What's new in Db2 Admin Tool 13.1

IBM® Db2 Administration Tool for z/OS® (Db2 Admin Tool) 13.1 introduces new features to support Db2 13 for z/OS and other usability features. The following enhancements are available as of the General Availability (GA) date of Db2 Admin Tool 13.1.

To see videos for version 13 enhancements in Db2 Admin Tool, visit Db2 Administration Tool 13.1 video playlist.

For a list of enhancements that have been added since GA, see Recent enhancements to Db2 Admin Tool 13.1.

Online conversion of partition-by-growth (PBG) table spaces to partition-by-range (PBR) table spaces

Db2 13 introduces the capability to convert a table with growth-based partitions (in a PBG table space) to use range-based partitions (in a PBR table space) with an online change that has minimal impact to your applications. This online conversion is accomplished by using an ALTER TABLE statement with the new ALTER PARTITIONING TO PARTITION BY RANGE clause. You can use Db2 Admin Tool 13.1 to do this online conversion.

Specifically, in Db2 Admin Tool, you can use the ALT command and subsequently the MAKEPBR2 command to alter a table space from PBG to PBR. Beginning in version 13.1 with APPLCOMPAT set to V13R1M500 or higher, when you specify MAKEPBR2 and the high limit key for the last partition is MAXVALUE (for ascending columns) or MINVALUE (for descending columns), an ALTER statement is generated with the new ALTER PARTITIONING TO PARTITION BY RANGE clause. Previously, this conversion was done by DROP and CREATE statements. The new ALTER statement avoids any outages. Additionally, a REORG utility statement is generated to materialize the pending change if needed and requested. Note that the high limit key requirement is a Db2 requirement to avoid the data being discarded during any subsequent REORG operations.

Support for using the AL line command to do this conversion is added by APAR PH47480. For more information, see AL support for online PBG to PBR conversion (PH47480 - August, 2022).

You can also use Db2 Object Comparison Tool 13.1 to perform this online conversion. When APPLCOMPAT is set to V13R1M500 or higher and a target PBG table space needs to be changed to a PBR table space, Object Comparison Tool generates an ALTER statement when valid (according to any Db2 restrictions) and any necessary REORG statements to perform this conversion and thus minimize outages.

This new ALTER syntax is also supported by all other functions in Db2 Admin Tool 13.1, such as GEN and DDL.

Support for managing utility history

Db2 13 provides the ability to collect information about IBM Db2 utility executions and store that information in the new Db2 catalog table SYSUTILITIES. Db2 Admin Tool 13.1 allows you to easily view and search this utility history and delete obsolete data from SYSUTILITIES.

You can search utility history by using one of the following methods:

  • Entering criteria, such as the utility, user ID, age, and elapsed time
  • Running queries that are predefined by Db2 Admin Tool, such as a query that returns the top 25 active utilities with the longest elapsed time
  • Creating your own queries by using the SELECT prototype function
  • Viewing utilities that use more CPU time than similar utilities

Additionally, Db2 Admin Tool helps you maintain SYSUTILITIES. You can delete rows that were added before a specified date. You can also choose to delete rows by utility status (ended, terminated, or terminated by force).

You can perform all of these actions from the new Display Utility History (ADB2Z2H) panel [option 2H on the System Administration (ADB2Z) panel].

Ability to generate commands on a list of objects

Beginning in Db2 Admin Tool 13.1, you can generate commands on a list of objects from any catalog panel by using the new GCMDS command. You can generate SQL statements, DSN commands, and Db2 commands.

In previous versions of Db2 Admin Tool, you had to execute these commands individually on each object, which could be time consuming depending on the number of objects. The new GCMDS command eliminates these repetitive steps. For example, you can easily transfer ownership of many tables to another user in a single process without having to repeat steps.

When you specify the GCMDS command, a command skeleton is displayed where you can specify one or more commands that you want to run on all of the objects listed. You can generate the commands as a batch job or store them in a data set. If you store the generated commands in a data set, you can import them into Change Management (CM) and analyze the changes to determine the impact on your objects.

Support for Db2 profile tables

You can use Db2 Admin Tool 13.1 to manage Db2 profile tables. Specifically, you can:
  • View profiles and attributes
  • Create and update profiles and attributes
  • Start and stop profiles
  • View profile and attribute history
Profile table enhancements that were introduced in Db2 13 function levels 500 and 501 are also supported.

Ability to delete active log data sets

Beginning in Db2 13 function level 500, you can remove an active log data set from the BSDS while Db2 is running. You can use Db2 Admin Tool 13.1 to perform this action by using the new LR option on the System Administration (ADB2Z) panel.

When you specify LR, you can choose to display a list of all active log data sets. From this list you can select the one that you want to delete by using the new SRL line command. Db2 Admin Tool then issues the Db2 command SET LOG REMOVELOG to remove the log or mark it as REMOVAL PENDING if it is in use.

Db2 13 also enhanced the DISPLAY LOG command to add a new DETAIL option, which displays detailed information about active log data sets with a REMOVAL PENDING status. To support this enhancement, Db2 Admin Tool updated the LI option (Display Log Information) on the System Administration (ADB2Z) panel, which issues the DISPLAY LOG command. Beginning in Db2 Admin Tool 13.1, this command is issued with the new DETAIL option for Db2 13 function level 500 or higher.

Additionally, to improve the usability of the System Administration (ADB2Z) panel, the options for Db2 log functions are rearranged in Db2 Admin Tool 13.1 to be more logical. The layout of these options for version 12.1 were as follows:

Figure 1. Version 12.1 layout of log functions on the System Administration (ADB2Z) panel
  DB2 log functions:                                                            
    LD - Display archive log parameters     LS - Set archive log parameters     
    LA - Archive current log                LI - Display log information        
    LZ - Set log checkpoint frequency                                           

The layout of these options for version 13.1 are now as follows:

Figure 2. Version 13.1 layout of log functions on the System Administration (ADB2Z) panel
  DB2 log functions:                                                            
    LI - Display log information            LD - Display archive log parameters 
    LA - Archive current log                LS - Set archive log parameters     
    LZ - Set log checkpoint frequency       LR - Remove active log data set     

Support for package owner type

To increase flexibility for package ownership, Db2 13 allows you to specify whether the owner of a package is a role or authorization ID with the following new syntax:
  • For the Db2 commands BIND and REBIND, Db2 13 introduces the new keyword OWNERTYPE for the OWNER bind option.
  • For the SQL CREATE and ALTER statements for compiled SQL scalar functions and native SQL procedures, Db2 13 introduces the new keywords AS ROLE and AS OWNER in the PACKAGE OWNER clause.

Db2 Admin Tool 13.1 supports this new syntax.

When binding and rebinding packages and plans, you can specify OWNERTYPE on the following panels:

  • Bind package (ADB21KB) panel
  • Rebind package (ADB21KR) panel
  • Bind Application Plan (ADB21PB) panel
  • Rebind Application Plan (ADB21PR) panel
  • Create Rest Service (ADB21RSB) panel

Additionally, the OWNER field on these panels is enhanced so that you can use the lookup function to select a role from a list. For example, if you specify ROLE for OWNERTYPE, you can specify ? for OWNER to look up the available roles:

 OWNER  . . . . . . . ?         > (Owner of package or ? for lookup)          
   OWNERTYPE  . . . . ROLE     (Role, User)                                   

On the subsequent panel, you can specify + next to the role that you want to select:

ADB2ARL n                               DD1A Roles           Row 1 to 12 of 16 
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
Select by typing '+'                                                           
Commands: GEN                                                                  
Line commands:                                                                 
 TC - Trusted Contexts  OBJ - Dependent objects  DROP - Drop  COM - Comment    
 DR - Definer role  I - Interpretation  DDL - Generate DDL  GEN - Generate SQL 
 ? - Show all line commands                                                    
Sel  Name               Definer  T Created Timestamp                           
     *                  *        * *                                           
---- -----------------> -------- - --------------------------                  
     CONNECT_ROLE       NEWTON     2021-09-29-                  
 +   R1                 NEWTON     2021-09-29-                  
     R2                 NEWTON     2021-09-29-                  
     R3                 NEWTON     2021-09-29-                  
     R4                 NEWTON     2021-09-29-                  
     R5                 NEWTON     2021-09-29-                  
     R6                 NEWTON     2021-09-29-                  
     RL174061           TS5465     2021-11-11-                  
     RL174063           TS5465     2021-12-22-                  
     ROLE1              NEWTON     2021-09-29-                  
     ROLEE              NEWTON     2021-09-29-                  
     TEST               TS3629     2021-11-10-                  

When running Db2 Admin Tool 13.1 with Db2 13 function level 500 or higher, any BIND or REBIND commands that are generated by Db2 Admin Tool include the OWNERTYPE option.

When creating and altering compiled SQL scalar functions and native SQL procedures, you can specify AS ROLE or AS USER under the PACKAGE OWNER field on the following bind panels:

  • Create Stored Procedure BIND Options (ADB26COW) panel
  • Alter Stored Procedure BIND Options (ADB26COW) panel
  • Create SQL Scalar BIND Options (ADBP6CFZ) panel
  • Alter SQL Scalar BIND Options (ADBP6CFZ) panel

The PACKAGE OWNER field on these panels is also enhanced so that you can use the lookup function to select a role from a list:

 PACKAGE OWNER . . . . . . ?         > (Owner of package or ? for lookup)       
   AS  . . . . . . . . . . ROLE        (Role, User)                            

When running Db2 Admin Tool 13.1 with Db2 13 function level 500 or higher, any DDL statements that are generated by Db2 Admin Tool for compiled SQL scalar functions and native SQL procedures include the new AS USER or AS ROLE clause. (DDL can be generated by using the DDL or GEN commands.)

Additionally, Object Comparison Tool 13.1 can compare the owner and owner type for these procedures and functions and generate changes as needed. For example, if the owner and owner type differ between the source object and the target object, the compare report contains a message similar to the following message:

  (A)Field PACKAGE OWNER changed from 'RL174061 AS ROLE' to 'TS5465 AS USER'
Native SQL Procedure options will be altered

Ability to view index split information

Db2 13 function level 500 introduced instrumentation to provide detailed information about index splits. Starting in function level 501, the following new real-time statistics (RTS) columns in the Db2 catalog table SYSIBM.SYSINDEXSPACESTATS record and aggregate general index split information since the last table reorganization, index rebuild, or load replace:


In Db2 Admin Tool 13.1, you can view the data in these columns when getting maintenance recommendations for index spaces. For example, the following example Index Space Maintenance (ADB2314X) panel, which is scrolled all the way to the right, displays split information under Last Reorg or Rebuild:

  • The Tot Splits column displays data from the REORGTOTALSPLITS column in SYSINDEXSPACESTATS.
  • The Split Time column displays data from the REORGSPLITTIME column in SYSINDEXSPACESTATS.
  • The Abn Splits column displays data from the REORGEXCSPLITS column in SYSINDEXSPACESTATS.
 ADB2314X             DD1A Index Space Maintenance            Row 764 from 1000 
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
                                                                      More: <   
 Commands: COPY REORG RUNSTATS REFRTS                                           
 Line commands:  C - Copy  O - Reorg  R - Runstats  AL - Resize  S - Select     
                 I - Interpret  REF - REFRTS  ? - Show all line commands        
     Index             -------Last Reorg or Rebuild-------                      
 Sel Space    DB Name   Tot Splits  Split Time  Abn Splits                      
     *        *                  *           *           *                      
 --- -------- -------- ----------- <---------- -----------                      
     ARYSVIX0 ARYDB320           2           6           0                      
     ARYV1OPM ARYDB320           2           4           0                      
     ARYDPIX1 ARYDB320           2           2           0                      
     IX88816  DB88816            2           1           0                      
 ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************

Additionally, when you request index space maintenance recommendations, you can specify the following criteria for index splits on the Input Parameters for Real-Time Statistics (ADB2314I) panel:

  • The limit for the number of abnormal index splits since the last REORG or REBUILD INDEX
  • The ratio, as a percent, of the total number of index splits to pages since the last REORG or REBUILD INDEX

Support for page sampling for inline statistics

Db2 13 introduced page sampling for inline statistics that are gathered during LOAD and REORG utility operations. Page sampling has the potential to reduce the CPU time and elapsed time required to gather statistics. This new option is supported in Db2 Admin Tool 13.1. You can specify the new keyword TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM on the following utility option panels:

  • Specify Utility Options - LOAD (ADB2UTC) panel
  • Specify Utility Options - REORG (ADB2USO) panel

Alternatively, if you use Change Management (CM) batch, you can specify the following parameters:

Related information:

Support for changes to real-time statistics (RTS) tables

In Db2 13, several columns in the RTS tables SYSIBM.SYSTABLESPACESTATS and SYSIBM.SYSINDEXSPACESTATS and their associated history tables SYSIBM.SYSTABSPACESTATS_H and SYSIBM.SYSIXSPACESTATS_H are being expanded from type SMALLINT to INTEGER or from type INTEGER to BIGINT. These expanded types help accommodate larger values for ever increasing volumes of data.

In Db2 Admin Tool, you can view these RTS column values on the Table Space Maintenance (ADB2314) panel and Index Space Maintenance (ADB2314X) panel. In version 13.1, the fields on these panels for those expanded RTS columns are now scrollable to accommodate the larger values.

Additionally, the following panels are deprecated:

  • Real-time Statistics for Table (ADBP1RTS) panel
  • Real-Time Statistics for Index Space (ADB21XS) panel

Because these panels are similar to the Table Space Maintenance (ADB2314) panel and Index Space Maintenance (ADB2314X) panel, the functionality on these deprecated panels is added to panels ADB2314 and ADB2314X. Panels ADBP1RTS and ADB21XS will be removed in the future.

Support for REORG INDEX NOSYSUT1 default change

Beginning in Db2 13 function level 500, the REORG INDEX utility no longer requires NOSYSUT1 to be specified. NOSYSUT1 behavior (not using a work data set to hold the unloaded index keys) is always the default behavior if SHRLEVEL REFERENCE or SHRLEVEL CHANGE is specified.

Because NOSYSUT1 no longer needs to be explicitly specified, Db2 Admin Tool 13.1 has made the following changes to improve usability if the target Db2 subsystem is at V13R1M500 or later:

  • NOSYSUT1 is removed from the Specify Utility Options - REORG INDEX (ADB2UXO) panel
  • NOSYSUT1 is no longer included in generated REORG INDEX jobs.
  • The Change Management batch parameter UTIL_REORG_INDEX_NOSYSUT1 is still allowed but ignored.
Related information:

Support for long column names

Db2 13 introduced support for long column names (up to 128 bytes) when the TABLE_COL_NAME_EXPANSION subsystem parameter setting is ON. Previously, the limit was 30 bytes. Db2 Admin Tool 13.1 and Object Comparison Tool 13.1 can manage these longer column names. For example, you can generate DDL for tables with long column names, alter a table to use long column names, compare objects with long column names, and more.

Additionally, you can set the TABLE_COL_NAME_EXPANSION subsystem parameter value from Db2 Admin Tool. To avoid unpredictable results, ensure that TABLE_COL_NAME_EXPANSION has the same setting on all members of a data sharing group.

Unpredictable results can also occur if long name support is enabled and tables are created with long names and long name support subsequently is disabled. To resolve this problem, re-enable long name support and correct any long column names so that all column names are 30 bytes or less. You can make this change by renaming the affected columns (ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN or rename by using Db2 Admin Tool) or dropping the affected columns (ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN or drop by using Db2 Admin Tool). Then disable long name support again.

Support for Db2 13 changes to subsystem parameters

In Db2 13, a number of subsystem parameters were added, changed, or removed. To support these changes in Db2 Admin Tool 13.1, the System Parameters — System Parameters (ADB2ZZMN) panel is modified as follows:

  • The following parameters were removed:
    • CHGDC
    • DSVCI
    • EDPROP
    • MAXTYPE1
    • PARA_EFF
    • RESYNC
  • The following parameters were added:
  • Parameter values are adjusted to match any new ranges allowed in Db2 13

Db2 catalog level displayed

In Db2 Admin Tool 13.1, you can view the Db2 catalog level from the main menu:

Figure 3. DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel
ADB2 dmin -------------- DB2 Administration Menu 13.1.0 ----------------- 13:07
Option ===>                                                                    
   1 - DB2 system catalog                                DB2 System: DC1A      
   2 - Execute SQL statements                            DB2 SQL ID: TS6462    
   3 - DB2 performance queries                           Userid    : TS6462    
   4 - Change current SQL ID                             DB2 Schema: TS6462    
   5 - Utility generation using LISTDEFs and TEMPLATEs   DB2 Rel   : 1315      
   P - Change DB2 Admin parameters                       DB2 F.Lvl : V13R1M501 
  DD - Distributed DB2 systems                           Max ApplC : V13R1M501 
   E - Explain                                           ApplCompat: V13R1M501 
   Z - DB2 system administration                         Cat Level : V13R1M501 
  SM - Space management functions                                              
   W - Manage work statement lists                                             
   X - Exit DB2 Admin                                                          
  CC - DB2 catalog copy version maintenance                                    
  CM - Change management                                                       
                                                                   More:     + 
Interface to other DB2 products and offerings:                                 
   I  DB2I                                                                     
   C  DB2 OBJECT COMPARISON TOOL                                               

Location name displayed

In Db2 Admin Tool 13.1, if you are connected to a remote Db2 subsystem, the remote subsystem location name is displayed on the main menu:

DB2 Admin -------------- DB2 Administration Menu 12.1.0 ----------------- 10:36
Option ===> 
 1 - DB2 system catalog                                    DB2 System: DB2A 
 2 - Execute SQL statements                                DB2 SQL ID: MYUSERID
 3 - DB2 performance queries                               Userid : MYUSERID
 4 - Change current SQL ID                                 DB2 Schema: MYSCHEMA 
 5 - Utility generation using LISTDEFs and TEMPLATEs       DB2 Rel : 1215 
 P - Change DB2 Admin parameters                           DB2 F.Lvl : 501 
 DD - Distributed DB2 systems                              ApplCompat: 
 E - Explain                                               Loc. : DB2B11 
 Z - DB2 system administration 
 SM - Space management functions 
 W - Manage work statement lists 
 X - Exit DB2 Admin 
 CC - DB2 catalog copy version maintenance 

If you are not connected to a remote subsystem, the Loc. (Location) field is not displayed.

Ability to suppress the copyright statement when invoking Db2 Admin Tool with CMD

An external tool can invoke Db2 Admin Tool to view catalog objects by using the CMD parameter with a catalog navigation command. In version 13.1, you can use the new SILENT option so that the copyright statement is not displayed each time that Db2 Admin Tool is invoked with the CMD parameter.

Example: CMD(''CAT D DSNDB06'') SILENT

Specifying SILENT implies acknowledgment of the Db2 Admin Tool copyright.

Related information: