ITCAM for SOA 7.2 Fix Pack 1

Configuring the SOA Domain Management Server

To configure SOA Domain Management Server, complete the following steps:
  1. Start the ConfigDMS utility in graphical user interface mode. For more information, see Running the ConfigDMS utility in Graphical User Interface mode.
  2. Specify whether to create the SOA Domain Management Server database locally, or whether to use an existing (local or remote) database that you have previously created.
    Figure 1. Specifying to create the SOA Domain Management Server database or use an existing database
    This figure shows the options to either let the configuration utility create the database locally or to use an existing local or remote database by specifying the hostname of the computer where the database resides.
    If you prefer to use an existing local or remote database, select Use an existing database and enter the hostname of the computer where the SOA Domain Management Server database is located. You can also specify localhost to use an existing local database.
    Important: If you plan to use an Oracle database to support the SOA Domain Management Server, you must use an existing database that is either on the local portal server or is on a remote database server. You must also use an Oracle database for the Tivoli® Common Object Repository. For information about using script files to manually create the local or remote SOA Domain Management Server database before running the ConfigDMS utility, see Creating the SOA Domain Management Server database.
  3. Select the database type.
    Figure 2. Configuring the SOA Domain Management Server
    This figure shows the options to select the database type and the database port number.
    The two possible database types are DB2® and Oracle. This parameter is automatically obtained from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server configuration, and the default value for this parameter is set to the current database type.
  4. If you selected DB2 as the database type, complete the following steps
    1. Enter the database port number. The default port number is 50000.
    2. Specify the fully qualified directory path to the JDBC driver class files.
      Figure 3. Specifying the JDBC drivers
      This figure shows the options to specify the JDBC driver files.
      The utility searches for the driver files based on where your database application is installed, and presents these files as defaults. You can accept these defaults or specify others as needed.
      The following files are the specific files that the utility searches for:
      The Instance_Owner_Home_Directory path is typically/home/db2inst1. The Instance_Owner_Home_Directory/sqllib/java path is a symbolic link to the Java™ directory for your DB2 installation (for example, /opt/ibm/db2/V9.5/java when DB2 9.5 is installed).
    3. Enter the name of the SOA Domain Management Server database.
      Figure 4. Specifying the SOA Domain Management Server database name and database user
      This figure shows the options to specify the database name and administrative user ID and password to access the database.
      The default name is KD4SDMS and has a limit of 8 characters.
      Remember: If you specified to create the SOA Domain Management Server database locally and this database name exists on the local system, it is dropped and re-created. If you want the configuration utility to create this database for you and you do not want to drop an existing database, specify a different name.
    4. Enter the database administrative user name and password (for example, the default user name and password, db2inst1). This user name must exist, and the configuration utility validates the specified password before continuing. The password cannot contain the ’$’ symbol. For more information about the authorization required for this database user, see Database and User Permissions.
  5. If you selected Oracle as the database type, complete the following steps:
    1. Enter the fully qualified host name of the Oracle database server.
    2. Enter the database port number. The default port number is 1521.
    3. Enter the fully qualified directory path to the Oracle JDBC driver. For example, opt/app/ojdbc6.jar
      Figure 5. Specifying the JDBC drivers
      This figure shows the options to specify the JDBC driver files.
      These JDBC drivers are needed on the computer where the portal server is installed (where SOA Domain Management Server support is being configured).
      Restriction: The ojdbc6.jar JDBC driver must be used with Oracle 10g Release 2, Oracle 11g Release 1, or Oracle 11g Release 2. For more information about this restriction, see technote.
      If you installed Oracle 10g Release 2, you must download the ojdbc6.jar driver from the Oracle website because it is not provided with Oracle 10g Release 2.
    4. Enter the Oracle system identifier. Set the Oracle system identifier to the system identifier specified when you ran the KD4InitOracleDB script.
    5. Enter Oracle user password. Set it to the user password specified when you ran the kd4InitOracleDb script.
      Figure 6. Specifying the SOA Domain Management Server Oracle System Identifier
      This figure shows the options to specify the Oracle System Identifier.
    6. The utility validates the specified user name and password and attempts to configure the SOA Domain Management Server. If there are errors, you are notified and can go back and correct any specified parameters, or you can exit the configuration utility.

      When the configuration completes successfully, you are notified. If you selected to configure only the SOA Domain Management Server, you can exit the configuration utility. If you selected to configure both SOA Domain Management Server and Tivoli Common Object Repository, click Next to continue that configuration. See Configuring the Tivoli Common Object Repository.

  6. If you are not configuring Tivoli Common Object Repository, exit the utility and rebuild and restart the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server for the configuration to take effect. For the procedure, see Rebuilding and restarting the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. Reconfiguring Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server might take 5-10 minutes to complete. During this time the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services utility might appear to be inoperable.
For information about the additional steps required to verify the installation and to enable access to the ITCAM for SOA Navigator in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, see Completing your installation. Be sure to complete all of the installation and verification steps documented in this guide before using the product.
