Enhancing the conversation

Watson Assistant Solutions provides several features you can use to enhance the conversation between your end-users and your skill and to personalize the conversation.

These include:

The examples in this topic are based on an assistant with three custom skills:

Setting an in conversation flag

During a conversation, a skill may prompt for more information from the end-user to assist with routing. For example:

Figure 1 - setting the in conversation flag

in conversation

In figure 1, the traffic skill asks the user which region the user wants the traffic news for. The traffic skill sets an in conversation flag to notify the Watson Assistant Solutions routing core that it is in a conversation and that it is expecting a response. Otherwise, another skill, such the events skill, might return a higher confidence score and process the utterance.

Sample code
  //The 'in conversation' flag is set to True
  'get-traffic': (request, response, context) => {
      response.deleteSkillSession(false).say('In the city center or suburbs').send();

Routing by intents or entities

You can route the conversation using intents. In your skill, you can define responses to give when specific intents are detected in the utterance.

Figure 2 - routing by intent

in conversation

In figure 2, the #get_roadworks intent is detected and a list of roadworks is provided in the response.

You can also route the conversation using entities. For example:

Figure 3 - routing by entities

Routing by entities

In figure 3, the routing core routes based on a @trafficarea entity. A different response is provided depending on whether the value is city center or suburbs.

When routing by entities, in the actions.js file, actions in the entities section of the file are called. For example:

  // pre processing for entity based routing
  entities: (request, response, context) => {
      handler.converse(request, response, context, converseCallback);

To avoid mishandling by skills, you can disable entity-based routing in the manifest file of your skills. Set routeByEntities to false. Then, when it is appropriate to route by entities, enable the capability under specific conditions in the evaluation response in your skill code. For example:

  let evaluationCallback = function(results, evaluationResponse, context, err) {
      if(err) {
      else {
          if(!result) {
              result =['Nlu engine did not return an output'];

Alternatively, if your skill uses the Watson Assistant NLU, you can set routeByEntities to true in the context, and the skill SDK overrides the value that you set in the manifest file.

For example: Routing by entities


You might want your skill to enable routing by entities when the skill is expecting the user to respond with an entity value. When a restaurant skill asks "How many people is your booking for", the restaurant skill expects only an entity to be returned. The skill enables entity-based routing for the evaluation response. Then, when the user responds with "12 people", the restaurant skills provides an evaluation response with a strong match for the entity @numberofpeople. In this scenario, the routing core routes to the restaurant skill using entity-based routing.

Routing by skill context

You can use context variables when you evaluate a request. For example:

Figure 4 - routing by skill context

Routing by skill context

In figure 4, the end-user asks about traffic diversions. At step 2, the skill sets $traffic_interest variable to diversions. Later in the conversation, when the user asks to see a map at step 7, the skill checks the $traffic_interest variable and responds with a map of roadworks and diversions.

The skill context is saved by Watson Assistant Solutions and can be passed to a Watson Assistant (formerly Watson Conversation) workspace. Information is saved in the skill context for one month.

Routing by session context

Variables that are set in the session context are available to all skills.

Figure 5 - routing by session context

Routing by session context

In figure 5, at step 2, the traffic skill saves the region of interest, Central Park, to a $region variable in the session context. Later in the conversation at step 7, the user asks "Are there any outdoor concerts on there today". The utterance is routed to a different skill this time. The events skill returns the highest confidence score. The events skill uses the $region variable to determine what response to provide to the utterance. The events skill returns a response based on the Central Park region.

Information is saved in the session context for one month.

Using the built-in shared context

The built-in shared context is similar to the session context but it has a prescribed structure and set of fields. In your assistant, if you choose to use the built-in shared context across skills, your skill developers benefit from having a shared understanding of what context information is available across skills, how to access this information, and the structure of this information.

Currently, two pieces of information are available for skill developers to set in the built-in session context; currentLocation and lastReferencedLocation.

Figure 6 - Using the last referenced location in the built-in session context Routing by session context

In figure 6, an end-user who is sitting in Boston mentions the location, Manhattan, in an utterance at step 1. At step 2, the traffic skill provides a traffic update for Manhattan, sets lastReferencedLocation to Manhattan, and sets the currentLocation to Boston. The skill also takes note that the user loves Manhattan and sets a liking custom parameter to 10. Later in same conversation, the user asks about concerts that are on today. In the design of the assistant, the location a user mentions in an utterance take precedence over a users current location. The Events skill uses the last referenced location variable and provides information about events in Manhattan rather than Boston.

Figure 7 - Using the current location in the built-in shared context Routing by session context

In figure 7, an end-user who is sitting in Boston does not mention a location in the utterance. At step 2, the traffic skill provides a traffic update for Boston and sets the currentLocation to Boston. Later, the same user asks about concerts that are on today. The Events skill finds no information in the lastReferencedLocation. Instead, the Events skill uses the currentLocation variable and provides information about events in Boston.

Note: Information is saved in the session context for one month.

Adding or updating the built-in shared context

You can add or update information in the built-in context using the NodeJS skill SDK or using the Context REST API.

The baseURL of the Context REST API is https://watson-personal-assistant-toolkit.mybluemix.net/v2/api/context

The NodeJS skill boilerplate includes a builtInContext.js file in test folder with examples for modifying the built-in context.

Setting the current location

In the following examples, details of the currentLocation are specified. In the examples, a user John-001 is in the John Hancock Tower in Boston.

Using the skill SDK, use the setBuiltinContextProperty(context, path, value) method, where:

The following example shows the new value for currentLocation property.

    "name":"John Hancock Tower Boston",
      "streetAddress":"120 St James Ave",
      "postalCode":"MA 02116",
      "longitude":"0.1278 W",
      "latitude":"51.5074 N"

Each built-in method returns a results object with the following parameters:

For example:

results.valid = true;
results.msg = "Success";
results.status = 200
results.obj = obj;

Using the context REST API, use the PUT /{userID}/builtIn REST API endpoint:

For example:
curl -X PUT 'https://watson-personal-assistant-toolkit.mybluemix.net/v2/context/John-001/builtIn' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"currentLocation": { "@type" : "http://schema.org/Place", "name" : "John Hancock Tower Boston", "address": { "@type" : "http://schema.org/PostalAddress", "streetAddress" : "120 St James Ave", "addressLocality" : "Boston", "postalCode" : "MA 02116", "addressCountry" : "USA" }, "geo" : { "@type" : "http://schema.org/GeoCoordinates", "longitude" : "0.1278 W", "latitude" : "51.5074 N" }}}'

Setting the last referenced location

In the following examples, details of the lastReferencedLocation are specified. In this example, because John said that he loves Manhattan, a liking custom parameter is set to 10.

Using the skill SDK, use the setBuiltinContextProperty(context, path, value) method, where:

The following example shows the new value for the lastReferencedLocation property.


Context REST API example:
curl -X PUT 'https://watson-personal-assistant-toolkit.mybluemix.net/v2/context/John-001/builtIn?propertyPath=currentConversation' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "@type" : "http://www.ibm.com/watson-assistant-solutions/ontology/Conversation", "lastReferencedLocation": { "@type" : "http://www.ibm.com/watson-assistant-solutions/ontology/PlaceReference", "object" : { "@type" : "http://schema.org/Place", "name" : "Manhattan", "customProperties": { "liking" : 10 }}}}'

Retrieving the built-in shared context

Using the skill SDK, retrieve the value of a specific parameter using the getBuiltinContextProperty(context, path) method, where:

Using the context REST API, to retrieve the values of the lastReferencedLocation or currentLocation, use the GET/{userID}/builtIn REST API endpoint.

The following is an example of finding the value of currentLocation using the context REST API.
curl -X GET 'https://watson-personal-assistant-toolkit.mybluemix.net/context/John-001/builtIn?propertyPath=currentLocation' -H 'accept: application/json'

A response similar to the following response is returned:

   "@type": "http://schema.org/Place",
   "name": "John Hancock Tower Boston",
   "address": {
     "@type": "http://schema.org/PostalAddress",
     "streetAddress": "120 St James Ave",
     "addressLocality": "Boston",
     "postalCode": "MA 02116",
     "addressCountry": "USA"
   "geo": {
     "@type": "http://schema.org/GeoCoordinates",
     "longitude": "0.1278 W",
     "latitude": "51.5074 N"
Deleting built-in context values

Using the skill SDK, to delete the values of the lastReferencedLocation object or the currentLocation object, use the deleteBuiltInContextProperty(context, path) method, where:

Using the context REST API, delete the values of the lastReferencedLocation or currentLocation objects using the DELETE /{userId}/builtIn REST API endpoint. For example:

curl -X DELETE 'https://watson-personal-assistant-toolkit.mybluemix.net/context/John-001/builtIn?propertyPath=currentLocation' -H 'accept: application/json'

Accessing specific parameters

To access individual parameters in the lastReferencedLocation or currentLocation objects, use the propertyPath parameter.

Using the skill SDK, pass the path to the parameter of interest. For example, to retrieve the name parameter of the lastReferencedLocation, set the path to:

Using the context REST API, in your GET, PUT, and DELETE requests, set the propertyPath to the path of the parameter of interest in the built-in context object. For example, to retrieve the name parameter of the lastReferencedLocation, enter:

curl -X GET 'https://watson-personal-assistant-toolkit.mybluemix.net/context/John- 001/builtIn? propertyPath=currentConversation.lastReferencedLocation.referenceThing.name' -H 'accept: application/json'

Setting leaf values using the Context REST API

To set a leaf (that is, non-object) parameter using the Context REST API, set the message body to
{ "leafValue" : "new value"}.

For example, to set the name parameter of the lastReferencedLocation to Manhattan island, using the context REST API, enter:
curl -X PUT 'https://watson-personal-assistant-toolkit.mybluemix.net/context/John- 001/builtIn? propertyPath=currentConversation.lastReferencedLocation.referenceThing.name -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "leafValue" : "Manhattan island"}'

Validating the built-in context object

Use the methods provided in the skill SDK for setting, updating, and deleting parameters of the built-in context object instead of editing the built-in context directly. However, if you edit the built-in context object, validate your changes using the validateBuiltinContext(context, path) method where:

Additionally, the routing core and your custom skill also return an error similar to the following error if your update is invalid:

    error:[skill] Error validating your built-in context object, it will not be saved.

Routing by utterance context and rejecting utterances

A skill can use the utterance context when it evaluates a request and when it determines a response. For example, an utterance might include a $location variable that is either set to car or atHome.

In certain circumstances, you might want the skill to reject an utterance that it is equipped to handle. For example, the traffic skill is designed to handle the #get_map intent. The goal of this intent is to display a live traffic map. On evaluation, the skill returns a confidence level above its threshold value. However, you want the traffic skill to display a map if the user is at home and not if they are in their car. You can design your skill to call the reject utterance function in the evaluation request.

Figure 8 - reject utterance per utterance context

Rejecting an utterance based on the utterance context

In figure 8, when $location in utterance context is set to at home, the evaluation request is processed. Later in the conversation, when $location in utterance context is set to in the car, the evaluation request is rejected. Note: The $location variable is set by the app that is running in the car or the house, that is, the app that is sending the request.

Sample code
  //Example of rejecting an utterance evaluation request based on utterance context
  evaluation: (request, evaluationResponse, context) => {
      if (context.utterance.location && context.utterance.location !== 'car') {
      else {
          handler.evaluateRequest(request, evaluationResponse, context, evaluationCallback);

Information in the utterance context is not saved.

Handling unmatched utterances with fallback skills

No matter how broad a knowledge base your assistant has, circumstances will arise that your skills do not have the knowledge to handle. In your responses, you can provide a more elegant response than "I'm not trained for this".

Figure 9 - routing to a fallback skill

Routing to a fallback skill

In figure 9, at step 2, the user is reminded of the type of questions to ask.

Define fallback skills to capture these circumstances. Design your fallback skills to capture most utterances and to return a high confidence score for any utterance.

To configure a fallback skill, complete these steps:

  1. Create a fallback skill, add fallback intents to the skill, and associate actions with these intents.
    Important: Create fallback intents that are broad enough to capture most utterances and are likely to return a high confidence score for any utterance.
  2. Add the skill to a skill set and tag it as a fallback skill. For example, in skillsData, set:
    "fallback": true,
    "skillNames": [
    A fallback skill is created.

Reusing evaluation results

In response to an evaluation request from the routing core, your skill might return the skills response to the user utterance in the evaluationResponse object. You might want to use these results and avoid an extra converse request to your skill.

Sample code:

    'yes': (request, response, context) => {
        handler.saveEvaluationContext(context, request.evaluationResponse.context)

To persist context information, the handler function copies the context information from the evaluation response object to the context object.

Sending extra information in cards

In a converse response, your skill returns text. You can enhance the text by returning extra information in a card.

Typically, a card is used to return more verbose text, to display a graphic, or to play music.

For example, the traffic skill returns an image of a live traffic map of the city center to the client device. The client device determines how this image is rendered to the user. The text "Sure. Here is a live traffic map for the city center." is also returned to the client device.

Figure 10 - sending a card in the converse response Returning information in a card

Sample code:

  response.card('some action', {"some", "json"}),

Note Only one card object can be sent per converse response.

Next topic

Adding a nlu engine