Applying, removing and monitoring tags

Tagging is available to those who are granted the TAG - TAGGER security role. Taggers could be open to all or limited to learning professionals or subject matter experts who will curate the best of the learning content for their individual program or area of expertise. Some tagging can also be done in source systems if the tagging service is established with the source system.

Once tagging access is granted, taggers may tag content in two ways: through the learning activity and channel catalogs or directly in the Your Learning user interface.

Tag maintenance in Service Center catalogs

The more common and efficient way to add tags to learning content is through the Service Center learning activity or channel catalogs. To start, from any page in Your Learning, scroll to the end of the page and click YL Service Center. On the Learning catalog tile, click either Learning activity catalog or Channel catalog.

Learning catalog tile - learning and channel catalogs

This is the administrator catalog search which provides many options for filtering and sorting your organization's learning content. How you locate and subsequently determine which learning items to tag can vary greatly by organization. To consisently maintain tags over time, we recommend you create a tagging plan to periodically add and update tags. For example, a tagging team may review and tag learning when new learning provider (trusted source or vendor) content is first added with a follow up tagging review once a month.

Recommendations for searching, filtering and sorting learning content to consider when creating a tagging maintenance plan.

Search filters Possible purpose for tagging
Trusted source and vendor Learning providers may have specific type of content or topics, e.g. O'Reilly Safari is primarily technical documentation which could be tagged with technical or programming related tags.
Completions, Ratings, Interest level May wish to review and tag popular learning which users have indicated to be useful.
Activity type Your organization or audience may have a preferred activity type (e.g. videos) or recently added activities are a specific type.
Date added to catalog Useful for periodic updates to reduce search results to those items that haven't been reviewed since the last tagging update.
Learning owner Useful when owners wants to tag their own content.
Tag group and tags Filter out content already tagged for tag groups or tags you manage by choosing "Does not contain" the tag group or tag.
In YL default search The only catalog search filter turned on by default. Learning content is assessed periodically to remove "low interest" learning items to increase search performance. Turning off this filter to see all learning content helps review learning items which could be relevant but no longer display in the default search.
Sort order Description
Relevance Default sort is ordered by search term relevance
Avg. rating Sort by calculated average rating
Date added to catalog Displays most recently added learning items first
Duration Sorts by duration of learning items, shortest duration first
Activity id Sorts by id in alphanumeric order
Raters Sorts by number of ratings submitted
Completions Sorts by number of completions, highest number first
Source Sorts by learning providers
Type Activity type (assessments, books, learning plans, podcasts, etc.) in alphabetic order

With the above information, determine your process for selecting learning items for review.

  1. Enter search terms (though not required) and relevant filters.
  2. Click Search to view the results. The number of items found will display above the sort field.
  3. The default sort is Relevance or select another sort order.
  4. To view existing tags on the learning items, click the Show tags checkbox.

    Learning catalog search interface

  5. In the result set, select one or multiple learning items to add or remove tags. Optionally, you can choose to select or deselect all learning items displayed.

Add tags

  1. Click Add Tags.
  2. Choose a Tag group
  3. Click the checkboxes to select from the list of tags in the tag group. If the list is large, the search can help filter the list.
  4. Click Add. With Show tags checked on, the learning activities selected should then display the tag(s) added.

Remove tags

  1. Click Remove Tags.
  2. The list of tags currently set for the selected learning items will display. Click the checkboxes for the tags to be deleted.
  3. Click Remove. With Show tags checked on, the learning activities selected should no longer display the deleted tags.

Tagging in the Your Learning user interface

Though not as efficient for tagging large sets of learning items, users with tagging access may add tags directly one by one to individual learning items.

  1. From either a learning activity or channel landing page, click the Actions menu.
  2. Click Add tags.

    Activity example:
    Learning activity actions add tag menu option

    Channel example:
    Channel actions add tag menu option

  3. From the add tags prompt, select a Tag group.
  4. Choose tags from that group by clicking the checkboxes next to the tags to apply to the learning item.
  5. Click Add.

    Tag selection

  6. The tags are added and display on the landing page.

    Added tags display

Recent tag activity report

The recent tag activity report provides a list of all tagging activity by date, tagger, action, tag, and affected learning activity.

To view the reporting, from any page in Your Learning, scroll to the end of the page and click YL Service Center. On the Tag management tile, click Recent tag activity.

Tag management tile - recent tag activity

The default report will display all tagging actions for all tag groups by learning activities. The following are options to configure the report. Filter changes immediately refresh the report with updated matching data.

  1. For provides the option to view tagging by learning activities or channels.
  2. Tagged By defaults to All taggers. Click the field to see a list of taggers which allows you to filter by a specific tagger.
  3. Actions has the options for All but you may also filter by tags added or removed.
  4. A specific date range may be added for Report period.
  5. Tag reporting can Report on all tags, tags you subscribed to or a specific tag group.

    TRecent tag activity report