Lesson 3: Adding a release environment to the release
Add a release environment to the Demo Release's DEV phase.
When you add a release environment to a phase, you reserve it for a specific period. If other releases or phases reserve the environment during the same period, messages alert you to possible conflicts. You can run deployments for release environments with potential conflicts after first ensuring that no actual conflicts exist. This situation might happen, for example, if you reserve an environment for several phases for testing.
Release environments also assign application environments to a phase. Although IBM™ UrbanCode™ Deploy applications are not covered in this tutorial, release environments play a central role in application management. Applications are covered in a later tutorial.
In this lesson, you add one of the default release environments to the Demo Release's DEV phase.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you added a release environment to one of the Demo Release's phases.
You can now schedule deployments for the Demo Release's DEV phase by using the DEV-1 release environment. Because you didn't reserve environments for the release's other phases, you cannot yet schedule deployments for them.
The Release Detail page for the reserved release environment is shown in the following figure:
![The Demo Release with the DEV-1 release environment reserved](../images/basic-env-done.gif)
Before you schedule a deployment for the DEV phase, you need to add tasks to a deployment plan. You add tasks to the Default Plan in the next lesson.