Agent data location

The agent data location, or the cic.appDataLocation property, is the directory that contains information about installed packages. This directory is required to update, modify, roll back, or uninstall packages. Stored information includes the state and history of operations.

Attention: Changing the content, files, or directories in the agent data location directory or subdirectories is not supported. Any modification to this data is likely to cause corruption of the installed packages, making it impossible to update, uninstall, modify, rollback, or install any packages in the future.
The cic.appDataLocation property is recorded in the config.ini file. Depending on the operating system, the config.ini file is in one of the following directories:
  • Windows: install_dir\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\configuration
  • Linux®, UNIX, IBM i, and IBM z/OS®: install_dir/InstallationManager/eclipse/configuration
  • OS X operating system: install_dir/Installation Manager/eclipse/configuration
  • You cannot change the value of the cic.appDataLocation property for the installed Installation Manager. See the instructions that follow for instructions about how to change the location of the cic.appDataLocation property when you install Installation Manager.
The agent data location is established during the installation of Installation Manager from the installation kit. Start the Installation Manager from the installation kit for Installation Manager with the -dataLocation parameter to set the data location of the installed Installation Manager. This table indicates the default locations for the agent data location. For more information about the command arguments, see Installation Manager command-line arguments for silent mode.
Table 1. Default locations for the agent data location
Operating system Administrator installation Nonadministrator installation Group installation
Windows XP Professional C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\Installation Manager C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\IBM\Installation Manager Not available.
Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 2012 C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\IBM\Installation Manager Not available.
Linux and UNIX /var/ibm/InstallationManager /user_home_directory/var/ibm/InstallationManager /user_home_directory/var/ibm/InstallationManager_Group
IBM i /QIBM/UserData /InstallationManager /user_home_directory/var/ibm/InstallationManager Not available.
IBM z/OS /InstallationManager/appdata /user_home_directory/InstallationManager/appdata /InstallationManager/appdata
OS X operating system /Applications/IBM/Installation Manager /Users/user_home_directory/var/IBM/Installation Manager /Users/user_home_directory/var/IBM/InstallationManager_Group
  • On Windows, the value for the cic.appDataLocation property contains double backslashes. For example: cic.appDataLocation=C\:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\IBM\\Installation Manager. This text is correct.
  • Using the number sign, #, in the path for the agent data location is not supported.

Installation Manager stores information about the installed version and the installation location in the registry file.

To determine the location of Installation Manager, open the registry file and look at the location entry.
  • Windows Registry key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\IBM\Installation Manager\location
  • Linux, UNIX, IBM z/OS, and the OS X operating system: location=/var/ibm/InstallationManager
  • IBM i: location=/QIBM/UserData/InstallationManager
Table 2. The location of the registry file for different modes.
Operating system Administrator installation Nonadministrator installation Group installation
Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 2012 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Installation Manager\location

64 bit

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\IBM\Installation Manager
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IBM\Installation Manager\location Not available
Linux and UNIX /etc/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat user_home_directory/etc/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat application_data_location/etc/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat
IBM i /QIBM/InstallationManager/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat user_home_directory/etc/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat Not available
IBM z/OS /etc/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat user_home_directory/etc/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat application_data_location/etc/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat
OS X /etc/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat user_home_directory/etc/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat application_data_location/etc/.ibm/registry/InstallationManager.dat
Table 3. Information stored in the agent data location
Folder or file Information
adapters Contains adapter-specific content that is needed for install, update, modify, rollback, and uninstall operations
bundles Contains package bundles
.settings Preferences
histories Contains information about previous installations and uninstall procedures
installRegistry.xml Contains information about known profiles and installed packages
installRegistry Metadata for installed offerings
installed.xml Contains information about the set of installation locations and installed packages
license The license folder is empty for IBM products that do not use Installation Manager licensing.
logs Agent log files
p2 Contains Eclipse p2 profile metadata
pluginState Contains Eclipse plug-in state information and the Eclipse error log file
temp Contains temporary file during installation
uninstall Contains an executable file and other files that are needed for uninstalling packages