Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram DISAble COMmandCMDcommandQueryVirtualSUBCmdsubcommandSetSUBCmdsubcommandIBMclass*IBMclassc


Use the DISABLE COMMAND or CMD statement to prevent CP from processing requests for the specified CP command during and after initialization.

You can also prevent processing of CP commands after initialization using the DISABLE COMMAND or CMD commands. For more information, see z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference.

How to Specify

Include as many statements as needed; they are optional. You can place DISABLE COMMAND or CMD statements anywhere in the system configuration file. If you specify more than one statement with the same operands, the last operand definition overrides any previous specifications.


is the name of the command that you are disabling. The variable command is a 1-character to 12-character alphanumeric string.
Query SUBCmd subcommand
tells CP the name of the CP QUERY subcommand that you are disabling. The variable subcommand is a 1-character to 12-character alphanumeric string.
Query Virtual SUBCmd subcommand
tells CP the name of the CP QUERY VIRTUAL subcommand that you are disabling. The variable subcommand is a 1-character to 12-character alphanumeric string.
Set SUBCmd subcommand
tells CP the name of the CP SET subcommand that you are disabling. The variable subcommand is a 1-character to 12-character alphanumeric string.
IBMclass *
tells CP to disable all versions of the specified command or subcommand. If omitted, IBMCLASS * is the default.
IBMclass c
tells CP to disable a specific version of the specified command or subcommand. The variable c can be any 1 of the following:
this is a system-control command to be used by the primary system operator.
this is a command for operational control of real devices.
this is a command to alter host storage.
this is a command for system-wide control of spool files.
this is a command to examine host storage.
this is a command for service control of real devices.
this is a general-use command used to control the functions of a virtual machine.
(zero) this command has no specific IBM® class assigned.

Usage Notes

  1. To remove the command processing code from the system execution space, use the CPXUNLOAD command. For more information, see z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference.
  2. To load the command processing code into the system execution space, use the CPXLOAD statement (see CPXLOAD Statement) or command. For more information about the CPXLOAD command, see z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference.
  3. To deactivate a CP command while defining it, use the DISABLE operand of the DEFINE COMMAND or CMD statement (see DEFINE COMMAND / CMD Statement) or command. For more information about the DEFINE COMMAND or CMD command, see z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference.
  4. To activate a CP command:

    For more information about the DEFINE or ENABLE COMMAND or CMD commands, see z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference.

  5. To change the definition of an existing CP command, use the MODIFY COMMAND or CMD statement (see MODIFY COMMAND / CMD Statement) or command. For more information about the MODIFY COMMAND or CMD command, see z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference.
  6. Once defined, COMMANDS, SUBCOMMANDS, and ALIASES cannot be deleted. They can be altered in various appropriate ways, but they remain in existence until a SHUTDOWN or RESTART IPL is done.
  7. To display the address of the CP command table entry block, the current IBM class, and the current privilege class for a specified CP command, use the LOCATE CMDBK command. For more information, see z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference.
  8. For more information about enabling and disabling commands, see z/VM: CP Exit Customization.


  1. To disable the class D version of the CP PURGE command, but not the class G version of the CP PURGE command, use the following:
    Disable Command  purge  IBMclass d
  2. To disable the CP SHUTDOWN command, use the following:
    Disable Command shutdown