Create Envelopes

Inbound envelopes define expected header and trailer information for inbound messages. This information helps IBM® Sterling B2B Integrator route and process the messages. Outbound envelopes specify information about messages that enables them to be sent to and received by trading partners, and they gather and provide the appropriate data used to create the header.

To create an envelope:

  1. From the Admin Console, select Trading Partner > Document Envelopes > Envelopes.
  2. Under Create, next to New Envelope, click Go!
  3. On the Envelope Standards page, select VDA and click Next.
  4. Select the level of envelope you want to create, inbound or outbound, and click Next.
  5. On the Base Envelope page, do you want this envelope to inherit properties from a base envelope (if available)?
    • If Yes, select a base envelope and click Next.
    • If No (you want to create a new envelope), select Not Applicable and click Next.
  6. On the Name page, type a unique name for the envelope, and a description or comments, then click Next.
  7. Complete the properties for the envelope as necessary and click Next after each page until you reach the confirm page. Required fields are highlighted in blue. See Inbound VDA Envelope or Outbound VDA Envelope.
  8. Click Finish to add the envelope.