Home Page Title US Federal Government Industry Contracts EXPIRED Contract #GS-35-4984H - GSA IT Schedule Details EXPIRED Contract #GS-35-4984H - GSA IT Schedule Details
Contract #GS-35F-4984H EXPIRED on 9/30/2017. (Contract period: Oct. 1, 2002 through September 30, 2017)
Pedestrians at Paternoster Square, London, UK

The information on this page represents the final contract documents for IBM's GSA IT Schedule GS-35F-4984H which expired on September 30, 2017. In addition to the final Terms and Conditions and Price files as of September 30, 2017, IBM has an Archive link at the bottom of the page that includes GSA approved price lists prior to 9/30/2017.

GSA Promotion

GSA promotion no longer available

IBM's GSA IT Schedule GS-35F-4984H EXPIRED on 9/30/2017.

Contract T's & C's

Contract Terms and Conditions

IBM's GSA IT Schedule GS-35F-4984H EXPIRED on 9/30/2017.

  • Introduction (PDF, 48.9KB)

    General purpose IT equipment, software and services.

  • Eligibility

    Descriptions of who is eligible to use the GSA IT Schedule.

IBM Hardware

IBM Hardware

IBM's GSA IT Schedule GS-35F-4984H EXPIRED on 9/30/2017.

Eligible Agencies: Federal agencies, State, Local government, Education

Hardware upgrade price lists

IBM Cloud Service Offerings

IBM Cloud Service Offerings

IBM's GSA IT Schedule GS-35F-4984H EXPIRED on 9/30/2017.

Eligible Agencies: Federal agencies

Eligible Agencies: Federal agencies, State, Local government, Education

    IBM Software

    IBM Software

    IBM's GSA IT Schedule GS-35F-4984H EXPIRED on 9/30/2017.

    Eligible Agencies: Federal agencies

    Eligible Agencies: Federal agencies, State, Local government, Education

    Mainframe software

    The following changes to the GSA price file occurred during the period of March 21, 2017 thru September 29, 2017

      IBM Services

      IBM Services

      IBM's GSA IT Schedule GS-35F-4984H EXPIRED on 9/30/2017.

      Eligible Agencies: Federal agencies, State, Local government, Education

        IBM Maintenance

        IBM Maintenance

        IBM's GSA IT Schedule GS-35F-4984H EXPIRED on 9/30/2017.

        Eligible Agencies: Federal agencies, State, Local government, Education


          Archive of IBM GSA Price Files

          IBM's GSA IT Schedule GS-35F-4984H EXPIRED on 9/30/2017.

          Archive of IBM GSA Price Files for Reference Only.