 * @param  widgetNamespace the widget namespace
	 * @param  prefMap the data to be persisted as a collection of key-<list of values> preference.
	 * @param  scope specifies what scope the preferences to set, such as edit default, user preference.
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
	 * @throws Exception
  public static void setPreferences(HttpServletRequest request, String widgetNamespace, Map<String, List<String>>prefMap, int scope)
	 * This method gets the preferences for the specified widget (as identified from the request and widget namespace).
	 * @return Map<String, List<String>>. It is a collection of key-<list of values> preference
	 * @param  request The HttpServletRequest from user
	 * @param  widgetNamespace The widget namespace
	 * @param  scope specifies what scope the preferences to get, such as edit default, user preference.
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
	 * @throws Exception
  public static Map<String, List<String>> getPreferences( HttpServletRequest request, String widgetNamespace, int scope ) 
	 * This method gets the merged preferences for the specified widget (as identified from the request and widget namespace).
	 * @return Map<String, List<String>>. It is a collection of key-<list of value> preference
	 * @param  request The HttpServletRequest from user
	 * @param  widgetNamespace The widget namespace
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
	 * @throws Exception
  public static Map<String, List<String>> getPreferences( HttpServletRequest request, String widgetNamespace )
	 * Get the current theme for the user identified by the request
	 * @return String Identifying the current theme, either 'oneui' or 'TIPDark'
  public static String getCurrentTheme( HttpServletRequest request  ) 
Note: Example usage for some of these APIs are available in the helloWorld.jsp file that is included in the ContentBox template WAR.