
The docs section on the ODM Developer Center is a supplement to the official documentation for IBM ODM. This has been updated in April 2018 for the v8.9.2 software release which is in the

If you are a Rule Developer / Analyst and need to quickly access latest IBM Operational Decision Manager Product information then you can use the following links

What you can find here

While the type of content you can find here is constantly evolving, generally Docs will fall into one of the following categories:

What we do not host is ODM Marketing information which can be found here

Become and author

Docs are living documents, If you have a technique, tip, or trick and you’d like to share it with the community, sign up to becoming a contributor on the ODM Developer Center. If you are a customer, IBM Partnerworld member , or an IBMer, then send an email to spcomm@us.ibm.com requesting to contribute and a general idea of what you would like to say.

Overview of ODM

If you are looking for guidance on a simple summary on what is ODM and it capabilities please select the following link to the external overview of IBM Operational Decision Manager
There is a also a simple Overview “ODM for Dummies” book which can be downloaded from the “Whats New” tab

Learn more:

    One response to “What you can find here”

    1. […] Docs you will find the links to the product knowledge center, red papers and other essential […]

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