The installation program creates the installation directory
and the data directory. You cannot relocate these directories after Watson Content Analytics is installed.
- Data storage architecture
- To run your Watson Content Analytics system,
use high speed local storage devices. If you prefer network storage,
then for performance and data integrity, use storage area network
(SAN) devices that are not shared between Watson Content Analytics servers. If network storage
must be shared between Watson Content Analytics servers
to save storage space, the IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS)
data storage architecture, although potentially slower, is also supported.
The following issues can occur if you install the product on a network
file system (NFS) architecture:
- Data integrity issues. Data might not always be saved correctly
because of occasional network errors.
- Performance issues. NFS has network protocol costs and latency
is high. These issues can negatively affect performance, especially
search performance.
- Installation directory
- The installation directory contains files such as executable files
and default files that do not change when the system is running. You
can change the default installation directory, but for a multiple
server installation, use the same installation directory path on all
servers. The installation program creates the ES_INSTALL_ROOT environment
variable for the installation directory, and the documentation uses ES_INSTALL_ROOT to
represent the installation directory.
Default paths for the installation
- AIX®: /opt/IBM/es
- Linux: /opt/IBM/es
- Windows (32-bit): C:\Program
- Windows (64-bit): C:\Program
Files (x86)\IBM\es
If you install the product as a non-root user, these are
the default installation directory paths:
- AIX: user_home_directory/es
- Linux: user_home_directory/es
- Windows: user_home_directory\es
If you do not use the
default paths on AIX or Linux, ensure that the path that
you specify for the data directory does not contain spaces in the
path name. In all environments, ensure that the path does not include
a trailing path delimiter (slash character). For example, if you specify C:\Program
Files\IBM\es\esadmin\ on Windows,
or /opt/IBM/es/esadmin/ on AIX, the system does not start.
The path
name cannot contain characters from the double byte character set
(DBCS). Only ASCII characters 0x2F through 0x7E are supported. The
following ASCII characters are not allowed:
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - .
- Data directory
- The data directory contains files such as configuration files
and data files that the system updates regularly. Dedicate the largest
file partition or disk space on your system to the data directory.
The installation program creates the ES_NODE_ROOT environment
variable for the data directory, and the documentation uses ES_NODE_ROOT to
represent the data directory.
The default path for the data directory
is in a subdirectory of the installation directory that matches the
ID that you specify for the administrator ID. For example, if you
esadmin as the administrator ID, these
are the default data directory paths:
- AIX: /opt/IBM/es/esadmin/esdata
- Linux: /opt/IBM/es/esadmin/esdata
- Windows (32-bit): C:\Program
- Windows (64-bit): C:\Program
Files (x86)\IBM\es\esadmin
If you install the product as a non-root user, these are
the default data directory paths:
- AIX: user_home_directory/esdata
- Linux: user_home_directory/esdata
- Windows: user_home_directory\es\esadmin
If you do not use the
default paths on AIX or Linux, ensure that the path that
you specify for the data directory does not contain spaces in the
path name. In all environments, ensure that the path does not include
a trailing path delimiter (slash character). For example, if you specify C:\Program
Files\IBM\es\esadmin\ on Windows,
or /opt/IBM/es/esadmin/ on AIX, the system does not start.
The path
name cannot contain characters from the double byte character set
(DBCS). Only ASCII characters 0x2F through 0x7E are supported. The
following ASCII characters are not allowed:
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - .