
This option enables you to specify additional synonyms by providing a list of the synonyms for the tables in the Extract File.

When you select Option 4 SYNONYMS on the CREATE Process menu, the CREATE Additional Synonyms panel is displayed. Assume the Extract File that has been specified contains six tables and the CREATE Additional Synonyms panel is displayed as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. CREATE Additional Synonyms
------------------------- CREATE Additional Synonyms---------------------------
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 

Use CREATE ALL Primary Command to Create all Selected Synonyms 

Available Line Commands: 
  S - Select Synonym to be Created 
  U - Unselect Synonym to bypass Creation. 

Synonym Owner ===>                                           1 of 7

Cmd   Status       Synonym Name                Base Name           
---  --------  ---------------------  -----------------------------
***  **************************** TOP *****************************
___  UNSEL     S_ORDERS            FOPDEMO2.ORDERS    
___  CONFLICT  S_ORDS              FOPDEMO2.ORDERS    
___  EXISTS    DETAILS             FOPDEMO2.DETAILS   
___  EXISTS    ITEMS               FOPDEMO2.ITEMS     
___  SELECT    V_SALES             FOPDEMO2.V_SALES   
___  SELECT    V_SHIP_TO           FOPDEMO2.V_SHIP_TO 
***  ************************** BOTTOM ****************************

Review SQL before Create ===> _  (Y-Yes, N-No) 


This panel includes:

Synonym Owner
Specify the Authorization ID of the user for whom the synonyms are being created. If the value specified is different from the SQLID currently in use, you must have authorization to switch to that SQLID.
Line command entry area. Valid line commands are:
Select the synonym to be created.
Unselect this previously selected synonym. Do not create this synonym.
Indicates if the synonym exists, and, if not, whether it is to be created. The possible values are:
Synonym exists, but for a different table.
Synonym exists with specified name.
Synonym is to be created.
Synonym is not to be created.
Synonym Name
Name to be used as a synonym. Synonym Name is initially populated with the synonyms extracted with the base tables from the source, but is unprotected so that you can specify your own names.
Base Name
Name of the table (as specified in Destination Table on the CREATE Process Table Map panel).
Review SQL before Create
Specify whether you want to review the SQL before it is executed. Specify:
Display SQL.
Do not display SQL.

Available Commands

The following primary commands are available:
  • DOWN
  • END
  • TOP
  • UP

Specifications Complete

When you are satisfied with your selections, use CREATE ALL.

SQLIf you have responded N to Review SQL before Create, the request is executed.

If you responded Y, the SQL is displayed for review in the ISPF editor. It can be modified and saved. Use END to execute the SQL. Use CANCEL to abandon execution of the SQL.

After the SQL is executed, the DB2® output is provided in a browse-only display. This output is in SPUFI-like format and includes the executed SQL statement, the DB2 SQLCODE, and any other pertinent execution information. (An example of the display is shown in Figure 3.)


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