Creating or editing an Oracle CRM On Demand endpoint

Oracle CRM On Demand endpoints contain the connection information that studio and the Integration Appliance use to connect to the Oracle CRM On Demand Server. You can create multiple endpoints that refer to separate instances.

About this task

Use this task to create or edit an Oracle CRM On Demand endpoint.
Note: Before creating an Oracle CRM On Demand endpoint, you need to download and install the C0020-IBM: Connector for Oracle CRM On Demand.

For information about downloading and installing the connector, see Downloading and installing plug-in connectors

Any changes you make to the Oracle CRM On Demand endpoint, including configuration properties, affects all the orchestrations that use that endpoint, as the edits are global, not local.


  1. Drag an activity from the Oracle CRM On Demand folder under the Activities tab to the Orchestration window. The Summary panel is displayed.
  2. Click Pick Endpoint from the Checklist. The Pick Endpoint panel is displayed.
  3. Click one of the following buttons:
    1. Browse - To select an existing endpoint from Project Explorer. The Project Explorer shows all the endpoints in the project available for the activity. When you select an endpoint, the endpoint properties are displayed in the Pick Endpoint panel.
    2. New - To create a new endpoint. The Create Endpoint window opens.
    3. Edit - To edit the existing endpoint. The Edit Endpoint window opens.
  4. Complete the fields defined in the following table:
    Table 1. Connection Details
    Field Name Description
    Connection Details
    OracleCRM HostName Specifies the host name of the Oracle CRM On Demand instance.
    User Name Specifies the user name to connect to the OracleCRM On Demand server.
    Password Specifies the password associated with the user name to connect to the OracleCRM On Demand server.
  5. When finished, click Test Connection to confirm that you can connect to the Oracle CRM On Demand system.
  6. Click OK.