Application modernization for IBM Z architecture

Continuously modernize your core business applications on IBM Z® through an agile, enterprise DevOps approach to develop functions or enhance them as cloud-native applications. Accelerate application modernization by using architectural patterns and IBM Garage™ methods.

IBM Z application modernization patterns

Patterns represent architectural best practices for specific business challenges. Each pattern directly addresses business challenges and provides a path to incremental and independent adoption for customers. These application modernization patterns cover aspects that are specific to IBM Z and common patterns that are applicable to all platforms but specialized for IBM Z. One pattern that is specific to IBM Z is “Collocate applications with IBM Z applications and data”, which has had successful business adoption. Similarly, a common industry pattern that is often applied on IBM Z is event sourcing, which is being specialized as “Respond to IBM Z application events”. The goal is to define and align these patterns in a consumable form to drive adoption.

Based on common characteristics, the patterns for IBM Z application modernization can be divided into four categories, as shown in the diagram.

  • Application centric: Drive enhanced function and flexibility through new application components that are developed as cloud-native functions, which either extend or enhance application components. New application components can either invoke applications on IBM Z or the applications can also invoke these new cloud-native functions.
  • Data-integration centric: Gain data-driven business value as applications share system-of-record (SOR) data either through direct access, replication, caching, or data virtualization concepts that combine data assets across the enterprise.
  • Event driven: Leverage dynamic interaction between loosely coupled applications, applications, and new cloud-native applications, exchanging information through events to improve performance and experience.
  • Lifecycle enablers: Derive deeper insights about the environment and enable agile solution development through techniques and tools that support DevOps practices and software pipelines.