zee.env, the environment configuration file

The z/OS® Explorer RSE server processes (RSE daemon, RSE thread pool, and RSE server) use the definitions in zee.env to learn about z/OS Explorer Extensions environment variables.

zee.env is located in /etc/zexpl/, unless you specified a different location when you customized and submitted the FEL.SFELSAMP(FELSETUP) job. For more details, see Customization setup. You can edit the file with the TSO OEDIT command.

The Wazi Developer for Eclipse FMIDs are shared by multiple IBM products, and some of the variables in zee.env do not apply to Wazi Developer for Eclipse. When in doubt, refer back to this document, as it contains all information on the variables that do apply to your setup.

See the following sample zee.env file, which can be customized to match your system environment. Default values are provided for all variables that are not explicitly specified. The syntax of the file follows standard z/OS UNIX shell syntax rules. For example, comments start with a number sign (#) when using a US code page, and spaces around the equal sign (=) are not supported.

Note: For your changes to take effect, the z/OS Explorer RSED started task must be restarted.
Figure 1. zee.env: environment configuration file

## debug
#_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Ddebug.miner.autoreconnect=0"
#_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Ddebug.miner.localhost=localhost" 

## remote index search

## system
#_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Dsclm.check.enable=true"

## EWM (RTC) user build

The following definitions are optional. If omitted, default values are used.

z/OS Explorer Extensions home directory. The default is /usr/lpp/IBM/zee. Uncomment and change to match your z/OS Explorer Extensions installation.
The high-level qualifier used to install z/OS Explorer Extensions. The default is FEL. Uncomment and change to match the location of your z/OS Explorer Extensions data sets.
Disable integration with Debug Manager, an optional started task of z/OS Debugger. The default is false, which implies that Debug Miner will attempt to connect at least once to Debug Manager. Uncomment and specify true to prevent any attempt to connect to Debug Manager.
_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Ddebug.miner.autoreconnect=0"

Automatic reconnect to Debug Manager, an optional started task of z/OS Debugger. The default is 0, which implies that, when a connection with the Debug Manager server is not established or lost, the Debug Miner will attempt every minute to reconnect to the Debug Manager. Uncomment and specify a different value to limit how often the Debug Miner will attempt to connect to the Debug Manager.

Table 1. Automatic reconnect to Debug Manager
debug.miner.autoreconnect Reconnect behavior
-1 Do not reconnect
0 (default) Attempt to reconnect every minute until successful
1-86400 Attempt to reconnect up to the specified amount of times. The maximum value, 86400, equals 24 hours.
_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Ddebug.miner.localhost=localhost"
Alternative for the localhost TCP/IP definition. Debug Miner will attempt to connect to the Debug Manager, an optional started task of z/OS Debugger, using the localhost specification. This will fail if localhost does not resolve to the local loopback address ( for IVPv4, ::1 for IPv6). Uncomment and specify the local loopback address when required.
Buffer size, in megabytes, used during remote index creation. The default is 8 MB. To change the buffer size, uncomment and customize. Valid values are whole numbers between 1 and 2000 (both inclusive). A bigger buffer speeds up index creation, but uses a bigger portion of the thread pool's Java™ heap. The buffer is automatically flushed to the index if it is full before index creation ends.
Disable the Remote Index Search menu item on the client. The default is true. To allow users to create remote indexes for host system data sets, uncomment and specify false.
Make Remote z/OS File Search (using ISRSUPC) or Remote z/OS Search (using Java) the default panel on the client when starting a remote search. The default is false, which results in the "Remote z/OS Search" panel being the default for the client. Uncomment and specify true to make Remote z/OS File Search the default panel on the client.
Note: This option requires the client to be v14.2.2 or later.
Disable the Delete menu item in the pop-up menu of z/OS subprojects. The default is false. To prevent users from using the Delete menu item in the pop-up menu of z/OS subprojects, uncomment and specify true.
#_RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS -Dsclm.check.enable=true"
Enable a check to see if a data set or member is under SCLM control. The default is false. Uncomment and specify true to prevent users from altering SCLM-managed data outside of SCLM.
Define where cataloged procedures are stored so ZUnit can analyze them when adding recording parameters to JCL using a cataloged procedure. The default is SYS1.PROCLIB. Uncomment and specify a colon (:) separated list of data sets.
Specifies the DD statements that will be used when generating JCL for IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as IBM Rational Team Concert) user builds from a Wazi Developer for Eclipse client that invoke TSO or ISPF commands. By default, Wazi Developer for Eclipse uses the definitions in ISPF.conf, which is referenced by CGI_ISPCONF in rse.env. Uncomment and change to use the DD definitions in the specified file, which must follow the syntax rules specified for ISPF.conf in IBM Explorer for z/OS Host Configuration Guide.
Specifies the STEPLIB statement that will be used when generating JCL for IBM Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as IBM Rational Team Concert) user builds from a Wazi Developer for Eclipse client that invoke TSO or ISPF commands. By default, Wazi Developer for Eclipse uses the STEPLIB definition in rse.env. Uncomment and change to use the specified STEPLIB definition.