Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.2.2

Using the Linux or UNIX command line to configure the portal server for LDAP authentication

If the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is on Linux or UNIX, you can configure the portal server for LDAP authentication, and optionally single sign-on, from the command line.

About this task
Complete these steps to configure the portal server from the command line:
  1. Log on to the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed.
  2. At the command line, change to the ITM_dir/bin directory, where ITM_dir is the directory where you installed the product.
  3. Run the following command to start configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server: ./itmcmd config -A cq. You see the message, "Agent configuration started...", followed by a prompt:
    Edit "Common event console for IBM Tivoli Monitoring" settings? 
    [ 1=Yes, 2=No ] (default is: 1)
  4. Enter 2. The following prompt is displayed:
    Edit 'ITM Connector' settings? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ] (default is: 1):
  5. Enter 2. The following prompt is displayed:
    Will this agent connect to a TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 1):
  6. Accept the defaults for this prompt and the prompts that follow it until you see the following prompt. The defaults should reflect the selections made during the original configuration.
    LDAP Security: Validate User with LDAP ? (1=Yes, 2=No)(Default is: 2): 
  7. Enter 1 to begin configuration of LDAP authentication and provide the values for the LDAP parameters.
  8. If you want to enable single sign-on as well as LDAP authentication, enter 1 at the following prompt, then provide the Realm name and Domain name.
    Enable Single Sign On ? (1=Yes, 2=No)(Default is: 2):
    After the installer has completed the configuration, the following message is displayed: Agent configuration completed...
  9. Recycle the portal server.
    ./itmcmd agent stop cq
    ./itmcmd agent start cq
What to do next
If you enable single sign-on, ensure that the Tivoli Enterprise Portal administrator exports the LTPA keys for exchange with other participating applications and import the keys from those applications.
