Command Syntax Error Messages

For some CMS commands, you may receive messages for syntax errors, such as those listed below, if you have specified a command format incorrectly. These error messages are prefixed by DMSPCL, and have a return code of 24.

To resolve the error, check the format of the command, make the necessary correction, and enter the command again.

For example, if you issue the CREATE FILE command as CREATE, you receive the message:
DMSPCL384E  Missing modifier keyword(s)
Check the format of the CREATE FILE command and enter it again, using the correct command name and operands.

Table 1. Command Syntax Error Messages
Number Message
384E Missing modifier keyword(s)
385E Invalid modifier keyword: keyword
386E Missing operand(s)
387E Missing value for operand operand
387E Missing alphanumeric string for operand operand
387E Missing application identifier for operand operand
387E Missing character for operand operand
387E Missing device address for operand operand
387E Missing filename for operand operand
387E Missing filetype for operand operand
387E Missing execname for operand operand
387E Missing exectype for operand operand
387E Missing filemode for operand operand
387E Missing hexadecimal number for operand operand
387E Missing integer for operand operand
387E Missing negative integer for operand operand
387E Missing number for operand operand
387E Missing positive integer for operand operand
387E Missing mode for operand operand
387E Missing character string for operand operand
387E Missing directory id for operand
387E Missing namedef for operand
387E Missing filepoolid for operand
387E Missing filemode, filepoolid or directory id for operand operand
388E Invalid keyword: keyword
389E Invalid operand: operand
389E Invalid alphanumeric string: string
389E Invalid application identifier: string
389E Invalid character: character
389E Invalid device address: address
389E Invalid fileid: filename filetype
389E Invalid filename: filename
389E Invalid filetype: filetype
389E Invalid execname: execname
389E Invalid exectype: exectype
389E Invalid filemode: filemode
389E Invalid hexadecimal number: number
389E Invalid integer: integer
389E Invalid negative integer: integer
389E Invalid number: integer
389E Invalid positive integer: integer
389E Invalid mode: mode
389E Invalid character string: string
389E Invalid directory id: dirid
389E Invalid namedef: namedef
389E Invalid filepoolid: filepoolid
389E Invalid filemode or directory id: value
389E Missing filemode, filepoolid or directory id: value
389E Invalid fileid: filename filetype
390E Invalid value value for operand operand
390E Invalid alphanumeric string string for operand operand
390E Invalid application identifier applid for operand operand
390E Invalid character character for operand operand
390E Invalid device address address for operand operand
390E Invalid filename filename for operand operand
390E Invalid filetype filetype for operand operand
390E Invalid execname execname for operand operand
390E Invalid exectype exectype for operand operand
390E Invalid filemode filemode for operand operand
390E Invalid hexadecimal number number for operand operand
390E Invalid integer integer for operand operand
390E Invalid negative integer integer for operand operand
390E Invalid number number for operand operand
390E Invalid positive integer integer for operand operand
390E Invalid mode mode for operand operand
390E Invalid character string string for operand operand
390E Invalid directory id dirid for operand operand
390E Invalid namedef namedef for operand operand
390E Invalid filepoolid filepoolid for operand operand
390E Invalid filemode or directory id value for operand operand
390E Missing filemode, filepoolid or directory id value for operand operand
391E Unexpected operand(s): operand
393E Missing value for option option
393E Missing alphanumeric string for option option
393E Missing application identifier for option option
393E Missing character for option option
393E Missing device address for option option
393E Missing filename for option option
393E Missing filetype for option option
393E Missing execname for option option
393E Missing exectype for option option
393E Missing filemode for option option
393E Missing hexadecimal number for option option
393E Missing integer for option option
393E Missing negative integer for option option
393E Missing number integer for option option
393E Missing positive integer for option option
393E Missing mode for option option
393E Missing character string for option option
393E Missing directory id for option option
393E Missing namedef for option option
393E Missing filepoolid for option option
393E Missing filemode or directory id for option option
393E Missing filemode, filepoolid or directory id for option option
394E Invalid option: option
395E Invalid value value for option option
395E Invalid alphanumeric string string for option option
395E Invalid application identifier applid for option option
395E Invalid character character for option option
395E Invalid device address address for option option
395E Invalid filename filename for option option
395E Invalid filetype filetype for option option
395E Invalid execname execname for option option
395E Invalid exectype exectype for option option
395E Invalid filemode filemode for option option
395E Invalid hexadecimal number number for option option
395E Invalid integer integer for option option
395E Invalid number number for option option
395E Invalid negative integer integer for option option
395E Invalid positive integer integer for option option
395E Invalid mode mode for option option
395E Invalid character string string for option option
395E Invalid directory id dirid for option option
395E Invalid namedef namedef for option option
395E Invalid filepoolid filepoolid for option option
395E Invalid filemode or directory id value for option option
395E Missing filemode, filepoolid or directory id value for option option