Enabling SSL for MongoDB

You can configure MongoDB to support SSL.

Before you begin

Generate SSL certificate. For more information, see


  1. Open MongoDB configuration file by using the following command.
    vi /etc/mongod.conf
  2. In the mongod.conf file, add the following SSL properties created in the prerequisite.
    • mode
    • PEMKeyFile
    • CAFile
          mode: requireSSL
          PEMKeyFile: /etc/ssl/mongodb.pem
          CAFile: /etc/ssl/ca.pem
          allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates: true
  3. Quit the MongoDB shell by pressing, Ctrl + C and then restart the MongoDB using the following command.
    service mongod restart
  4. Configure MongoDB SSL URL in the dam.properties, common.properties, and ml_configuration.ini files.
    • common.properties and dam.properties files - For more information, see Connection String URI Format.
    • ml_configuration.ini ([MONGO DB] section) - For more information, see TLS/SSL and PyMongo.
  5. Go to the $JAVA_HOME/bin folder, import the SSL certificate in the truststore by using the following JAVA keytool command.
    keytool -import -alias <alias name> -keystore <JAVA truststore path> -file <certificate file> -storepass <password>
    keytool -import -alias mongo -keystore "$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts" -file /etc/ssl/mongodb-cert.cer -storepass password
  6. Using WebSphere® Application Server administrative console, add the following properties in the Java™™ Virtual Machine (JVM) arguments.
  7. Restart IBM® Product Master services.
    Note: If you redeploy the IBM Product Master on a base setup that had SSL configured, the properties added in the Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM) arguments are lost, hence you need to perform step 6-7 again.