Accessing the MinIO console

For exploratory purposes, you can access the sample bucket that comes with through the user interface of MinIO. An edge route is the recommended way to expose the MinIO console.

The out-of-the-box MinIO object storage is provided for exploratory purposes only. It does not have all security features and is not configured to provide high-speed data access. You should register your own s3 bucket that meet your security and performance requirements. on Red Hat® OpenShift®

About this task

An edge route is a secure way of exposing a service through the Red Hat OpenShift router. You can access the MinIO console from outside the cluster through https by using an edge route.

To access the buckets through the user interface of MinIO, complete the following steps:


  1. Copy the S3 credentials from the secret and save it.
    oc extract secret/ibm-lh-config-secret -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS} --to=- | grep -E "LH_S3_ACCESS_KEY|LH_S3_SECRET_KEY"


    oc extract secret/ibm-lh-config-secret -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS} --to=- | grep -E "LH_S3_ACCESS_KEY|LH_S3_SECRET_KEY"
  2. Create an edge route.
    oc create route edge ibm-lh-lakehouse-minio-console --service=ibm-lh-lakehouse-minio-svc --port=9001 -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS}
    oc get route ibm-lh-lakehouse-minio-console -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS}


    oc create route edge ibm-lh-lakehouse-minio-console --service=ibm-lh-lakehouse-minio-svc --port=9001 -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS} created
    oc get route ibm-lh-lakehouse-minio-console -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS}
    NAME                            HOST/PORT                                                      PATH  SERVICES                    PORT  TERMINATION  WILDCARD
    ibm-lh-lakehouse-minio-console        ibm-lh-lakehouse-minio-svc  9001  edge         None
  3. Copy and paste the route hostname into your browser.
    Remember: Ensure that the browser is using https:// and not http://.


    Remember: Ensure that the port is either unspecified or 443.
  4. Log in to the MinIO console by using the credentials obtained in step 1.
    Tip: The MinIO console uses the bucket's S3 access key as username and the S3 secret key as password.

What to do next