Setting the session timeout

The session timeout determines the time a user can remain idle before the session is terminated and the user must log in again. The session time out includes administrators logged in through the portal service.

About this task

When IBM® Intelligent Operations Center is installed, no session time out is defined. Users will stay logged in until they log out even if the session is idle.

If your organization has security policies requiring that sessions log out after a period of inactivity, use the following steps to define a session timeout for your IBM Intelligent Operations Center system.


Configure server timeouts.

  1. Using a web browser go to http://application_server:9061/ibm/console where application_server is the host name of the application server in a standard environment and application server 1 in a high availability environment.
  2. Log on as the admin user with the password defined for PORTAL.ADMIN.ACCOUNT.PWD in the topology properties file.
  3. Click Servers > Server Type > WebSphere Application Servers > WebSphere Portal.
  4. Click Container Settings > Session management > Set Timeout.
  5. Enter the desired timeout value in minutes.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Servers > Server Type > WebSphere Application Servers > STProxyServer1.
  9. Click Container Settings > Session management > Set Timeout.
  10. Enter the desired timeout value in minutes.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Click Servers > Server Type > WebSphere Application Servers > CongnosX_GW1.
  14. Click Container Settings > Session management > Set Timeout.
  15. Enter the desired timeout value in minutes.
  16. Click OK.
  17. Click Save.
  18. Click Servers > Server Type > WebSphere Application Servers > CongnosX_Disp1.
  19. Click Container Settings > Session management > Set Timeout.
  20. Enter the desired timeout value in minutes.
  21. Click OK.
  22. Click Save.

If running in a high availability environment, configure the following additional servers.

  1. Click Servers > Server Type > WebSphere Application Servers > CongnosX_Disp2.
  2. Click Container Settings > Session management > Set Timeout.
  3. Enter the desired timeout value in minutes.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Servers > Server Type > WebSphere Application Servers > CongnosX_GW2.
  7. Click Container Settings > Session management > Set Timeout.
  8. Enter the desired timeout value in minutes.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Click Servers > Server Type > WebSphere Application Servers > WebSphere_Portal_PortalNode2.
  12. Click Container Settings > Session management > Set Timeout.
  13. Enter the desired timeout value in minutes.
  14. Click OK.
  15. Click Save.

Set the Cognos® inactivity timeout.

  1. Log on to the analytics server in the standard environment and both analytics server 1 and analytics server 2 in the high availability environment as the root user.
  2. Run /opt/IBM/cognos/c10_64/bin64/
  3. Click Security > Authentication.
  4. Specify the desired timeout value in seconds for Inactivity timeout in seconds.
  5. Click File > Save.
  6. Repeat for the second analytics server in the high availability environment.

Restart the server.

  1. Stop and restart the application and analytic components using the platform control tool.