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Service clearances

The service clearance area is the area around the server that is needed for authorized service representatives to service the server.

The minimum service clearance for systems with slimline doors is shown in the following figures.
Figure 1. Service clearance for single system unit frame or single I/O rack with slimline doors
Service clearance for single system unit frame or single I/O rack with slimline doors
Figure 2. Service clearance for single system unit frame or single I/O rack with slimline doors (with alternative right side service clearance)
Service clearance for single system unit frame or single I/O rack with slimline doors (with alternative right side service clearance)
Figure 3. Service clearances for double I/O frame systems with slimline doors
Service clearances for double I/O frame systems with slimline doors
The minimum service clearance for systems with acoustical doors is shown in the following figures.
Figure 4. Service clearance for single system unit frame or single I/O rack with acoustic doors
Service clearance for single system unit frame or single I/O rack with acoustic doors
Figure 5. Service clearance for single system unit frame or single I/O rack with acoustic doors (with alternative right side service clearance)
Service clearance for single system unit frame or single I/O rack with acoustic doors (with alternative right side service clearance)
Figure 6. Service clearances for double I/O frame systems with acoustic doors
Service clearances for double I/O frame systems with acoustic doors

Refer to the figure in Raised-floor requirements and preparation for service clearances that are shown in a raised-floor installation.

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Last updated: Tue, June 17, 2014