IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.2.2 Fix Pack 2

Situation Status Current attributes

The Active Situation Status attributes collect status information on situations and policies that are running. The situation event console and message log views display these attributes. You can apply one of the predefined queries for this group (in the Query editor under Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server → Situation Status Current) to charts and tables; you cannot use these attributes in situations.

Display Item Attribute to further qualify the situation. With a display item set for a multiple-row attribute group, the situation continues to look at the other rows in the sampling and opens more events if other rows qualify. This optional addition to a situation also enables you to quickly distinguish events in the message log and event console views. The display item is designated in the Situation editor (Formula tab, click Advanced).

Full Name The name given to the situation or policy.

Global Timestamp The time the event was recorded by the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS.

Local Timestamp The time the event occurred or the condition was observed by the originating managed system. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS, as in 07/23/09 04:45:35 for July 23,2009 at 4:45:35 AM.

Name The unique identifier given to the situation or policy.

Node The name of the monitoring server where the situation is running.

Origin Node The name of the managed system where the situation is being monitored.

Owner The user ID of the person who acknowledged the event.

Sound File The name of the sound file associated with the Navigator item for this situation.

Status The status of the situation. The possible values are as follows:

Acknowledged Acknowledged


The situation event has been acknowledged.

Deleted situationDeleted


The situation has been deleted.



The situation is in a problem state.

Expired acknowledgementExpired


The acknowledgement has expired and the situation is still true.

Open eventOpen


The situation is running and is true.

Closed eventClosed


The situation is running, has been true, and is now false.

Reopened eventReopened


The acknowledgement was removed before it had expired and the situation is still true.

Situation startedStarted


The situation is being started.

Situation stoppedStopped


The situation has been stopped.

Type The event is either pure (unsolicited notification; the situation has no sampling interval) or sampled (the situation is sampled at intervals).


Sampled events happen when a situation becomes true. Situations sample data at regular intervals. When the situation is true, it causes an event, which is closed automatically when the situation goes back to false (or you can close it manually if you stop the situation).


Pure events are unsolicited notifications. Examples of pure events are an out-of-paper condition on a printer and an occurrence that adds an entry to the Windows System Log. Some monitoring agents have attributes that report pure events, such as the Windows Event Log and Windows File Change attribute groups. A situation using one of these attributes can monitor for pure events. Because of the nature of pure events and the fact that a situation created with pure event attributes does not have a sampling interval, they are not closed automatically like sampled events; you must close the event manually or through an UNTIL clause.

Note: If you create a query and apply a column function to the Type attribute, pure events will not be included in the AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN or SUM calculation.
