POST method for the cases resource

The POST method for the cases resource creates a case by creating a case folder under the cases folder for its case type.

The property values that are submitted in the POST method request are validated by Content Platform Engine. If you use an external data service for the case type, the property values in the request are also validated by the IBM® Case Manager REST protocol against the values that are returned by the service. The protocol validates the values against any property attributes that are set by the service, such as the minimum value, maximum value, and choice list.

When the case is saved, the value that was specified for a property in Case Manager Client is persisted for the case if the value meets the constraints that are set by the external data service. If a value is not specified for a property in Case Manager Client, the external data service can set a value that is persisted for the case.



Request content

  "CaseType": "<case type symbolic name>",
  "TargetObjectStore": "<target object store name>",
  "ReturnUpdates": <true or false>,
  "ExternalDataIdentifier" : "<string set by external data service">,
  "Properties" :
  [ // the array of case property values may be empty
      "SymbolicName": "<symbolic name of case property>",
      "Value" : <property value>
    // More key value pairs
Table 1. Request parameters for the POST method
Name Type Required? Description
CaseType String Yes The symbolic name that is assigned to the case type.
TargetObjectStore String Yes The symbolic name of the object store that contains the case.

A symbolic name is called a unique identifier in IBM Case Manager.

ReturnUpdates Boolean No A Boolean value that indicates whether the method is to return the property values after the case is created. Set this parameter to true to force the method to return the case property values.

By default, this parameter is set to false.


String No A string that indicates the state of the data that was returned by the external data service.
Tip: Include this parameter in the request if a value was provided in response to a previous call to get data from the external data service.
Properties Array No An array that contains values for the properties that are defined for the case type. For each property, you specify the symbolic name of the property and the value for the property.
Important: The value that is specified for the property must match the data type of the property.

You can use the particular case type resource to get a list of the properties that are defined for the case type.

ClientContext Array No An array that contains a series of key value pairs that specify contextual information for a specific work item. This parameter is used to send information to an external data service when a case worker opens the work item.

Response content

The POST method returns the case title, case identifier, and case folder identifier for the new case folder. The POST method also returns one of the following response codes:
Table 2. Response codes for the POST method
Code Description
201 Created The method completed successfully. The POST method returns the identifier that is assigned to the new case folder.
400 Bad Request One of the required parameters was missing, or a parameter value was invalid.
404 Not Found The case type that was specified in the request was not found.
500 Internal Server Error A server error occurred. For information about the error, see the userMessage element in the JSON response.

Example: POST method request

This sample code requests a case of the AUTO_CollisionClaim case type to be created and the property values to be returned after the case is created.
Tip: If the ReturnUpdates parameter is set to true, the response from the POST method is similar to the response from the GET method.
Content-Type: charset.json;charset-UTF-8
    "CaseType": "AUTO_CollisionClaim",
    "TargetObjectStore": "ATOSME",
    "ReturnUpdates": false,
        "SymbolicName"  : "AUTO_ClaimDate",
        "Value"         : "2010-07-16T21:50:36Z",
        "SymbolicName"  : "AUTO_ClaimStatus",
        "Value"         : "0",

Example: POST method response

This sample code shows the property values that are returned for the new AUTO_CollisionClaim case:
HTTP 1.1 201 OK Created
Content-Type: application/json;charset-UTF-8
  "CaseTitle": "DH2_MyCase_000000100402", 
  "CaseIdentifier": "DH2_MyCase_000000100402", 
  "CaseFolderId": "{A42BE8EB-848F-4CBD-B2F7-64FAF2CE7081}"