On the Windows operating system, operations such as parsing, building an index, searching, and so on, fail with the error message FFQO0143E (ES_ERR_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IN_USE) because a socket address cannot be allocated.
5/29/07 14:30:03.721 JST [Error] [ES_ERR_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IN_USE]
[col_2000] [col_2000.indexer.delta]
FFQO0143E The specified address and port number are already in used.
Server Name: Port Number: 6002.
5/29/07 14:30:03.846 JST [Error] [ES_ERR_CCLSRV_SOCKET_COMM_FAILED]
[col_2000] [col_2000.indexer.delta]
FFQO0253E The socket communication failed.
5/29/07 14:30:04.003 JST [Error] [ES_ERR_CTRL_ACQUIRE_SESSION_READ_LOCK]
[col_2000] [col_2000.indexer.delta]
FFQC0017E The session configuration read lock col_2000.indexer could not
be acquired.
5/29/07 14:30:04.128 JST [Error] [ES_ERR_CTRL_INDEXER_BUILD_THREAD_FAILED]
[col_2000] [col_2000.indexer.delta]
FFQC1417E The index build thread encountered an error.
Sometimes, a large number of random ports will be opened on the computer because API calls that use the common communication layer (CCL) client involve frequent operations from every session.
If more than 4000 connections (ports 1024 through 5000) are made before the ports are freed (after the TIME_WAIT state ends), then attempts to open a client socket on a port above 5000 will be rejected by the operating system. A message that indicates that the address is already in use might be returned.