IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions, Version

Binary history files

Binary history files are created for each historical data collection attribute. The Warehouse Proxy Agent and the Summarization and Pruning Agent work together to collect and process historical data.

The Warehouse Proxy Agent reads data from binary history files that are collected at the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server or the Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent. These files are sometimes referred to as short-term history files. Either the Warehouse Proxy Agent or the Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent inserts this data into tables in the Tivoli Data Warehouse. If the data is more than 24 hours old and has been successfully inserted into the Tivoli Data Warehouse, the data is removed from the binary history files.

If the insert operation fails, the binary history file continues to grow. Setting the Warehouse Interval to OFF in the History Collection Configuration panel for an attribute group has the same effect: data in the binary history file is not added to the Tivoli Data Warehouse, and the size of the binary history file continues to grow. If the Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent was moving the binary files into the Tivoli Data Warehouse, log messages written in the agents’ logs.

The Summarization and Pruning agent creates summarized data from the data available in the Tivoli Data Warehouse. This agent adds the data to tables in the Tivoli Data Warehouse that are named for the active Historical Data Collection attribute groups, and reflects the summarization period. For example, Daily summarized data for RRT Transaction Over Time data is stored in the RRT_Transaction_Over_Time_D table.

The Summarization and Pruning agent deletes records in the Tivoli Data Warehouse tables according to the pruning interval configured for those attribute groups. The summarization and pruning intervals should match to ensure that one table does not continuously grow.

Tip: The Summarization and Pruning agent does not recover database space. The database administrator needs to run a recovery operation to compact the database.

Binary history files

A unique pair of binary history files is created for each historical data collection attribute: a data file, and a header file. The data file and the header file share the same filename and the header filename includes a .HDR extension and are saved to the same directory. The files may have different timestamps because the header file timestamp is only updated at agent startup.

Binary history filenames

Table 1 lists the binary history filenames for each attribute group.

Table 1. Binary history filenames for Attribute Groups
Agent Attribute Group Binary history filename
Application Management Console ERT Agent Messages T3AGNTMSGS
AMC Application T3SNAPPL
AMC Client Agents T3SNCLTAGT
AMC Server Agents T3SNSVRAGT
AMC Transaction T3SNTRANS
Robotic Response Time RRT Agent Messages T6AGNTMSGS
RRT Application Status T6APPCS
RRT Application Over Time T6APPOT
RRT Client Over Time T6CLNTOT
RRT Robotic Playback Events T6PBEVENT
RRT Robotic Playback Status T6PBSTAT
RRT SubTransaction Status T6SUBTXCS
RRT SubTransaction Instance T6SUBTXINS
RRT SubTransaction Over Time T6SUBTXOT
RRT Transaction Status T6TXCS
RRT Transaction Instance T6TXINS
RRT Transaction Over Time T6TXOT
Transaction Reporter Aggregates AGGREGATS
Interactions INTERACTN
Transaction Instances TINST
Transaction Instance Interactions TINSTINT
Web Response Time WRT Agent Messages T5AGNTMSGS
WRT Application Status T5APPCS
WRT Application Over Time T5APPOT
WRT Client Status T5CLNTCS
WRT Client Over Time T5CLNTOT
WRT Server Status T5SRVCS
WRT Server Over Time T5SRVOT
WRT SubTransaction Status T5SUBTXCS
WRT SubTransaction Instance T5SUBTXINS
WRT SubTransaction Over Time T5SUBTXOT
WRT Transaction Status T5TXCS
WRT Transaction Instance T5TXINS
WRT Transaction Over Time T5TXOT

Location of binary history files

Binary history files collected at the Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent are saved to the following directories:
  • On Windows systems, CANDLE_HOME\TMAITM6\logs
  • On Linux and UNIX systems, CANDLE_HOME/architecture/product-code/hist
For example, /opt/IBM/ITM/aix523/t6/hist
A log entry is created each time an agent starts. This log indicates which situations and historical data collection attributes have started and stopped on the agent. The filename and location are platform-specific:
  • On Windows systems, CANDLE_HOME\TMAITM6\logs\hostname_product-code.LG0
  • On Linux and UNIX systems, CANDLE_HOME/logs/hostname:product-code.LG0
In the log file, UADVISOR messages indicate that historical data collection is starting or stopping for a specific attribute. For example, the following UADVISOR message indicates that historical data collection has started for the Robotic Response Time attribute T6APPOT (RRT Application Over Time):
1090717181915344KRAIRA000 Starting UADVISOR_KT6_T6APPOT <711983735,3482322845> 
for KT6.T6APPOT.

Last updated: September 2014