Known Issues and Resolutions

Many known issues have resolutions in the 5.2.1 release.

Defect 248488

Issue: After installing the external SAP Controller and configuring the SAP Suite adapter to run in the external SAP Controller, the SAP Controller fails to start up when Sterling B2B Integrator is started.

Resolution You can use one of the following options to resolve this issue:
  • Use the SAP Suite adapter for JCo 3.x. For more information about the SAP Suite adapter for JCo 3.x, see the SAP Suite adapter for JCo 3.x documentation. OR
  • If you want to continue using the SAP Suite adapter for JCo 2.x, complete the following steps:
    1. Back up the file located in the <install_dir>\bin\ directory.
    2. Open the file for editing.
    3. Comment out the following line as indicated here by adding a remark (rem) at the beginning of the line:
      rem echo -
      '&J AR_DIR;/platform_asi/&PLATFORM_ASI_LIC_PROD_VERSION;/platform_asi.jar';
      '&JAR_DIR;/install_foundation.jar';'&JAR_DIR;/log4j/1_2_15/log4j-1.2.15.jar >> %PARAM_FILE%
    4. After commenting out, add the following line: echo -Djava.class.path=&JAR_DIR;/bootstrapper.jar >> %PARAM_FILE%
    5. Stop Sterling B2B Integrator.
    6. Run setupfiles.cmd.
    7. Run uninstallSAPControllerWindowsService.cmd.

Defect 248433

Issue: The db_optimization_tool.cmd fails with the error 'a database table could not be found when run with the -r command' on Windows. This occurs when Sterling B2B Integrator is installed on Windows and you are using a MySQL database on UNIX with custom tables that do not contain all uppercase elements. The error occurs because the DB optimization tool generates the optimize statement with all uppercase tablenames when Sterling B2B Integrator is on Windows and the database is MySQL.

Resolution: Use the DB optimization tool with -l mode to write out the optimize statement, manually update that statement to use the proper case for any tables with mixed case, and run the statement manually.

Defect 242643

Issue: Applying Sterling B2B Integrator, Release 5.2.1 may cause degradation in the system performance.

  1. Modify the values of the following parameters in the file located in the <install_dir>/properties directory to the values indicated here:
    • socket.sendBufferSize=128K
    • socket.receiveBufferSize=128K
    • basicBufferSize=128K
    • *.connection.windowSize=300K
  2. Run the following command:
    • On UNIX:
    • On Windows: setupfiles.cmd

Defect 248428

Issue: When manually performing a "Redeliver" operation on a previous Sterling File Gateway delivery, in rare circumstances, the Delivery and associated Route and Arrived File could be marked as "Failed" due to the following SQL exception that can be seen in the Status Report of the FileGatewaySendMessage BP for the File Gateway Complete Delivery Service, and in the filegateway log file.
[2011-06-21 22:05:20.287] ERROR Delivery to consumer failed
[2011-06-21 22:05:20.287] ERROR [1308708320287]Update failed.
The record to be updated could either not be found or it was already deleted or updated by another transaction.
[2011-06-21 22:05:20.287] ERRORDTL [1308708320287]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <Error ErrorCode="YFC0009"
        ErrorDescription="Update failed. The record to be updated could either not be found or 
it was already deleted or updated by another transaction.
" ErrorRelatedMoreInfo="The Statement that was being executed is
[update  /*YANTRA*/  FG_DELIVERY  set CONSUMER_MSGID = 1188,LOCKID=7,MODIFYTS = {ts '2011-06-21 22:05:20'} 
WHERE  LOCKID =6 AND DELIVERY_KEY='201106212208051815059']">

Resolution: This exception occurs at the very end of the operation. Preceding events should show that the actual redelivery was successful. The Failed route should be marked as "Reviewed" to indicate no further action is required.

Defect 243018

Issue: When you set the thread count through the user interface to impact the concurrent running of business processes in the system, the maxPoolSize will be much higher than minPoolSize for the queue, and may cause performance degradation.

Resolution: To improve the performance, set minPoolSize=MaxPoolSize to give the most desirable performance result.

Defect 158946

Issue: If you try to edit any service/adapter that has the scheduler details configured, then enabling or disabling that service/adapter from the Confirm screen does not enable or disable the scheduler.

Resolution: Do not enable or disable any service or adapter from the Confirm page of the service/adapter configuration; instead, enable or disable the service/adapter from the Main Service Configuration page.

Defect 245587

Issue: When you create an HTTP Server Adapter and enable it, and if the adapter fails at start up because of Port bind exception, the User Interface incorrectly displays the status of the adapter instance as enabled.

Resolution: Verify the log files for a Port Bind exception and restart the HTTP Server Adapter instance with a Port that is not in use.

Defect 247972

Issue: When copying a Document Exchange, the certificates used by the original Document Exchange are not available in the copied Document Exchange.

Resolution: After copying the Document Exchange, edit the Document Exchange to select the correct certificates.

Defect 245340

Issue: If you use the Migration upgrade (import/export) method to upgrade from Sterling B2B Integrator, Release 5.2 to Sterling B2B Integrator, Release 5.2.1, the processing of fact models fails.

Resolution: Run the following command after upgrading to Sterling B2B Integrator, Release 5.2.1:

On Windows: <install_dir>/bin/upgradeFactModelsTo521.cmd

On UNIX: <install_dir>/bin/

Running this command without any parameters will upgrade all the fact models in the system. Alternatively, you can specify a space-delimited list of fact models as parameters.

It is recommended you run this command only once after the upgrade.

Defect 31365

Issue: Under the Services > Configuration menu, summary views of the EDIINTPipelineService instances are missing the Contract ID parameter.

Resolution: If you set the Action parameter in the instance to Build, you will not see the Contract ID parameter.

Defect 167097

Issue: If you create a new service using MESA Studio and install it using MESA Studio or the SI command, the new service type is not displayed in the tree view of the service configuration page.

Resolution: Select the new service type from the List view in the configuration page. The service type appears in the List View.

Defect 224823

Issue: When editing the service configuration of an adapter deployed on a node in a multi-node environment, if you cancel the edit, you are returned to the service list page for Node 1, not the selected node.

Resolution: From the service list page, select the desired node from the Select Node drop down list.

Defect 231760

Issue: In some cases, a CDSA adapter deployed into a Windows container can experience an out of memory error during startup. Adapters are configured directly in the command file or shell script, and the default values may be too low for some configurations.

Resolution: Increase the Max Heap size to at least 512m by the following steps:
  1. In bin/, locate -Xmx.
  2. Modify -Xmx256m to -Xmx512m.
    echo -XX\:MaxPermSize=128m >> %PARAM_FILE%
    echo -XX\:CompileThreshold=1000 >> %PARAM_FILE%
    echo -Xss256k >> %PARAM_FILE%
    echo -Xms64m >> %PARAM_FILE%
    echo -Xmx256m >> %PARAM_FILE%
  3. Save the file.
  4. Run stopContainerWindowsService.cmd.
  5. Run setupfiles.cmd.
  6. Run uninstallContainerWindowsService.cmd
  7. Run installAllACNodes.cmd.
  8. Run startContainerWindowsService.cmd.

Defect 229337

Issue: The "SFTP_SERVER_ADAPTER" name appears under the Adapter node list even though no SFTP adapter is configured on the container JVM.

Resolution: Use the service configuration UI to view the correct listing of adapter and service configurations on each node.

Defect 231691

Issue: In very slow network, file transfers using FTP Server Adapter might fail because they time out.

Resolution: Increase the connectionTimeout in to be larger than the largest expected file transfer duration.

Defect 230038

Issue: If you use the SFTP Client adapter to connect to the SFTP Server adapter configured with the payload repository as file system, you might see an "EOF Exception" displayed instead of a generic error message (for example, "Error occurred during connection") in the status report of the BP's SFTP Begin Session service step.

Resolution: The file system virtual root for the user is not correctly configured. See the SFTP Server adapter documentation to set up the FS Virtual Root.

Defect 242883

Issue: The following error message: com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock. services.cmdline2.CmdLine2Result; local class incompatible can occur when Sterling B2B Integrator connects to a remote CLA2 listener installed from an older version.

Resolution: The remote CLA2 listener jar must be upgraded to the version that ships with Sterling B2B Integrator 5.2. See the online documentation for information on how to install the remote CLA2 listener.

Defect 238215

Issue: Stopping an adapter from the SoftStop UI should be avoided if the intent is not to do the soft stop.

Resolution: "Stop All Adapters" on the Softstop page is meant to stop all adapters on the server before shutting down the JVM. You cannot then go back to the adapters page and try to reuse the adapter by enabling it. If the adapter is stopped from the SoftStop UI, it should be disabled and re-enabled from the UI. This will make the adapter work again.

Defect 235884

Issue: For a normal JMS Business flow like this: Start ---->JMS Acquire Connection Service ----> JMS Receive Service ----> JMS Release Connection Service ----> End, only the acquire and release steps are persisted. Any steps between these two services, as with Receive service in the example, are not persisted. If a BP fails in Receive service, on resumption the BPstarts from Acquire Connection service and not from Receive service. If a message has already been received by the Receive service before failing, this message is lost. On resumption, the BP will start from Acquire service again and will receive a fresh message and the last received message will not be retrievable because the receive service was not persisted.

Resolution: Use Transaction service: Start ---->JMS Acquire Connection Service ----> JMS Receive Service ----> JMS Release Connection Service ----> End Transaction Service ----> JMS Release Connection Service ----> End.

Defect 171031

Issue: New archive options have been added to the Scheduler, such as Name/Value/Append.

Resolution: You should not use these options on some of the default scheduled system BPs, such as Backup, Index, and Purge.

Defect 170169

Issue: SSL_OPTIONAL in the transport wizard is not supported.

Resolution: Use the AS2 wizard rather than the transport wizard.

Defect 227069

Issue: When you select the Exchange Certificate for an AS2 Profile, an error message appears ("Error on this web page might cause it to work incorrectly"). This temporarily prevents you from configuring the exchange certificate when creating a new AS2 profile within the AS2 wizard.

Resolution: Close the certificate selection popup window and re-open it.

Defect 225649

Issue: The AS2 Edition allows you to select mailbox options within the AS2 Edition UI, even though mailboxing options are not available.

Resolution: None. Mailbox options are not available for the AS2 Edition.

Defect 233170

Issue: SI email notifications are sent without a subject line when index business process fails.

Resolution: See the email content for more information.

Defect 28020

Issue: When a node goes down in a Windows clustered environment and is restarted, sometimes a business process using a mandatory node fails.

Resolution: Run the business process again. It will run successfully.

Defect 164985

Issue: BPs can fail when created in the GPM and added to Sterling Integrator using the Manager Process Definition Create feature. If you edit a process ID in a BP, multiple sequence name fields or assignments are autogenerated and validation fails. If you add new BPML to Sterling Integrator using the BPML Editor with *.bp file, the BP name will be assigned in the editor. The BP file with problem will not be able to be checked into Sterling Integrator and compiling error will result.

Resolution: Edit the BPML when checking it into Sterling Integrator. The BP file created in the GPM will not take effect until it is in Sterling Integrator.

Defect 225674

Issue: The Business Process name and the BPML process name contained therein must be the same. If the names do not match, the BPML is changed to force a match. The BP/BPML process name mismatch error message does not appear when the Validate button is clicked. It appears when you click Next.

Resolution: The Business Process name and the BPML process name should be the same.

Defect 27411

Issue: When exporting Communities, a pop-up window displaying the message, “Passphrase is invalid. Please try again,” appears after clicking Next on the Security: Export Private Certificates page.

Resolution: This message is invalid and can be ignored. The next page in the wizard provides inputs for the passphrase and confirm passphrase fields.

Defect 16669

Issue: An input XML file identifies resources in a way that calls the same versioned resource twice, which causes the output export file to contain two identical copies of the same resource. Re-importing that file brings in both copies.

Resolution: Modify the input XML so that the affected resources are only identified once, or ignore the additional copy of the resource.

Defects 228126 and 228127

Issue: Importing a permission from a source system with a different Permission ID and same Permission Name as a permission on the target system creates a duplicate permission on the target system.

Resolution: Use the import report to view the warnings for each duplicated permission name. Delete any duplicate permissions in the target system.

Defect 225560

Issue: Exporting a business process using a resource tag exports only the default version of the business process. It does not export all versions of the business process.

Resolution: Use the following process instead:
  1. Under Deployment > Resource Manager > Import/Export, click Export Resource to export all versions of a business process.
  2. When the wizard prompts, "Do you wish to export resources based on a tag name?", select No.
  3. When the wizard prompts, "Which type of export should be performed on versioned resources?", select Advanced - specify default or all versions on specific resource pages.
  4. Continue through the export wizard prompts to export the business process.

Defects 228318 and 228328

Issue: Importing a system certificate, Trusted Certificate, or CA Certificate with the same name as an existing certificate in the target system results in a duplicate certificate on the target system. The certificates are then unique by ID but not by name.

Resolution: Use the import report to view the warnings for each duplicated certificate name. Delete any duplicate certificates in the target system.

Defect 169254

Issue: During Silent install ICONS field in the silent file is given as "true," but after the installation no icon is seen on the desktop.

Resolution: Manually create an icon after installation.

Defect 171148

Issue: During execution of the InstallService script, an error message might appear stating "'Integrator" is not a valid property." This is caused by a space character in the PRODUCT_LONGNAME value in the sandbox.cfg.

Resolution: This property is not leveraged by the InstallService script. It is a harmless error message and can be safely ignored.

Defect 28084

Issue: After installing on Windows, a Sterling IntegratorInstall.* subdirectory is left in the current working directory. The Java installer cannot delete the Sterling IntegratorInstall.*/platform_core_2000.jar because it is “in use” by the JVM. This is an issue on Windows operating systems only.

Resolution: On Windows, manually delete the Sterling IntegratorInstall.* subdirectories after the installation has completed. These are temporary staging directories and are not needed after installation.

Defect 229676

Issue: Using the Install Wizard on Windows, when you click to select a folder or file, the buttons at the top right of the dialog box are not visible.

  • Use other controls on the dialog to navigate the file system. OR
  • Use JDK 1.6 Build 21 to start the GUI for a Windows install. During the install, you are prompted to select the JDK. You must select JDK 1.6 Build 14.

Defect 229439

Issue: Only MSSQL2005 is available to select in the install SCIwizard UI, even though both MSSQL2005 and MSSQL2008 are supported.

Resolution: If you are using MSSQL2008, enter your database configuration information even though MSSQL2005 is displayed. Your information will be applied to MSSQL2008.

Defects 238215 and 231110

Issue: When running Install Service on an SI instance where no JVM container nodes have been configured, the following error message is displayed at the end of the install service execution: "./ -1: bad number."

Resolution: InstallService works normally and successfully completes the service install. This error message can be safely ignored.

Defect 207633

Issue: During a Windows installation, the following error message is sometimes displayed in the Install output or is written to the InstallSI.log file: The syntax of the command is incorrect.

Resolution: This error message can be safely ignored. It does not indicate any problem or issue with the installation.

Defect 202694

Issue: When you open SCIInstallWizard.jar to start the install, using Java Standard edition, the ant.install.log throws this error: NoSuchMethodException.

Resolution: This error message can be safely ignored. The GUI install will continue to execute and finish normally.

Defects 242992

Issue: If you want to deploy Sterling Integrator on VMWare, you cannot override the IP address to the virtual machine during install time.

Resolution: To override the IP address, modify HOST_ADDR and EXT_HOST_ADDR in sandbox.cfg and run setupfiles.

Defect 238269

Issue: The following may appear inside InstallSI.log when Sterling B2B Integrator is installed:
./tmp.cfg: line 9: OS Check=true: command not
./tmp.cfg: line 14: IBM: command not found
./tmp.cfg: line 46: JDK Version Check=true:
command not found
./tmp.cfg: line 59:
/YOUR_PATH/YOUR_DRIVER.jar: No such file
or directory
./tmp.cfg: line 59:
,,,/YOUR_PATH/YOUR_DRIVER.jar,: No such
file or directory

Resolution: These messages are harmless and can be ignored.

Defect 30392

Issue: No error message is displayed when applying a blank or invalid XML file as a license in Mesa Developer Studio.

Resolution: Normally licenses that the user will update have a valid format and the update succeeds. After a successful update, the licenses are refreshed and you can verify that the updated license is in the list. However, if the XML file containing the license is invalid, the file will not be imported, and will not appear in the list of the refreshed items. If this happens, check Sterling Integratordav.log for a ServiceAccessException.

Defects 167121 and 23803

Issue: When a service is created and deployed using Mesa Developer Studio, the service type is not present in the tree view under All Services. The service type is present in the List View, however.

Resolution: When creating a service, use the List View to select a service type. The Service Type List View reads directly from the database and shows services deployed through Mesa Developer Studio. The Service Type Tree reads cached data, and therefore does not automatically pick up new services added through Mesa Developer Studio.

Defect 240874

Issue: In the Mesa Studio Skin Editor preview UI, changes to the background UI color are not displayed.

Resolution: Manually update the preview file in the plugin directory for the Skin Editor:

In the eclipse\plugins\com.sterlingcommerce.mesa.skineditor_1200.0.0\html\mbi_files\ directory, edit leftnav.htm file by changing this: <body class="MAINbody" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"> to this: <body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">.

The MESA Studio skin preview now shows the correct UI.

Defect 239352

Issue: When you enable or disable Performance Stat Report from Operations > System > Performance, the following system log error messages are generated:
ERROR stop perf logger for sterling
logger failed id=InvokeService_AE
[2011-01-28 15:35:13.227] ERROR This
perf logger for id=InvokeService_AE
type=SERVICE hasn't been started yet
[2011-01-28 15:35:13.228] ERROR stop
perf logger for sterling logger failed
id=Cycle_AE type=WORKFLOW
[2011-01-28 15:35:13.228] ERROR This
perf logger for id=Cycle_AE
type=WORKFLOW hasn't been started yet
[2011-01-28 15:36:18.067] ALL There are
some started perf logging not yet reach
stop perf:
[2011-01-28 15:36:18.067] ALL
Performance Framework disabled
[2011-01-28 15:36:35.594] ALL
Performance Framework enabled
[2011-01-28 15:36:43.261] ERROR stop
perf logger for sterling logger failed
id=InvokeService_AE type=SERVICE
[2011-01-28 15:36:43.261] ERROR This
perf logger for id=InvokeService_AE
type=SERVICE hasn't been started yet
[2011-01-28 15:36:43.262] ERROR stop
perf logger for sterling logger failed
id=Cycle_AE type=WORKFLOW

Resolution: These log messages can be safely ignored.

Defect 33450

Issue: The measure 'avg' is not correctly computed. The expected value is not an aggregate average, but a rolling average.

Resolution: Calculate the average using SQL with an aggregate sum and count as the data points.

Defect 238794

Issue: The JDBC Report shows Tracking not enabled, however JDBC Tracking is showing enabled on the JDBC Monitor screen.

Resolution: The JDBC monitoring page has a caching issue. Re-navigate to JDBC Monitor page and enable JDBC tracking.

Defect 242497

Issue: You can no longer create columns that only allow unique values using Fact Models.

Resolution: Update the database directly to make columns unique.

Defect 239097

Issue: Deprecation report does not provide entire list of retired resources.

Resolution: See the Performance Management guide - Monitoring Deprecated Resources section for a complete list.

Defect 202702

Issue: When using Reports > Generate Reports, it's not clear what format is required for the timespan field. If an incorrectly formatted timespan is submitted, an inconclusive error message is displayed.

Resolution: When generating a report, timespan values must be entered in the HH:MM:SS format.

Defect 161238

Issue: The time format on the Schedule Settings page does not change when "Use 24 Hour Clock Display" is changed.

Resolution: Once "Use 24 Hour Clock Display" is unchecked you must re-enter the time so that the UI reflects the correct time format (either 24 or 12 hr ).

Defect 161306

Issue: The scheduling of a BP or a service accepts invalid time input when edited.

Resolution: Do not enter the time value as 24 hours. The time must be in the 00:00 - 23:59 range.

Defect 171693

Issue: After deleting a schedule and clicking Return, the Create schedule frame is missing.

Resolution: Click on the schedules menu again so that the create schedule frame is reflected.

Defect 29818

Issue: When you edit a schedule, the Use 24 Hour Clock Display check box is not selected, even though it was selected when the schedule was created.

Resolution: Select the Use 24 Hour Clock Display check box again when editing a schedule.

Defect 159471

Issue: If you change “number of days valid” in the password policy, it is not reflected in the System News for a user.

Resolution: Expiration notices are not sent for users with password policies if the Password Policy “Number of Days Valid” value is set to 0 Days. Additionally, the password does not expire when “Number of Days Valid” value is set to 0 Days. It becomes valid for an infinite period. Valid values for the “Number of Days Valid” are Integer values greater than 0.

Defect 238134

Issue: Browser tabs and browser windows in Internet Explore 8 share session information. This can cause unexpected behavior when separate browser tabs or separate browser windows are used to log onto Sterling B2B Integrator with different user IDs.

Resolution: Use a new Internet Explorer 8 session when logging onto Sterling B2B Integrator with a different user ID. New sessions can be started by selecting File > New Session from the Internet Explorer 8 menu bar.

Defect 237938

Issue: Logging onto the Sterling B2B Integrator dashboard using the fg_architect user account and then selecting the My Account page will result in the following error being displayed in the Internet Explorer status bar: "Done, but with errors on page."

Resolution: fg_architect is a Sterling File Gateway user ID and should only be used to log onto Sterling File Gateway.

Defect 213762

Issue: If you edit the JMS 1.1 Acquire Connection and Session Service using the GPM, the selected certificate is not listed on the Property tab.

Resolution: View the certificate for the JMS 1.1 Acquire Connection and Session Service using the Deployment > Services > Configuration page.

Defect 202911

Issue: If a service is not set to "Allow Process Data Write" (DIRECT_PD_MODE), the ERROR_SERVICE info is only available in the Message From Service. It is not available inside the process data.

Resolution: Set the service to DIRECT_PD_MODE using the "Allow Process Data Write" setting on the Message from Service tab, or use the Message From Service link to view the ERROR_SERVICE info.

Defect 231684

Issue: On startup or refresh of the JDBC Service (if you edit the JDBC pool definitions), you might see the following log errors:
[2010-09-28 01:04:15.004] ERROR
000000000000 GLOBAL_SCOPE [JDBCService]
Could not create the initial objects for
the 'suppress' pool: The driver manager
could not obtain a database connection.
[2010-09-28 01:04:15.002] ERROR
_create [ConnectionFactory].create()
[2010-09-28 01:04:15.003] ERROR
000000000000 GLOBAL_SCOPE
[1285650255002] null
[2010-09-28 01:04:15.004] ERRORDTL
000000000000 GLOBAL_SCOPE
[2010-09-28 01:04:15.007] ERROR
[JDBCService].initJDBCService(): ERROR
ERROR ERROR Could not create the pool
[2010-09-28 01:04:15.008] ERROR
000000000000 GLOBAL_SCOPE
[1285650255008] The maximum size must
be greater than zero. PoolName :
[2010-09-28 01:04:15.008] ERRORDTL
000000000000 GLOBAL_SCOPE
frame.pool.PoolCreationException: The
maximum size must be greater than zero.
PoolName : suppress

Resolution: These exceptions in the system or ops logs can be safely ignored.

Defect 173508

Issue: Not all links appear in the Site Map screen corresponding those visible in the menus.

Resolution: Access to individual screens that do not appear in the site map should be accessed through the menus.

Defect 31689

Issue: On UNIX, the status report is missing for the EDI Overdue Acknowledgement Check service.

Resolution: The status report is also set as the primary document by the service. So, when viewing the business process details, the overdue acknowledgements are viewable in the Primary Document on that step in the business process.

Defect 29992

Issue: Some alert messages in the Schedule Exclusions pages are present only in English.

Resolution: None.

Defect 228179

Issue: The Environment Pool Usage portlet display does not match the Dashboard display.

Resolution: The Database Usage pop-up window under Troubleshooting on the Dashboard is much more useful and informative, making the Environment Pool Usage portlet superfluous. Use the Database Usage display instead.

Defect 232073

Issue: If you add the maxRefreshCount parameter to the file, the thread monitor page cannot be set to auto-refresh.

Resolution: Manually refresh the page by clicking the thread monitor link on the dashboard.

Defect 229691

Issue: The site map may not list all of the links that should be available to you from the Dashboard menu (based on your product license).

Resolution: Use the Dashboard menu to navigate the Sterling Integrator user interface. The Dashboard menu correctly displays the items you have permission to use.

Defect 230925

Issue: Stopping a Windows SI instance from the Troubleshooter page may not shut down the instance properly (softstop).

Resolution: Ensure that all processing on the instance is complete, then use stopWindowsServices.cmd to stop the Windows SI instance.

Defect 230189

Issue: On Windows installed instances, you cannot view the DB/Cache usage from the Operator tab.

Resolution: Use the Dashboard Troubleshooter page to view this information.

Defect 240184

Issue: If any node or container of Sterling B2B Integrator is restarted using or stopWindowsService.cmd/startWindowsService.cmd, and there are active communication sessions on the affected node or container, searching for those communication sessions using Business Processes > Monitor > Advanced Search > Communication Sessions will show them as active.

Resolution: This is a UI issue only and does not impact the operation of any of the adapters.

Defect 242292

Issue: The Central Search page does not display properly when you access it using HTTPS on Node 2.

Resolution: Access the Central Search page using HTTP and the URL for any cluster node. If HTTPS is required, access Central Search using the URL for node 1.

Defect 238128

Issue: Changing the date format inside from U.S. format to U.K. format is currently not supported by all of the pages that display a date.

Resolution: Some pages in the Admin UI will continue to display the date in U.S. format.

Defect 230924

Issue: When editing a Web Service configuration after deleting a certificate, the two pages that show the currently selected certificates still display the name of the certificate that was deleted.

Resolution: When you edit the Web Service configuration that references a deleted certificate, click the list button next to the certificate name to select a new certificate.

Defect 238239

Issue: If an adapter goes down during a file transfer, the file transfer fails. This does not cause any data loss, but the BP remains in the Waiting_on_io state.

Resolution: Reattempt the file transfer.

Defect 256120

Issue: The SWIFTNet7 Server service is unable to detect an incoming FileAct Request signed with Crypto method and, consequently, it fails to respond with a corresponding Crypto signature. This issue occurs because the service is looking for the incorrect tag name for the Crypto Signature element.

Resolution: Please contact Customer Support to request a hotfix or try to use the SignatureList method as an alternative (if possible).