Logical map

Use the logical map in Device Management Enablement to show relationships between assets, and to perform impact analysis.

About this task

The logical map provides a standards-based meta model view of current information about a specific location. A logical map is a map, diagram, or graph with predefined areas for interaction. Using a logical map, you can filter, rank, and select asset content based on context. You can also index, aggregate, and integrate information across different domains and sources. Logical maps can be processed as mathematical graphs. Therefore, you can use graph theory algorithms to perform impact analysis on a logical map.

Displaying data on the logical map

About this task

The task explains how to navigate to, populate, and display data sources on the logical map.


  1. Click My View and select Show Logical Map.
  2. In the Filter window, select the data sources to display on the logical map. For example, select Water Pressure Meter and Tank Level in the Assets pane, select Pipe in the Pipe Network pane.
  3. In the logical map view, use the Input Keyword text field and the Select Asset drop-down menu to select a specific asset to display on the logical map.
    Tip: You should not use the underscore character '_' in the search term for the Input Keyword field as the response time for the search will increase.
  4. Click on an asset in the map to display its preview card. On the asset preview card, there are options for More details and More Actions.
  5. Optionally, for a better view of an asset on the map, you can separate it from other assets on the map. To separate it, click on the asset and drag the asset on the map.

Filtering data on the logical map

Before you begin

Display the logical map with the data you are interested in, as described above.

About this task

The task describes how to configure the logical map to display asset relationships and to perform impact analysis.


Select More Actions > Configure. In the Configure window, you can refine the display as follows:
  • Select from the available options to customize the display of relationships. The following options are generally available.
    Type instance
    Show relationships of type instance, for example, where Pipe 1 is an instance of Pipe.
    Contained by and Contains
    Show the contain relationship between two assets.
    Connected and Connects
    Show the connection relationship between assets.
    Has DirectType
    Show the inherent relationship between two direct asset types.
    Has Location
    Show the relationships between assets and locations.
    Has measurement
    Show the relationship between assets and measurements.
    Show the inherent relationship between two asset types.
    Shows the class inherent relationship between two asset types.
    Other options may be available in your configuration.
  • Use the Color drop-down menu for each relationship option to customize the color of its corresponding map icon.
  • Enter a number in the Limit item count to field to set the maximum number of items to display on the map.
  • Enter a number in the Limit impact analysis depth to field to set how deep within the layers onn the map you want to allow impact analysis to be performed.

Performing impact analysis

Before you begin

Display the logical map with the data you are interested in, as described above.

About this task

Use the logical map to perform impact analysis on model artifacts, for example, on a measurement in the model.


  1. Navigate through the logical map to find the asset that you want to analyze.
  2. Select the asset, and click More Actions > Startpoint for Impact Analysis.
  3. Select another asset, and click More Actions > Endpoint for Impact Analysis.

Changing the layout of the logical map

Before you begin

Display the logical map, as described above.

About this task

The task explains how to use the various layout options for the logical map that are provided by the More Actions menu.


Click More Actions > Change Layout > layout option.
Choose from one of the layout options:
  • Force Directed Layout
  • Circular Layout
  • Tree Layout
  • Hierarchical Layout
  • Long Link Layout
  • Short Link Layout

Resetting the Logical Map

Before you begin

Display the logical map, as described above.

About this task

The task explains how to reset the logical map to the default display.


Click More Actions > Reset.