J2CA0015E: The Connection Pool Manager could not allocate a Managed Connection from resource {0}.
J2CA0016E: A two phase XA operation, {0}, was invoked within transaction ID {1}. This Resource Adapter from pool {2} does not support two phase processing.
J2CA0020E: The Connection Pool Manager could not allocate a Managed Connection: {0}.
J2CA0021E: An exception occurred while trying to get a Connection from the Managed Connection resource {1} : {0}.
J2CA0022I: An exception occurred while trying to cleanup and release the Managed Connection from resource {1} for a failed getConnection from the Managed Connection {0}. This second error was absorbed and the original error re-thrown.
J2CA0023E: A two phase XA operation, {0}, was invoked. This Resource Adapter from DataSource {1} does not support two phase processing.
J2CA0024E: Method {0}, within transaction branch ID {1} of resource pool {4}, caught {2} and threw a {3}.
J2CA0026E: Method {0} caught {1} while trying to register the Resource Adapter with the Synchronization Manager for the current transaction, and threw a {2}.
J2CA0027E: An exception occurred while invoking {0} on an XA Resource Adapter from DataSource {3}, within transaction ID {1} : {2}.
J2CA0028E: An exception occurred while invoking {0} on an XA Resource Adapter from DataSource {2} : {1}.
J2CA0030E: Method {0} caught {1} while trying to enlist resources from DataSource {3} with the Transaction Manager for the current transaction, and threw a {2}.
J2CA0031I: Method {0} caught {1} while trying to delist resources from DataSource {3} from the Transaction Manager for the current transaction and threw {2}
J2CA0034E: An unexpected event was received from the Resource Adapter for resource {2}. Expected ConnectionEvent type {0} and received ConnectionEvent type {1}.
J2CA0040E: No valid transaction context was found on the thread for method {0} with coordinator {1} using resources from DataSource {2}.
J2CA0045E: Connection not available while invoking method {0} for resource {1}. Timed out waiting for {2} millisecond(s) with {3} remaining waiting requests and {4} current total connections used.
J2CA0046E: Method {0} caught an exception during creation of the ManagedConnection for resource {3}, throwing {2}. Original exception: {1}
J2CA0055W: Connection handle not closed at end of the unit of work scope. Handles will be closed by the Connection Manager.
J2CA0056I: The Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adapter for resource {1}. The exception is: {0}
J2CA0057E: The interactionPending method was unable to find a transaction wrapper class.
J2CA0058E: The ConnectionManager was unable to associate Connection {0} with ManagedConnection {1} for resource {3}. Received exception: {2}
J2CA0060E: PrivilegedActionException calling doPrivileged: {0}
J2CA0067W: Invalid {0} setting of {1}. Defaulting to {2} instead.
J2CA0073E: Unable to delist connection from resource {2} from transaction in method {0} due to exception. Initiating destruction of connection. Exception is: {1}
J2CA0074E: Unable to enlist connection from resource {2} with current transaction in method {0} due to exception. Initiating destruction of connection. Exception is: {1}
J2CA0075W: An active transaction should be present while processing method {0}.
J2CA0077E: An exception was caught while trying to obtain a javax.resource.cci.LocalTransaction from a ManagedConnection for resource {1}. The exception is: {0}
J2CA0078E: An exception was caught while trying to obtain a javax.transaction.xa.XAResource from a ManagedConnection on DataSource {1}. The exception is: {0}
J2CA0079E: Method {0} has detected an internal illegal state and is throwing an IllegalStateException. The exception is: {1}
J2CA0080E: Method {0} has detected an internal illegal argument and is throwing an IllegalArgumentException. The exception is: {1}
J2CA0081E: Method {0} failed while trying to execute method {1} on ManagedConnection {2} from resource {4}. Caught exception: {3}
J2CA0086I: Multiple open connection handles cannot share a physical connection to {1} within a local transaction containment boundary, so a different physical connection will be used for each connection handle. In this situation, it is important to ensure that no transactional work remains in progress after connection handle close because if additional sharable connection handles are later requested within the local transaction containment boundary, the physical connection to which they associate will be unpredictable.
J2CA0087E: The transaction manager was unable to enlist resource {0} from DataSource {1}.
J2CA0088W: The ManagedConnection that is being destroyed from resource {1} is in an invalid state {0}. Processing will continue.
J2CA0091E: An InterruptedException occurred on the Garbage Collector thread.
J2CA0098E: A ClassCastException occurred attempting to cast event.getSource to ManagedConnection: {0}
J2CA0103I: Duplicate connector property not added. {0}
J2CA0127I: A ConnectionWaitTimeout of 0 has been specified for {0}. The request will wait until a connection can be obtained.
J2CA0132E: Method {0} caught exception {1}.
J2CA0148W: A null ConnectionHandle was found in the CONNECTION_CLOSED ConnectionEvent {0}
J2CA0159E: Internal error. An attempt has been made to change a set once property that has already been set. The property name is {0}
J2CA0169E: Unable to change the property {0} on DataSource or ConnectionFactory {1}.
J2CA0207W: A resource adapter artifact has property {0} whose value {2} is incompatible with its type {1}.
J2CA0216I: The Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adapter for resource {0}. Information may be available in previous messages or exceptions.
J2CA0238E: JavaBean {0} failed Bean Validation due to one or more invalid configuration settings indicated in the following list of constraint violations: {1}
J2CA0240I: Ignored unimplemented feature {0} for resource {1}.
J2CA0241W: Resource Adapter Bean Archives are not supported.
J2CA0278W: Could not de-serialize field {0} in class {1}; default value will be used
J2CA0285W: Method {0} caught an exception during validating managed connections for resource {3}, throwing {2}. Original exception: {1}
J2CA0292E: The ManagedConnection from resource {0} could not be enlisted with the current transaction.
J2CA0293E: The Connection Manager lazyEnlist() method requires a non-null ManagedConnection parameter for resource {0}.
J2CA0295E: The Connection Manager has detected an attempt to start a Local Transaction within a Global (User) Transaction. Check the application code for correctness.
J2CA0308W: Duplicate connector property not added. {0}.
J2CA0668E: The WorkManager was unable to populate the execution subject with the caller principal or credentials necessary to establish the security context for this work instance.
J2CA0671E: The WorkManager was unable to associate the provided SecurityContext to the Work instance.
J2CA0672E: The JASPIC callback handler of the WorkManager failed with exception {0} while handling the callbacks provided by the security context. The exception message is {1}.
J2CA0673W: The execution subject provided by the WorkManager does not match the subject supplied by the {0}.
J2CA0674E: The user name {0} or password provided by the PasswordValidationCallback is invalid.
J2CA0675E: The user name {0}, provided by the PasswordValidationCallback, and the user name {1}, provided by the CallerPrincipalCallback, do not match.
J2CA0678W: Group {0} does not belong to the domain associated to the application.
J2CA0679W: No groups were found for the user with the uniqueId {0}
J2CA0684E: Unable to validate the user name {0} and password that is provided by the PasswordValidationCallback.
J2CA0695E: Unable to find primary pool manager during failover processing for a resource with a JNDI name of {0}.
J2CA0695W: A connection request for XA resource {0} was made using SPNEGO authentication, but no recovery auth data alias was configured. The XA resource is not able to participate in automated XA recovery unless a recovery auth data alias is configured.
J2CA1002E: Invalid MCWrapper {0} from the free pool for resource {1}.
J2CA1003E: Failed to remove MCWrapper {0} from the shared pool.
J2CA1004I: The Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adapter for the {1} resource. The connections state is: {2}. The exception is: {0}
J2CA1005I: The Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adapter for the {0} resource. The connections state is: {1}. Information might be available in previous messages or exceptions.
J2CA1008E: An exception occurred while Validator {0} was attempting to validate the RAR JavaBean instance {2} : {1}. Bean Validation constraints will not be validated before placing the instance into service.
J2CA7001I: Resource adapter {0} installed in {1} seconds.
J2CA7002E: An exception occurred while installing the resource adapter {0}. The exception message is: {1}
J2CA7006E: The server could not create a download location at {0} for the {1} resource adapter.
J2CA7009I: The resource adapter {0} has uninstalled successfully.
J2CA7010E: An exception occurred while uninstalling the resource adapter {0}. The exception message is: {1}
J2CA7012I: The resource adapter {0} was not installed.
J2CA7013E: It is not possible to install multiple resource adapters or other artifacts called {0}.
J2CA7014W: The resource adapter {0} could not be installed as it could not be found at location {1}.
J2CA7018I: Installing resource adapter {0}.
J2CA7020I: Resource adapter {0} is not updated.
J2CA7021E: Resource adapter {1} at location {0} is invalid.
J2CA7022W: Resource adapter {0} has not installed in {1} seconds.
J2CA7053E: An exception occurred while trying to uninstall the {0} resource adapter automatically.
J2CA7056E: An exception occurred while trying to automatically install the {0} resource adapter.
J2CA7059E: The {0} resource adapter installed from {1} was deleted while it is still configured.
J2CA7060W: The application server is unable to monitor the {0} resource adapter.
J2CA7702E: Application {0} encountered a parse error when processing application descriptor {1}: {2}
J2CA8001I: The {0} {1} is unavailable.
J2CA8006I: The {0} {1} in {2} is unavailable.
J2CA8010W: Unrecognized {0} property: {1}
J2CA8011E: Value {0} is not supported for {1} on {2}
J2CA8020E: Unable to load or access files in library {0}
J2CA8022E: Application {0} does not have any shared libraries that provide {1} for {2} {3}.
J2CA8030E: Unable to find {0} {1} for {2} {3}.
J2CA8040E: {0} {1} is only permitted to have one {2} element.
J2CA8050I: An authentication alias should be used instead of defining a user name and password on {0}.
J2CA8060E: {0} is not a valid parameter for the action {1}.
J2CA8061E: {0} is not a valid action for the {1} MBean.
J2CA8062E: The {0} attribute is not valid for the {1} MBean.
J2CA8070I: A connection that was obtained from {0} was not closed. The following stack identifies the code that obtained the connection: {1}
J2CA8500E: An error occurred while attempting to configure a property {0} of configuration element {1} on the class {2}: {3}.
J2CA8501E: Property {0} of configuration element {1} cannot be set because it is not found on the class {2}.
J2CA8504E: The sub-element {0} is not correct for the configuration element {1}.
J2CA8505E: The destination property cannot be configured on the activation specification because destination {0} is not an instance of the interface that is specified as the destinationType: {1}.
J2CA8510E: A timer could not be created for resource adapter {0} within {1} milliseconds.
J2CA8511E: The server checkpoint request failed because the {0} resource adapter created a timer.
J2CA8512E: A timer could not be created for the {0} resource adapter during the server checkpoint request.
J2CA8600E: The work {0} submitted by resource adapter {1} did not start within {2} milliseconds.
J2CA8601E: The server checkpoint request failed because the {0} resource adapter submitted work {1}.
J2CA8602E: The {0} work that was submitted by the {1} resource adapter was rejected during the server checkpoint request.
J2CA8623E: Resource adapter {0} attempted to submit work with both ExecutionContext and WorkContext. The combination of ExecutionContext and WorkContext is not supported.
J2CA8624E: Resource adapter {0} attempted to submit work with multiple copies of the WorkContext type {1}. Only one WorkContext of each type is supported on a single work submission.
J2CA8625E: Resource adapter {0} either attempted to submit work with a work context type {1} that is not supported or the feature is not enabled.
J2CA8687E: Hint values for {0} must be of type {1}. Resource adapter {2} specified a value {3} of type {4}.
J2CA8688E: The work manager is unable to run the work item. See the cause exception: {0}.
J2CA8800E: More than one XA resource was returned by the resource adapter {0} for the activation specification {1}.
J2CA8801I: The message endpoint for activation specification {0} and message driven bean application {1} is activated.
J2CA8802E: The message endpoint activation failed for resource adapter {0} due to exception: {1}.
J2CA8803E: The message endpoint deactivation failed for resource adapter {0} due to exception: {1}.
J2CA8804I: The message endpoint for activation specification {0} and message driven bean application {1} is deactivated.
J2CA8807E: The service that provides RRS transactional support is not active. Resource registration is rejected.
J2CA8809E: Resource {0} from embedded resource adapter {1} is available only to application {2}. An attempt was made to access it from application {3}.
J2CA8810E: The endpoint {0} from embedded resource adapter {1} can be activated only from application {2}. An attempt was made to activate it from application {3}.
J2CA8811E: Resource {0} from embedded resource adapter {1} is available only to application {2}.
J2CA8812E: The endpoint {0} from embedded resource adapter {1} can be activated only from application {2}.
J2CA8813E: Required property {0} is missing for activation specification {1} of resource adapter {2}.
J2CA8814E: The id attribute of the resourceAdapter element for resource adapter module {0} contains unsupported characters.
J2CA8815E: Multiple resource adapters cannot have the same unique identifier {0}.
J2CA8816E: The id attribute of the resourceAdapter element for {0} resource adapter module cannot be one of the reserved identifiers {1}.
J2CA8817E: The {0} resource adapter encountered a parse error when it processed the deployment descriptor in the {1} path: {2}
J2CA9902E: The resource adapter class {0} annotated with {1} does not implement the {2} interface.
J2CA9903E: The resource adapter class {0} does not implement the {1} interface.
J2CA9904E: The resource adapter class {0} is specified; however, the class could not be found in resource adapter {1}.
J2CA9905W: The configuration property {0} is required, however a property definition could not be found in the resource adapter {1}.
J2CA9906E: The property type {0} specified for configuration property {1} is not valid.
J2CA9908E: The configuration property {0} was found multiple times within the same scope in resource adapter {1}. Duplicate properties are ignored.
J2CA9909E: The configuration property {0} is specified in the wlp-ra.xml file, but a corresponding ConfigProperty annotation, deployment descriptor entry, or Java Bean property is not found in resource adapter {1}.
J2CA9910E: An <adminobject> element with the interface {0} and class {1} is specified in the wlp-ra.xml file, but a corresponding AdministeredObject annotation or deployment descriptor entry is not found in resource adapter {2}.
J2CA9911E: A {0} element for type {1} is specified in the wlp-ra.xml file, but a corresponding {2} annotation or deployment descriptor entry is not found in the resource adapter {3}.
J2CA9912E: There is no <connection-definition> or class annotated with @ConnectionDefinition although transaction support, authentication mechanisms, or reauthentication support was specified.
J2CA9916W: Translatable messages file {0} for resource adapter {1} defines multiple messages for the same key: {2}.
J2CA9917W: Translatable messages file {0} for resource adapter {1} does not have a translation message for a key {2} that is specified in the wlp-ra.xml file.
J2CA9918W: Resource adapter {1} defines duplicate configuration properties named {0} within the same scope. The duplicates are ignored.
J2CA9919W: The class loader for resource adapter {1} is unable to load {0}. Check if the resource adapter requires a feature that is not enabled or a library that is not accessible to it.
J2CA9920W: A duplicate type {0} was specified in {1} and in another entry in the ra.xml file or in one or more classes annotated with {2}.
J2CA9922E: The resource adapter {0} has multiple classes annotated with @Connector, but does not specify which to use via a deployment descriptor.
J2CA9924E: The message listener defined in the ra.xml file with type {0} should override the @Activation annotated class {1} but the listener does not contain an activation specification.
J2CA9925E: Administered object interfaces were not defined via @AdministeredObject annotation and the class {0} did not implement any interfaces.
J2CA9926E: Administered object interfaces were not defined via @AdministeredObject so the interfaces defined on the class will be used; however, there are multiple interfaces on class {0}.
J2CA9927E: The annotation @ConfigProperty can only be used on setter methods but was found on {0}.
J2CA9930W: The value {0} is less than the minimum of {1} for attribute {2}
J2CA9931W: The value {0} exceeds the maximum of {1} for attribute {2}
J2CA9932W: The value {0} is less than the minimum length {1} for attribute {2}
J2CA9933W: The value {0} exceeds the maximum length of {1} for attribute {2}
J2CA9934E: The value {0} is not a valid option for attribute {1}. Valid options are {2}
J2CA9936W: The default value for the property {0} could not be obtained from an instance of class {1} in resource adapter {2} because an error occurred: {3}
J2CA9937E: The {0} JavaBean {1} configuration property annotated with @ConfigProperty has a getter method return type of {2} that does not match the {3} configuration property type.
J2CA9938E: The {0} JavaBean {1} configuration property annotated with @ConfigProperty does not have a getter method with a return type of {2}.
J2CA9939E: The {0} JavaBean {1} configuration property annotated with @ConfigProperty does not have a setter method with a single parameter of type {2}.
J2CA9940E: The {0} JavaBean {1} configuration property annotated with @ConfigProperty has the {2} type set in the annotation that does not match the {3} type of the field.
J2CA9941E: The {0} JavaBean {1} configuration property annotated with @ConfigProperty has the {2} type set in the annotation that does not match the {4} type of the parameter in the setter method.
J2CA9942E: The annotation @ConfigProperty can only be used on a setter method with one parameter but was found on {0} with the following parameters: {1}.
J2CA9943E: The resource adapter {0} is invalid. It should contain either a deployment descriptor or a JavaBeans class annotated with one of the resource adapter annotations.
J2CA9944E: The {0} resource adapter can contain either a deployment descriptor or a JavaBeans class that is annotated with one of the resource adapter annotations from the Jakarta Connectors specification. If the resource adapter uses classes from the Java EE Connector Architecture 1.7 or lower version specification (javax.resource.spi package), use the jca-1.7 or lower version feature rather than Jakarta EE features.
J2CA9945E: The {0} resource adapter must have either a deployment descriptor or a JavaBeans class that is annotated with one of the resource adapter annotations from the Java EE Connector Architecture specification. If the resource adapter uses classes from the Jakarta Connectors 2.0 or higher version specification (jakarta.resource.spi package), use the connectors-2.0 or higher version feature rather than Java EE features.