Number Formats
An N-formatted number has an implied decimal point (for example, 2.01 formatted as N2 is 201). An R-formatted number has an explicit decimal point and truncates trailing zeros (for example, 2.123 formatted as R2 is 2.12 and 3.10 formatted as R2 is 3.1). Whether you use the N or R format depends on the requirements of the document. Regardless of whether you use the N or R format, you must also indicate the number of decimal places in the field.
Field | Description |
R0 | Number formatted with an explicit decimal point and no decimal places. |
R1 | Number formatted with an explicit decimal point and up to one decimal place. |
R2 | Number formatted with an explicit decimal point and up to two decimal places. |
R3 | Number formatted with an explicit decimal point and up to three decimal places. |
R4 | Number formatted with an explicit decimal point and up to four decimal places. |
R5 | Number formatted with an explicit decimal point and up to five decimal places. |
R6 | Number formatted with an explicit decimal point and up to six decimal places. |
R7 | Number formatted with an explicit decimal point and up to seven decimal places. |
R8 | Number formatted with an explicit decimal point and up to eight decimal places. |
R9 | Number formatted with an explicit decimal point and up to nine decimal places. |
Field | Description |
N0 | Number formatted with an implied decimal point and no decimal places. |
N1 | Number formatted with an implied decimal point and up to one decimal place. |
N2 | Number formatted with an implied decimal point and up to two decimal places. |
N3 | Number formatted with an implied decimal point and up to three decimal places. |
N4 | Number formatted with an implied decimal point and up to four decimal places. |
N5 | Number formatted with an implied decimal point and up to five decimal places. |
N6 | Number formatted with an implied decimal point and up to six decimal places. |
N7 | Number formatted with an implied decimal point and up to seven decimal places. |
N8 | Number formatted with an implied decimal point and up to eight decimal places. |
N9 | Number formatted with an implied decimal point and up to nine decimal places. |
Note: For maps, if you select an implicit decimal (N format) for a
field and the data in that field has less than the specified number
of decimal places, the translator pads the data with zeroes to the
left so that it still interprets the data within the specified format.
For example, if you specify a format of N3 for a field, and the data
in that field is 1, the translator interprets the data as .001.